This is a File Explorer, designed to manage file metadata where appropriate (images only at this point). While this is an early release and I strongly suggest backing up your files just in case of mistakes, I use it to manage my own files and have fixed any bugs that I have found in general use.
It supports drag & drop, metadata tagging, you can view GPS coordinates on OpenStreetMap as well as setting GPS coordinates for those photos without GPS tags.
If you have a photo library, you can import photos into your library from source devices (as long as they are mounted somewhere to view) such as phones, cameras. Happy to take further guidance here on what your use-case is as it is a little limited currently.
On MacOS, you can use the Meta key to multi-select items in the folder lists, or preview grid. For every other platform it is the Ctrl key as expected. Why MacOS insists that Ctrl can be used with the left mouse button to simulate a right click I have no idea. Single Button mice were a bad idea when Steve Jobs insisted on them and who has seen one in the last 10 years. Seriously Apple?
Performance is not ideal with large folders of images; but I'll look at that post the 1.0 release as everything works, just a little more slowly than preferred.
- We use exiftool to manipulate metadata in files hence this is required to be installed if you want to edit metadata. At least until there is a Flutter package to do it in code. On MacOS, I install this using homebrew.
- Rust is required to compile Shackleton due to downstream dependencies.
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew install exiftool
$ brew install android-studio
$ brew install rustup
$ rustup-init
Run a Powershell as an Administrator
> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
> choco install exiftool
Run a Powershell as an Administrator
> choco install rust
Then go to and download Android Studio.
$ sudo dnf install perl-Image-ExifTool
$ sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
$ sudo dnf install rust
$ snap install android-studio --classic
$ snap install rustup --classic
$ rustup install stable