Real-time tracking of case activity (viewers, editors,...)
$ git clone
$ cd ccd-case-activity-api
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
To pull the latest docker image from docker store just type:
$ docker pull redis
After getting the latest redis you may start your redis image by the following command
$ docker run --name ccd-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
You can connect to redis-cli to manually execute some redis commands by connecting to the interactive terminal of your docker container.
to do this first you need to acquire the container id via the docker ps
fatiho@sardis:~/Documents/hmcts/ws-webstorm/ccd-case-activity-api (RDM-963/RDM-1078)$ docker ps
ef697aec3454 "/ --..." 13 days ago Up 8 days (healthy)>4000/tcp ccd-data-store
e7dc23c65e51 "docker-entrypoint..." 13 days ago Up 8 days>5432/tcp ccd-postgres
8a1fd6f05643 redis "docker-entrypoint..." 2 weeks ago Up 4 days>6379/tcp ccd-redis
Once you get the Container Id run the following command with proper container id
$ docker exec -it 8a1fd6f05643 /bin/bash
Now you are in. You can run redis-cli
to access the Redis Command Line Interface and execute commands like GET, SET, etc.
See redis documentation for details
Configuration is achieved through node-config.
The tests can be run using:
$ yarn test
The end to end tests require a running instance of Redis. Beware before each test all keys in Redis are removed. The tests can be run using:
$ yarn test:end2end
The functional tests are located in aat
folder. The tests are written using
befta-fw library. To find out more about BEFTA Framework, see the repository and its README here.
The tests can be run using:
$ yarn test:functional
or to run using gradle directly:
$ cd ./aat/
$ ./gradlew functional
You need to set the NODE_ENV to make use of environment configuration and DEBUG to see the logs when you run the server
$ export NODE_ENV=dev
$ export DEBUG='ccd-case-activity-api:*'
$ yarn start
> [email protected] start /Users/fatiho/Documents/hmcts/ws-webstorm/ccd-case-activity-api
> node ./bin/www
ccd-case-activity-api:app starting application with environment: dev +0ms
ccd-case-activity-api:server Listening on port 3000 +19ms
ccd-case-activity-api:redis-client connected to Redis +7ms