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This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Example usage of a polling service

Modify application.conf to enable polling and increase the intervals for humans

isPollingEnv = true
pollingIntervals = 5000

Running the service on a specific port

sbt "run 10003"

Open a new terminal (this will be a long lived request) Call an endpoint defined in app.routes This will trigger the polling service to start and also insert a request document into mongodb ttp-testonly

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:9111/individuals/subcontractor/idms/wmfid/blah' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

The document looks like this.

    "_id" : ObjectId("621f6bb9ad942e03d6cf1990"),
    "requestId" : "986da206-27fd-4786-8eac-ff3a8a6a3fce",
    "content" : "{}",
    "uri" : "/individuals/subcontractor/idms/wmfid/blah",
    "isResponse" : false,
    "createdOn" : "2022-03-02T13:06:01.825459"

Copy the requestId from this mongoDb document in your subsequent request

The content attribute should be minified and escaped Json

This content is what will be sent back to the original polling request in the response

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9111/test-only/response' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "requestId" : "986da206-27fd-4786-8eac-ff3a8a6a3fce",
  "content" : "[{\"fileInd\":\"K\",\"wmfId\":\"00000000000036320200100009KP0001\",\"shortDescription\":\"RGD Retrn Chrg\",\"solDescription\":\"Interest on First Payment on Account\",\"latestDueDate\":\"2021-09-15\",\"accountingPeriodEndDate\":\"2021-09-15\",\"safeChargeRef\":\"XA188698553712\",\"customerRefType\":\"A\",\"outputRefType\":\"B\",\"additionalInfo\":[{\"infoType\":\"RCQ\",\"infoValue\":\"Reinstated Charge\"}],\"bsPeriod\":[{\"irIntAreaRef\":\"AX21231YE\"}],\"debtItemSignal\":[{\"signalType\":\"#TBD#\",\"signalValue\":\"C\"},{\"signalType\":\"#TBD#\",\"signalValue\":\"D\"}],\"debtItemCharge\":[{\"intBearingInd\":\"Y\",\"interestChargeInd\":\"Y\",\"currentCollectibleAmount\":34409.49,\"chargeAmount\":7899.45,\"interestStartDate\":\"2021-09-15\",\"interestSuppressionInd\":\"Y\",\"debtChargePayment\":[{\"postingAmount\":100.99,\"effectiveDateOfPayment\":\"2021-09-15\",\"adjustmentType\":\"CHG\"},{\"postingAmount\":110.99,\"effectiveDateOfPayment\":\"2021-10-15\",\"adjustmentType\":\"CHG\"}]}]},{\"fileInd\":\"L\",\"wmfId\":\"00000000000036320200100009KP0002\",\"shortDescription\":\"RGD Retrn Chrg\",\"solDescription\":\"Interest on First Payment on Account\",\"latestDueDate\":\"2021-10-15\",\"accountingPeriodEndDate\":\"2021-10-15\",\"safeChargeRef\":\"XA188698553712\",\"customerRefType\":\"A\",\"outputRefType\":\"B\",\"additionalInfo\":[{\"infoType\":\"RCQ\",\"infoValue\":\"Reinstated Charge\"}],\"bsPeriod\":[{\"irIntAreaRef\":\"AX21231YE\"}],\"debtItemSignal\":[{\"signalType\":\"#TBD#\",\"signalValue\":\"D\"},{\"signalType\":\"#TBD#\",\"signalValue\":\"E\"}],\"debtItemCharge\":[{\"intBearingInd\":\"Y\",\"interestChargeInd\":\"Y\",\"currentCollectibleAmount\":54409.49,\"chargeAmount\":8899.45,\"interestStartDate\":\"2021-10-15\",\"interestSuppressionInd\":\"Y\",\"debtChargePayment\":[{\"postingAmount\":200.99,\"effectiveDateOfPayment\":\"2021-10-15\",\"adjustmentType\":\"CHG\"},{\"postingAmount\":210.99,\"effectiveDateOfPayment\":\"2021-11-15\",\"adjustmentType\":\"CHG\"}]}]}]",
  "uri" : "/individuals/subcontractor/idms/wmfid/blah",
  "isResponse" : true

To apply formatting to this repository using the configured rules in .scalafmt.conf execute:

To run stub locally

sbt "run 10003"

sbt scalafmtAll scalafmtSbt

To check files have been formatted as expected execute:

sbt scalafmtCheckAll scalafmtSbtCheck

Interest Forecasting rules generator

Run the main method in InterestForecastingRulesGenerator with the appropriate arguments.

Argument --input-file=/absolute/path/to/file.tsv

Tells the tool to read a TSV or CSV file representing the "master spreadsheet" with the interest forecasting rules.

The file can be *.tsv or *.csv and must have one of the following formats:

Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,Period End
1545,1090,Y,4,N,N/A,Tax Yr (6/4/yyyy - 5/4/yyyy)
Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,
2095,2020,N,,Y,Charge ref,
Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,
Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,Period End
1545,1090,Y,4,N,N/A,Tax Yr (6/4/yyyy - 5/4/yyyy)

Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,
2095,2020,N,,Y,Charge ref,

Main Trans,Sub Trans,Interest bearing,Interest key,Interest only Debt,Charge Ref,
Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref	Period End
1545	1090	Y	4	N	N/A	Tax Yr (6/4/yyyy - 5/4/yyyy)
1441	1150	N	N/A	N	N/A

Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref
2000	1100	Y			ASN
2005	2000	N		Y	Charge ref
2590	1090	Y			Charge ref
2595	2090	N		Y	Charge ref

Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref
4793	1090	Y			VRN
4794	1175			Y	VRN
4711	1174				VRN

Argument --input-console-tsv

Specified instead of --input-file=... to allow users to copy the data straight from Excel and paste it directly into the terminal.

You'll be given a string to add after your pasted content, to signal the end of the data.

The pasted content must have the following format:

Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref	Period End
1545	1090	Y	4	N	N/A	Tax Yr (6/4/yyyy - 5/4/yyyy)
1441	1150	N	N/A	N	N/A

Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref
2000	1100	Y			ASN
2005	2000	N		Y	Charge ref
2590	1090	Y			Charge ref
2595	2090	N		Y	Charge ref

Main Trans	Sub Trans	Interest bearing	Interest key	Interest only Debt	Charge Ref
4793	1090	Y			VRN
4794	1175			Y	VRN
4711	1174				VRN

Argument --output-console-conf

Provided if the desired output is the rules section in the application.conf of interest-forecasting.

Argument --output-console-production-config

Provided if the desired output is the service-config.rules entries in the production config of interest-forecasting.