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The pro_image_editor is a Flutter widget designed for image editing within your application. It provides a flexible and convenient way to integrate image editing capabilities into your Flutter project.


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The ProImageEditor is a Flutter widget designed for image editing within your application. It provides a flexible and convenient way to integrate image editing capabilities into your Flutter project.

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Table of contents


Grounded-Design Frosted-Glass-Design
Grounded-Design Frosted-Glass-Design
WhatsApp-Design Paint-Editor
WhatsApp-Design Paint-Editor
Text-Editor Crop-Rotate-Editor
Text-Editor Crop-Rotate-Editor
Filter-Editor Emoji-Editor
Filter-Editor Emoji-Editor
Sticker/ Widget Editor Blur-Editor
Sticker-Widget-Editor Blur-Editor


  • âś… Multiple-Editors
    • âś… Paint-Editor
      • âś… Color picker
      • âś… Multiple forms like arrow, rectangle, circle and freestyle
      • âś… Censor areas with blur or pixelation
    • âś… Text-Editor
      • âś… Color picker
      • âś… Align-Text => left, right and center
      • âś… Change Text Scale
      • âś… Multiple background modes like in whatsapp
    • âś… Crop-Rotate-Editor
      • âś… Rotate
      • âś… Flip
      • âś… Multiple aspect ratios
      • âś… Reset
      • âś… Double-Tap
      • âś… Round cropper
    • âś… Tune-Adjustments-Editor
    • âś… Filter-Editor
    • âś… Blur-Editor
    • âś… Emoji-Picker
    • âś… Sticker-Editor
  • âś… Multi-Threading
    • âś… Use isolates for background tasks on Dart native devices
    • âś… Use web-workers for background tasks on Dart web devices
    • âś… Automatically or manually set the number of active background processors based on the device
  • âś… Undo and redo function
  • âś… Use your image directly from memory, asset, file or network
  • âś… Each icon, style or widget can be changed
  • âś… Any text can be translated "i18n"
  • âś… Many custom configurations for each subeditor
  • âś… Selectable design mode between Material and Cupertino
  • âś… Reorder layer level
  • âś… Movable background image
  • âś… Multiple prebuilt themes
    • âś… Grounded-Theme
    • âś… WhatsApp Theme
    • âś… Frosted-Glass Theme
  • âś… Interactive layers
  • âś… Helper lines for better positioning
  • âś… Hit detection for painted layers
  • âś… Zoomable paint and main editor
  • âś… Improved layer movement and scaling functionality for desktop devices

Planned features

  • ✨ Paint-Editor
    • Freestyle-Painter with improved performance and hitbox
  • ✨ AI Futures => Perhaps integrating Adobe Firefly
  • ✨ Helper lines to align items with each other
  • ✨ Advanced eraser function
  • ✨ Different horizontal/vertical layer scale factor

Getting started


If you're displaying emoji on the web and want them to be colored by default (especially if you're not using a custom font like Noto Emoji), you can achieve this by adding the useColorEmoji: true parameter to your flutter_bootstrap.js file, as shown in the code snippet below:

Show code example

    serviceWorkerSettings: {
        serviceWorkerVersion: {{flutter_service_worker_version}},
    onEntrypointLoaded: function (engineInitializer) {
        useColorEmoji: true, // add this parameter
        renderer: 'canvaskit'
      }).then(function (appRunner) {

The HTML renderer is not supported in the image editor and has been completely removed in Flutter version >= 3.29.0. However, if you are using an older Flutter version < 3.29, please ensure that you enforce the canvas renderer.

To enable the Canvaskit renderer by default, you can do the following in your flutter_bootstrap.js file.

Show code example

    serviceWorkerSettings: {
        serviceWorkerVersion: {{flutter_service_worker_version}},
    onEntrypointLoaded: function (engineInitializer) {
        useColorEmoji: true,
        renderer: 'canvaskit' // add this parameter
      }).then(function (appRunner) {

By making this change, you can enhance filter compatibility and ensure a smoother experience on older Android phones and various mobile web devices.
You can view the full web example here.

Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows

No further action is required.


Import first the image editor like below:

import 'package:pro_image_editor/pro_image_editor.dart';

Open the editor in a new page

void _openEditor() {
      builder: (context) =>
        callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
          onImageEditingComplete: (Uint8List bytes) async {
              Your code to handle the edited image. Upload it to your server as an example.
              You can choose to use await, so that the loading-dialog remains visible until your code is ready, or no async, so that the loading-dialog closes immediately.
              By default, the bytes are in `jpg` format.
          Optional: If you want a line hit to provide vibration feedback similar to WhatsApp, 
          you can use the code below in combination with the vibration package.

          mainEditorCallbacks: MainEditorCallbacks(
            helperLines: HelperLinesCallbacks(
              onLineHit: () {
                Vibration.vibrate(duration: 3);

Show the editor inside of a widget

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
           callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
             onImageEditingComplete: (Uint8List bytes) async {
                 Your code to handle the edited image. Upload it to your server as an example.
                 You can choose to use await, so that the loading-dialog remains visible until your code is ready, or no async, so that the loading-dialog closes immediately.
                 By default, the bytes are in `jpg` format.
             Optional: If you want a line hit to provide vibration feedback similar to WhatsApp, 
             you can use the code below in combination with the vibration package.

             mainEditorCallbacks: MainEditorCallbacks(
               helperLines: HelperLinesCallbacks(
                 onLineHit: () {
                   Vibration.vibrate(duration: 3);

Own stickers or widgets

To display stickers or widgets in the ProImageEditor, you have the flexibility to customize and load your own content. The buildStickers method allows you to define your own logic for loading stickers, whether from a backend, assets, or local storage, and then push them into the editor. The example here demonstrates how to load images that can serve as stickers and then add them to the editor.

Grounded design

To use the "Grounded-Design" you can follow the example here

Frosted-Glass design

To use the "Frosted-Glass-Design" you can follow the example here

WhatsApp design

The image editor offers a WhatsApp-themed option that mirrors the popular messaging app's design. The editor also follows the small changes that exist in the Material (Android) and Cupertino (iOS) version.

You can see the complete example here

Highly configurable

Customize the image editor to suit your preferences. Of course, each class like I18nTextEditor includes more configuration options.

Show code example
return Scaffold(
  appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Pro-Image-Editor')),
    key: _editor,
    callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
      onImageEditingComplete: (Uint8List bytes) async {
              Your code to handle the edited image. Upload it to your server as an example.
              You can choose to use await, so that the loading-dialog remains visible until your code is ready, or no async, so that the loading-dialog closes immediately.
              By default, the bytes are in `jpg` format.
    configs: ProImageEditorConfigs(
      i18n: const I18n(
        various: I18nVarious(),
        paintEditor: I18nPaintEditor(),
        textEditor: I18nTextEditor(),
        cropRotateEditor: I18nCropRotateEditor(),
        filterEditor: I18nFilterEditor(filters: I18nFilters()),
        emojiEditor: I18nEmojiEditor(),
        stickerEditor: I18nStickerEditor(),
        // More translations...
      helperLines: const HelperLineConfigs(
        showVerticalLine: true,
        showHorizontalLine: true,
        showRotateLine: true,
      mainEditor: const MainEditorConfigs(
        widgets: MainEditorWidgets(),
        icons: MainEditorIcons(),
        style: MainEditorStyle(),
        enableCloseButton: true,
        // more...
      paintEditor: const PaintEditorConfigs(
        widgets: PaintEditorWidgets(),
        icons: PaintEditorIcons(),
        style: PaintEditorStyle(),
        canChangeOpacity: true,
        // more...
      textEditor: const TextEditorConfigs(
          widgets: TextEditorWidgets(),
          icons: TextEditorIcons(),
          style: TextEditorStyle(),
          autocorrect: true
          // more...
      cropRotateEditor: const CropRotateEditorConfigs(
        widgets: CropRotateEditorWidgets(),
        icons: CropRotateEditorIcons(),
        style: CropRotateEditorStyle(),
        canFlip: true,
        // more...
      filterEditor: const FilterEditorConfigs(
        widgets: FilterEditorWidgets(),
        icons: FilterEditorIcons(),
        style: FilterEditorStyle(),
        showLayers: true,
        // more...
      blurEditor: const BlurEditorConfigs(
        widgets: BlurEditorWidgets(),
        icons: BlurEditorIcons(),
        style: BlurEditorStyle(),
        showLayers: true,
        // more...
      tuneEditor: const TuneEditorConfigs(
        widgets: TuneEditorWidgets(),
        icons: TuneEditorIcons(),
        style: TuneEditorStyle(),
        showLayers: true,
        // more...
      emojiEditor: const EmojiEditorConfigs(
        icons: EmojiEditorIcons(),
        style: EmojiEditorStyle(),
        // more...
      imageGeneration: const ImageGenerationConfigs(
        processorConfigs: ProcessorConfigs(),
        // more
      designMode: ImageEditorDesignMode.material,
      heroTag: 'hero',
      theme: ThemeData(
        useMaterial3: true,
        colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(
          brightness: Brightness.dark,

Custom Widgets

Customize the editor with your own widgets. For a complete example, refer to the custom widgets example.

Upload to Firebase or Supabase

Firebase example
  callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
    onImageEditingComplete: (bytes) async {
      try {
        String path = 'your-storage-path/my-image-name.jpg';
        Reference ref = FirebaseStorage.instance.ref(path);

        /// In some special cases detect firebase the contentType wrong,
        /// so we make sure the contentType is set to jpg.
        await ref.putData(bytes, SettableMetadata(contentType: 'image/jpg'));
      } on FirebaseException catch (e) {
      if (mounted) Navigator.pop(context);

Supabase example
final _supabase = Supabase.instance.client;

  callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
    onImageEditingComplete: (bytes) async {
      try {
        String path = 'your-storage-path/my-image-name.jpg';
              retryAttempts: 3,
      } catch (e) {
      if (mounted) Navigator.pop(context);

Import-Export state history

The state history from the image editor can be exported and imported. However, it's important to note that the crop and rotate feature currently only allows exporting the final cropped image and not individual states. Additionally, all sticker widgets are converted into images and saved in that format during the export process.

Export example
 await _editor.currentState?.exportStateHistory(
    // All configurations are optional
    configs: const ExportEditorConfigs(
        historySpan: ExportHistorySpan.all,
        exportPaint: true,
        exportText: true,
        exportCropRotate: true,
        exportFilter: true,
        exportTuneAdjustments: true,
        exportEmoji: true,
        exportBlur: true,
        exportWidgets: true,
        enableMinify: true,
  ).toJson(); // or => toMap(), toFile()

Import example
    // or => fromMap(), fromJsonFile()
      /* Json-String from your exported state history */,
      configs: const ImportEditorConfigs(
        mergeMode: ImportEditorMergeMode.replace,
        recalculateSizeAndPosition: true,

Initial import example

If you wish to open the editor directly with your exported state history, you can do so by utilizing the import feature. Simply load the exported state history into the editor, and it will recreate the previous editing session, allowing you to continue where you left off.

  key: _editor,
  callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks(
    onImageEditingComplete: (Uint8List bytes) async {
        Your code to handle the edited image. Upload it to your server as an example.
        You can choose to use await, so that the loading-dialog remains visible until your code is ready, or no async, so that the loading-dialog closes immediately.
        By default, the bytes are in `jpg` format.
  configs: ProImageEditorConfigs(
    stateHistory: StateHistoryConfigs(
      initStateHistory: ImportStateHistory.fromJson( 
        /* Json-String from your exported state history */,
        configs: const ImportEditorConfigs(
          mergeMode: ImportEditorMergeMode.replace,
          recalculateSizeAndPosition: true,


Interactive layers

Each layer, whether it's an emoji, text, or painting, is interactive, allowing you to manipulate them in various ways. You can move and scale layers using intuitive gestures. Holding a layer with one finger enables you to move it across the canvas. Holding a layer with one finger and using another to pinch or spread allows you to scale and rotate the layer.

On desktop devices, you can click and hold a layer with the mouse to move it. Additionally, using the mouse wheel lets you scale the layer. To rotate a layer, simply press the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' key while interacting with it.

Editor Widget

Property Description
byteArray Image data as a Uint8List from memory.
file File object representing the image file.
assetPath Path to the image asset.
networkUrl URL of the image to be loaded from the network.
configs Configuration options for the image editor.
callbacks Callbacks for the image editor.



Creates a ProImageEditor widget for editing an image from memory.


Creates a ProImageEditor widget for editing an image from a file.


Creates a ProImageEditor widget for editing an image from an asset.

Creates a ProImageEditor widget for editing an image from a network URL.


Property Name Description Default Value
blurEditor Configuration options for the Blur Editor. BlurEditorConfigs()
cropRotateEditor Configuration options for the Crop and Rotate Editor. CropRotateEditorConfigs()
designMode The design mode for the Image Editor. ImageEditorDesignMode.material
dialogConfigs Configuration for the loading dialog used in the editor. DialogConfigs()
emojiEditor Configuration options for the Emoji Editor. EmojiEditorConfigs()
filterEditor Configuration options for the Filter Editor. FilterEditorConfigs()
helperLines Configuration options for helper lines in the Image Editor. HelperLineConfigs()
heroTag A unique hero tag for the Image Editor widget. 'Pro-Image-Editor-Hero'
i18n Internationalization settings for the Image Editor. I18n()
imageGeneration Holds the configurations related to image generation. ImageGenerationConfigs()
layerInteraction Configuration options for the layer interaction behavior. LayerInteractionConfigs()
mainEditor Configuration options for the Main Editor. MainEditorConfigs()
paintEditor Configuration options for the Paint Editor. PaintEditorConfigs()
progressIndicatorConfigs Configuration for customizing progress indicators. ProgressIndicatorConfigs()
stateHistory Holds the configurations related to state history management. StateHistoryConfigs()
stickerEditor Configuration options for the Sticker Editor. StickerEditorConfigs()
textEditor Configuration options for the Text Editor. TextEditorConfigs()
theme The theme to be used for the Image Editor. null
tuneEditor Configuration options for the Tune Editor. TuneEditorConfigs()


Property Name Description Default Value
onImageEditingStarted A callback function that is triggered when the image generation is started. null
onImageEditingComplete A callback function that will be called when the editing is done, returning the edited image as Uint8List with the format jpg. null
onThumbnailGenerated A callback function that is called when the editing is complete and the thumbnail image is generated, along with capturing the original image as a raw ui.Image. If used, it will disable the onImageEditingComplete callback. null
onCloseEditor A callback function that will be called before the image editor closes. null
mainEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the main editor. null
paintEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the paint editor. null
textEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the text editor. null
cropRotateEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the crop-rotate editor. null
filterEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the filter editor. null
blurEditorCallbacks Callbacks from the blur editor. null
Property Name Description Default Value
paintEditor Translations and messages specific to the painting editor. I18nPaintingEditor()
various Translations and messages for various parts of the editor. I18nVarious()
layerInteraction Translations and messages for layer interactions. I18nLayerInteraction()
textEditor Translations and messages specific to the text editor. I18nTextEditor()
filterEditor Translations and messages specific to the filter editor. I18nFilterEditor()
blurEditor Translations and messages specific to the blur editor. I18nBlurEditor()
emojiEditor Translations and messages specific to the emoji editor. I18nEmojiEditor()
stickerEditor Translations and messages specific to the sticker editor. I18nStickerEditor()
cropRotateEditor Translations and messages specific to the crop and rotate editor. I18nCropRotateEditor()
doneLoadingMsg Message displayed while changes are being applied. Changes are being applied
importStateHistoryMsg Message displayed during the import of state history. If the text is empty, no loading dialog will be shown. Initialize Editor
cancel Text for the "Cancel" action. Cancel
undo Text for the "Undo" action. Undo
redo Text for the "Redo" action. Redo
done Text for the "Done" action. Done
remove Text for the "Remove" action. Remove

i18n paintEditor

Property Name Description Default Value
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item that opens the Painting Editor. Paint
freestyle Text for the "Freestyle" painting mode. Freestyle
arrow Text for the "Arrow" painting mode. Arrow
line Text for the "Line" painting mode. Line
rectangle Text for the "Rectangle" painting mode. Rectangle
circle Text for the "Circle" painting mode. Circle
dashLine Text for the "Dash line" painting mode. Dash line
lineWidth Text for the "Line width" tooltip. Line width
toggleFill Text for the "Toggle fill" tooltip. Toggle fill
undo Text for the "Undo" button. Undo
redo Text for the "Redo" button. Redo
done Text for the "Done" button. Done
back Text for the "Back" button. Back
smallScreenMoreTooltip The tooltip text displayed for the "More" option on small screens. More

i18n textEditor

Property Description Default Value
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item 'Text'
inputHintText Placeholder text displayed in the text input field 'Enter text'
done Text for the "Done" button 'Done'
back Text for the "Back" button 'Back'
textAlign Text for the "Align text" setting 'Align text'
fontScale Text for the "Font Scale" setting 'Font Scale'
backgroundMode Text for the "Background mode" setting 'Background mode'
smallScreenMoreTooltip Tooltip text for the "More" option on small screens 'More'

i18n cropRotateEditor

Property Name Description Default Value
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item that opens the Crop and Rotate Editor. Crop/ Rotate
rotate Text for the "Rotate" tooltip. Rotate
flip Text for the "Flip" tooltip. Flip
ratio Text for the "Ratio" tooltip. Ratio
back Text for the "Back" button. Back
cancel Text for the "Cancel" button. Cancel
done Text for the "Done" button. Done
reset Text for the "Reset" button. Reset
undo Text for the "Undo" button. Undo
redo Text for the "Redo" button. Redo
smallScreenMoreTooltip The tooltip text displayed for the "More" option on small screens. More

i18n filterEditor

Property Description Default Value
applyFilterDialogMsg Text displayed when a filter is being applied 'Filter is being applied.'
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item 'Filter'
back Text for the "Back" button in the Filter Editor 'Back'
done Text for the "Done" button in the Filter Editor 'Done'
filters Internationalization settings for individual filters I18nFilters()

i18n blurEditor

Property Description Default Value
applyBlurDialogMsg Text displayed when a filter is being applied 'Blur is being applied.'
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item 'Blur'
back Text for the "Back" button in the Blur Editor 'Back'
done Text for the "Done" button in the Blur Editor 'Done'

i18n emojiEditor

Property Name Description Default Value
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item that opens the Emoji Editor. Emoji
noRecents Text which shows there are no recent selected emojis. No Recents
search Hint text in the search field. Search

i18n stickerEditor

Property Description Default Value
bottomNavigationBarText Text for the bottom navigation bar item that opens the Sticker Editor. 'Stickers'

i18n various

Property Description Default Value
loadingDialogMsg Text for the loading dialog message. 'Please wait...'
closeEditorWarningTitle Title for the warning message when closing the Image Editor. 'Close Image Editor?'
closeEditorWarningMessage Warning message when closing the Image Editor. 'Are you sure you want to close the Image Editor? Your changes will not be saved.'
closeEditorWarningConfirmBtn Text for the confirmation button in the close editor warning dialog. 'OK'
closeEditorWarningCancelBtn Text for the cancel button in the close editor warning dialog. 'Cancel'


I welcome contributions from the open-source community to make this project even better. Whether you want to report a bug, suggest a new feature, or contribute code, I appreciate your help.

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

If you encounter a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on my GitHub Issues page. I will review it and discuss the best approach to address it.

Code Contributions

If you'd like to contribute code to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
git clone


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Packages that are used with a minor modified version, but are not a direct dependency:


The pro_image_editor is a Flutter widget designed for image editing within your application. It provides a flexible and convenient way to integrate image editing capabilities into your Flutter project.




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