Visual Studio 2015 Angular2 (Beta 1) Sample with MVC5
Attention: Requires "TypeScript for Visual Studio 2015 Update 1" Visual Studio extension, otherwise building the solution will fail with error [Cannot find module "angular2/platform/browser"]
Be sure that all NPM Packages (package.json) are completely restored before building the solution (have a look into the output window). Normally the packages should be automatically restored when you first open the solution (this might take several minutes). If not, right click package.json -> Restore Packages
If you then build the app, the gulp task copies the required node_modules files to "app/libs" folder.
Visual Studio compiles TypeScript files for you (not via gulp-task). All you have to do to make MVC5 projects working with angular2 is to add the following TypeScript settings to your .csproj file:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">
<TypeScriptOutFile />
<TypeScriptOutDir />
<TypeScriptMapRoot />
<TypeScriptSourceRoot />
The gulpfile also contains a task called "compile-ts", which is currently not in use. This task could be used to compile the typescript files instead of letting VS2015 compile the .ts files. Therefore you should disable VS typescript-compilation by adding the following line to your .csproj PropertyGroup:
If you choose gulp to compile your .ts files, then you also have to add the "compile-ts" task as after-build binding in the task runner explorer:
/// <binding AfterBuild='libs, compile-ts' Clean='clean' />