This Capstone Project is a full-stack developed website that will serve as an advertising and informational platform for the University of Scranton's ROTC program. The website will showcase the ROTC courses and provide detailed information about them for interested students.
Clone the Repository below:
Here is the directory structure for the github repository
- The Army Fitness Project Capstone Folder and its sub-directories
- For static templates like jS/CSS/SCSS ect.
- Templates for all .html files and other code
- The readme (this file)
- The main file to run the webapplication on localhost
Use the following to cite this repository:
author = {Henry Lembo},
title = {Army Fitness Web Application},
month = December,
year = 2022,
version = {1},
url = {https://github.com/hlembo/Army_Fitness_Web_App_Capstone}
The corresponding reference should look like this:
H. Lembo, Army_Fitness_Web_App, v1, December 2022. URL https://github.com/hlembo/Army_Fitness_Web_App_Capstone.