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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 30, 2021. It is now read-only.

Releases: hl2guide/Filterlist-for-AdGuard-or-PiHole

2.70 - Final Release (Generator)

10 Sep 10:06
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This is the final release and includes the generator file for those who are interested and have Python and PowerShell skills.

Please Note: I provide it "AS IS" and please understand that I will not respond to support questions regarding it.

In the zip file please thoroughly read ''.


2.62 - Lists Added

05 Aug 02:11
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Added a few more lists.

2.61 - IPSets Added

17 Jul 15:13
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Added more lists of IPs (IPSets).

2.60 - Modular Whitelists

04 Jul 10:43
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Release of additional modular whitelists.

2.59C - Maintenance

18 Jun 18:03
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🧹 Cleaned up generator script and list links.

2.59B - Improved Documentation

04 Jun 00:03
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  • Improved the documentation

2.59A - Whitelist Refresh

27 May 05:51
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Refreshed the whitelist to be more targeted and specific.

The whitelist is now in flux.

It is being updated frequently.

It will take around one month to settle.

2.59 - Upgraded Python Toolchain

03 Apr 01:27
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Upgraded Python Toolchain to use 3.9.3.

2.58 - Added More IP Lists

28 Mar 12:34
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  • Added more lists that use specific IP addresses (IPSets)
    • Blocks bots, CleanTalk scammers and cybercrime
    • Blocks spyware, malware, spam and spammers
    • Blocks info harvesters, viruses, and malware

It's a nice new layer of security, enjoy!

2.57 - Massive Cleanup

22 Mar 06:02
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  • Fixed the blocklists to only contain purely domains and IP addresses

e.g. the code stub:

        # Removes junk lines (2.57)
        # Regular expression: line starts with: ( OR * OR - OR . OR /
        regexJunkPrefixes = "^(\(|\*|\-|\.|\/)"
        if re.match(regexJunkPrefixes, line):
            # Makes the line empty if it is junk
            line = ''