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Harish Karthic edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the azure-devops-java-sdk wiki!

azd is a java library to manage Azure DevOps API with ease. Get all possible resource details from Azure DevOps for your organization using azd module. azd provides functionality for managing significant service in Azure DevOps which is cautiously developed to fetch details in granular level.

Examples can be viewed in examples folder.


There may be scenarios where we need to retrieve information from API programmatically. To support such scenarios and to work with the vast Azure DevOps API services easily without worrying about constructing URI and many such things, SDK is required.

API call with postman comes in handy when working with most of APIs. But, what if we are dealing with multiple services in Azure DevOps and need number of API calls and dozens of foreach loops? This makes the program cumbersome and to run slower. Also, we have to construct URI every time we query the API and encode the Personal Access Token.

azd tackles all these complex scenarios and outputs the result as object.

azd library overview

Dependencies JDK
com.fasterxml.jackson.core 11 or higher
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