Background info see Process for Publishing a FHIR Implementation Guide (for non-HL7 IGs).
- Use github pages as a backup for the published IG's, we use this as a subfolder in ig-release
- Publish the guide from the local system to the github pages folder
- Sync github pages folder to google drive (which servs up the pages from including redirects)
- Update github pages
Navigate to the IG repo:
cd ch-xyz
- Update/check the IG file ch.fhir.ig.[ch-xyz].xml or sushi-config.yaml.
- date: 2023-12-19
- version: 4.0.0 (or 4.0.0-ballot)
- after the publication change the value to {next-proposed-version}-ci-build
- releaselabel: trial-use (ci-build | draft | qa-preview | ballot | trial-use | release | update | normative+trial-use)
- after the publication change the value to ci-build
- dependencies -> verify the version values, incl. the correct terminology dependency (hl7.terminology: 5.4.0)
- license: CC0-1.0
- Update the STU note box in according to the type of publication (e.g. ballot):
This implementation guide is under STU ballot by [HL7 Switzerland]( until September 30th, 2023 midnight.
Please add your feedback via the ‘Propose a change’-link in the footer on the page where you have comments.
- Create/update the file publication-request.json in the IG root folder, see
- after the publication rename the file to publication-request.json.bak
"package-id" : "",
"version" : "4.0.0",
"path" : "",
"mode" : "milestone",
"status" : "trial-use",
"sequence" : "STU 4",
"desc" : "HL7 Switzerland STU 4",
"changes" : "changelog.html",
"first": false
Build your IG local (for some checks).
Verify also that the current version of the implementation guide is working in the CI build:\[githubrepo\]/\[ch-xyz\]/index.html.
git tag -a v4.0.0 -m "published version 4.0.0 on 2023-12-19"
git push origin v4.0.0
and create a release in GitHub.
Navigate to the ig-release repo:
cd ..
cd ig-release
- Sync up github pages
git pull
if for the first time:
git clone
- Download the latest version of the IG Publisher on a fresh clone with the publisher flag (in the ig-release folder). (Delete first the last one from an earlier publication if you have one.):
cd ..
wget -o publisher.jar
- Run the IG Publisher assuming that your IG is on the same directory level as this project (this step uses the output folder from the IG ch-xyz, make sure that is up to date):
./ [ch-xyz]
Check the local output (incl. automatically filled out publication box) in
- Verify that package-list.json is updated:
If not, please do following updates:
- ig-release/[ch-xyz]/package-list.json -> add missing entry
- ig-release/[ch-xyz]/history.html -> add the updated content from package-list.json (
It didn't work automatically for following IG's during the last publication on 2023-12-20:
- ch-allergyintolerance
- ch-vacd
- For every IG publication:
./ ch-xyz 4.0.0
- Check the outputs, it might take a while due to caching issues:
-[ch-xyz]/history.html (longer caching... needs to be copied manually sometimes...?)
- Update github packages
git add .
git commit -m 'ch-xyz version'
git push
and update ig-release
cd ..
git add .
git commit -m 'update after publication ch-xyz version'
git push
Check if the new entry is added in the package feed: -
Don't forget to set the mentioned things in the repo ch-xyz back to the ci-build.
- Update (if it is the first publication)
- If the published IG is not yet linked on, add the requested links in the file\fhir-ch\index.html.
Delete the tag on any remote before you push
git push origin :refs/tags/
Replace the tag to reference the most recent commit
git tag -fa
Push the tag to the remote origin
git push origin --tags