This application is a simple dating app that allows users to match with other uses based on mutual beer preference and people with similar desired pronouns. Users are able to sign up and create a profile after being asked questions like name, pronoun, desired pronoun, age, city, hobbies, beer type, and profile picture, among others. Upon signing in with their newly created credentials, users will land at a dashboard where they will view suggested matches based on beer preference and pronouns. The matches cards show profile picture
For future development, we would like to add matching capability when two users mutaully "cheers" eachother. When this happens, more information about the users will appear. We would also like to implement chat functionality and potentially a beer API so that the conversation can continue. An even further expansion could be into adding cocktails or other alcoholic beverages as a commonality.
Anyone can access and use this application. The application is live at: http://frozen-inlet-56976.herokuapp.com/login
Github repository for source files: https://github.com/hlbrown/project-2-full-stack
If you would like to contribute to this project, please contact Hannah Brown, Daniel Bradley, Jamel Eggleston, or Jimmy Simposon. Their github contact is listed below.
GitHub Profiles of the Creators
Hannah Brown / https://github.com/hlbrown,
Daniel Bradley / https://github.com/WebDeverDan,
Jamel Eggleston / https://github.com/jameleggleston,
Jimmy Simpson / https://github.com/simpsonjd12,
- This application has only been tested locally.
- This application is licensed under the MIT license type.
- This application uses Express.js, Cloudinary npm, Multer npm, MYSQL, and Sequelize.
- If you have any questions regarding the application, please reach out to any of the application creators: Hannah Brown, Daniel Bradley, Jamel Eggleston, or Jimmy Simposon.