Alert Logic Software Development Kit for Python allows developers to integrate with Alert Logic MDR Services.
Install the library:
pip install alertlogic-sdk-python
Set up configuration file (in e.g.
[default] access_key_id = YOUR_KEY secret_key = YOUR_SECRET
To create and manage access keys, use the Alert Logic Console. For information on creating an access key, see
Optionally you can specify if you are working with integration deployment of Alert Logic MDR Services or production by specifying:
NOTE: If global_endpoint isn't present, SDK defaults to production.
Test installation Launch python interpreter and then type:
import almdrlib aims = almdrlib.client("aims") res = aims.get_account_details() print(f"{res.json()}")
Python v3.7 or newer
virtualenv or virtualenvwrapper (We recommend virtualenvwrapper )
To produce RESTful APIs documentation install redoc-cli and npx:
npm install --save redoc-cli npm install --save npx
Setup your development environment and install required dependencies:
export WORKON_HOME=~/environments
mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
source /usr/local/bin/
mkvirtualenv alsdk
git clone
cd alertlogic-sdk-python
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install -e .