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Arkouda on Docker and Kubernetes

hokiegeek2 edited this page Jul 8, 2022 · 19 revisions

Arkouda on Docker-Kubernetes Summary

Arkouda on Kubernetes

The Kubernetes deployment of Arkouda involves the following:

  1. Packaging the Arkouda application stack within a tar.gz file
  2. Building the Arkouda Docker images
  3. Helm install the arkouda-locale to deploy the locale containers
  4. Helm install arkouda-server Helm to deploy the arkouda_server

Arkouda on Docker

Since Arkouda is deployed on Kubernetes and therefore packaged within Docker images, dockerized Arkouda can also be deployed as Docker containers via the docker run command.

Containerized Arkouda Codebase

The k8s-enterprise branch of my fork contains all files associated with dockerized Arkouda that can be run directly as Docker containers or deployed on Kubernetes

System Requirements

A system with at least 4 CPU cores and 16GB of RAM is required to build the docker images.

Checking Out Arkouda-on-Kubernetes

The Kubernetes deployment of containerized Arkouda is within the k8s-enterprise branch. The first steps are to clone hokiegeek2/arkouda and checkout the k8s-enterprise branch:

git clone
git checkout k8s-enterprise

Packaging the Arkouda application stack within a tar.gz file

To ensure the Arkouda version is correct, the Docker build process utilizes a tar file of the client as well as server code. Within the Arkouda project root directory, execute the following command, which builds a tar.gz Arkouda distribution:

python3 -m build

With the tar.gz file built, set the ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER env variable:

export ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=$(tar --exclude="*/*" -tf dist/arkouda*.gz)

Finally, move the .tar.gz file to the Arkouda project root folder as follows (tar.gz filename will likely be different):

mv dist/*.tar.gz arkouda.tar.gz

Building and Running the Arkouda Docker Images

Single Locale Arkouda on Kubernetes

arkouda-server Docker Image

For a single-locale Arkouda instance operating within one Docker container, the Arkouda server image is built off of chapel/chapel-gasnet-smp. The build command is as follows:

export ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=<result of tar -tf arkouda.tar.gz>
export VERSION=<desired version number>

docker build --build-arg ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=$ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER -f arkouda-server-docker -t hokiegeek2/arkouda-server:$VERSION .

The arkouda-server Docker image is run locally as follows:

export VERSION=<desired version number>
docker run -it --rm -p 5555:5555 hokiegeek2/arkouda-server:$VERSION

Single-locale arkouda-server images are available here

arkouda-client Docker Image

The arkouda-client docker contains solely the Arkouda Python client installed via pip and presents an ipython notebook on startup. The arkouda-client Docker images is built as follows:

export ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=<result of tar -tf arkouda.tar.gz>
export VERSION=<desired version number>

docker build --build-arg ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=$ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER -f arkouda-client-docker -t hokiegeek2/arkouda-client:$VERSION .

The arkouda-client is run locally as follows:

export VERSION=<desired version number>
docker run -it --rm --network=host hokiegeek2/arkouda-client:$VERSION

Python 3.7.7 (default, Jun  9 2020, 18:08:39) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.29.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import arkouda as ak
In [2]: ak.connect()
connected to arkouda server tcp://*:5555

arkouda-client docker images are available here

Full Stack Docker

The arkouda-full-stack Cocker image contains both the Arkouda Python client and Chapel server. Upon startup, a one-locale Arkouda server instance is launched and an ipython interface is presented.

The full stack Arkouda docker image is built as follows:

export ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=<result of tar -tf arkouda.tar.gz>
export VERSION=<desired version number>

docker build --build-arg ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=$ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER -f arkouda-full-stack -t hokiegeek2/arkouda-full-stack:$VERSION .

The full stack Arkouda image is run locally as follows:

docker run -it hokiegeek2/arkouda-full-stack
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.29.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import arkouda as ak

In [2]: ak.connect()
connected to arkouda server tcp://*:5555

The full-stack docker images are available here

Distributed, Multilocale Arkouda on Kubernetes

For multilocale Arkouda distributed across 1..n hosts, there are two Arkouda Docker images: udp-arkouda-server-base and the udp-arkouda-server. The udp-arkouda-server-base image contains the desired Chapel version and corresponding dependencies while the udp-arkouda-server image adds the Arkouda build suitable for deployment on Kubernetes.

export VERSION=0.4.5
export ARKOUDA_DIST_FOLDER=arkouda-2021.8.20+149.gc064829.dirty

                  -f udp-dynamic-arkouda-server -t hokiegeek2/udp-arkouda-server:$VERSION .

The udp-arkouda-server images are available here

Kubernetes Deployments

All Kubernetes deployments are executed as Helm charts and all charts are within folders accessible directly from the $ARKOUDA_HOME directory

Single-Locale Arkouda Server

helm install -n arkouda arkouda arkouda-server-chart/

Multilocale Arkouda Server

The multilocale Arkouda server deployment involves two Helm charts: arkouda-locale and arkouda-server and features a mechanism by which the cluster is registered with Kubernetes as a service.

Prepare Kubernetes Cluster for Arkouda Deployment

Since the multilocale Arkouda deployment (1) involves registration with Kubernetes and (2) uses the ssh CHPL_COMM_SUBSTRATE, there are two steps to preparing a Kubernetes cluster for hosting Arkouda-on-k8s.

Create and Configure arkouda User for Kubernetes API Access

A Kubernetes user with Kubernetes client API read/write access is required for Arkouda to register with k8s upon startup which involves (1) creating an SSL crt/key pair and loading it as a secret into kubernetes (2) creating an arkouda user with the created crt/key pair as credentials and finally (3) assigning an RBAC with Kubernetes client API read/write privileges to the arkouda user. Note: the crt/key pair secret must be installed to the namespace Arkouda is to be deployed as secrets are namespace-scoped. Also, when creating the arkouda.csr file, specify arkouda as the common name (CN).

# Create cert
openssl genrsa -out arkouda.key 2048
openssl req -new -key arkouda.key -out arkouda.csr

# Sign with Kubernetes CA
sudo openssl x509 -req -in arkouda.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kube-ca.pem \
-CAkey /etc/kubernetes/ssl/kube-ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out arkouda.crt -days 730

# Create the arkouda user with the generated credentials
kubectl config set-credentials arkouda --client-certificate=arkouda.crt --client-key=arkouda.key
kubectl apply -f $ARKOUDA_HOME/credentials/arkouda-rbac.yaml

# Create the Kubernetes API secret
kubectl create secret tls arkouda-server  --cert=arkouda.crt --key=arkouda.key -n arkouda

Create an SSH Key Pair and Corresponding Secret

An SSH key pair deployed within Kubernetes as a secret is required for all Arkouda locales to startup via the GASNET udp with the S (SSH) spawner. Note: the ssh key secret must be installed to the namespace Arkouda is to be deployed as secrets are namespace-scoped.

# Create and SSH cert for the ubuntu user
$ sudo su ubuntu
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:WlMCThVDnCzqz5n/dCDVHW0h4grCt/nJbBwHpOSEQ78 ubuntu@ace
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|    ..+B=+ . ..o.|
|    .=*.*.......o|
|     +oB..o.. .. |
|    . o =+o      |
|   .   ESo..     |
|    .  o=o+.     |
|     o.o B. .    |
|      = .. .     |
|       ....      |

# Mount the SSH key pair as the arkouda-ssh secret
kubectl create secret generic arkouda-ssh --from-file=~/.ssh/id_rsa --from-file=~/.ssh/ -n arkouda

Helm Install: Two Charts

As mentioned above, there are two Arkouda Helm deployments that compose a multi-locale k8s Arkouda deployment: arkouda-locale and arkouda-server. IMPORTANT: arkouda-locale Helm install must be executed and completed prior to the arkouda-server deployment. The reason for this is arkouda-server must know the IP addresses of all locales prior to bringing up the cluster via he GASNET SSH_SPAWNER.

Custom values.yaml in Both Charts

There are several values that need to specified in both the arkouda-locale and arkouda-server values.yaml files:

  1. releaseVersion--the udp-dynamic-server docker image version
  2. resources--the cpu core and memory resources for the arkouda-locale container
  3. persistence--if true, the path and hostPath parameters must be set
  4. path--path within container arkouda files are written to
  5. hostPath--path on host node or distributed file system that maps to container path
  6. certFile--path to the ssl cert file used to connect to the Kubernetes API for Arklouda register/deregister
  7. keyFile--path to the ssl key file used to connect to the Kubernetes API for Arkouda register/deregister
  8. k8sHost--Kubernetes API url used to register/deregister Arkouda with k8s
  9. namespace--the namespace Arkouda is deployed to
  10. externalSystemName--the k8s service name corresponding to the k8s Arkouda deployment

The k8sHost value is retrieved as follows:

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

arkouda-locale values.yaml

The arkouda-locale values.yaml file (shown below) contains one element other than those listed above:

numLocales--the number of arkouda-locale containers to deploy. Note: the size of the Arkouda cluster is numLocales + 1, where 1 is the single arkouda-server container instance

######################## Pod Settings ########################

releaseVersion: 0.2.9
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

################ Arkouda Server Configuration ################

  port: 5555
  numLocales: 2
  authenticate: false
  verbose: false
  memTrack: true
      cpu: 2000m
      memory: 2048Mi
      cpu: 2000m
      memory: 2048Mi
  threadsPerLocale: 4

    enabled: false
  certFile: /etc/ssl/arkouda/tls.crt
  keyFile: /etc/ssl/arkouda/tls.key
  namespace: arkouda
  externalServiceName: arkouda
  externalServicePort: 5555

Deploying Multi-locale Arkouda on Kubernetes

As stated above, deploying multi-locale Arkouda on Kubernetes involves a sequence of two Helm installs: arkouda-locale followed by arkouda-server

Helm install the arkouda-locale to deploy the locale containers

The arkouda-locale Helm install deploys the Arkouda containers that host the Chapel locales when the arkouda_server process is started. The arkouda-locale Helm chart is located within the $ARKOUDA_HOME/multilocale-dynamic-arkouda-locale-chart directory.

The Helm install command is as follows:

helm install -n arkouda arkouda-locale multilocale-dynamic-arkouda-locale-chart/

Helm install arkouda-server to deploy the arkouda_server

The arkouda-server Helm deployment starts the arkouda_server process which in turns starts up Arkouda Chapel locales within the previously-deployed arkouda-locale containers. The arkouda-server Helm chart is located within the $ARKOUDA_HOME/multilocale-dynamic-arkouda-server-chart directory.

The Helm install command is as follows:

helm install -n arkouda arkouda-server multilocale-dynamic-arkouda-server-chart/

Upon deployment of arkouda-server, the Arkouda-on-Kubernetes instance registers with Kubernetes to enable service discovery by Python clients deployed within Kubernetes.

Undeploying Multi-locale Arkouda on Kubernetes

Just as the order of deploying arkouda-locale and arkouda-server is critically important, so is the undeployment order. Specifically, the arkouda-server deployment must be deleted first; the reason for this is the arkouda-server container deregisters Arkouda from Kubernetes, which has to happen prior to the Arkouda cluster going down.

Arkouda-on-Kubernetes Persistence

Persistence must be enabled in both the arkodua-locale and arkouda-server Helm deployments to enable saving of array data across all locales. The configuration from each values.yaml file is as follows:

An example write-read sequence is as follows:

Testing Multilocale Arkouda Docker locally

The udp-dynamic-arkouda-server Docker image can be tested outside the context of Kubernetes by running locally. The procedure to running the Docker container and starting up the arkouda_server is a relatively straightforward process involving the following steps:

# Start docker container with port 5555 exposed:
docker run -it --rm -p 5555:5555 --entrypoint=bash hokiegeek2/udp-arkouda-server:0.2.0

# Start ssh server (needed to spawn the Arkouda Chapel locale)
sudo service ssh start

# Create ubuntu user cert and specify corresponding key within authorized_hosts file
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa <<< y
cat ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

# Startup one-node Arkouda instance
./arkouda_server -nl 1
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

*                                                                                                *
*                          server listening on tcp://e80d237d726a:5555                           *
*                                   arkouda server version =                                     *
*                                   memory limit = 29975452876                                   *
*                                  bytes of memory used = 42641                                  *
*                                                                                                *

# Test from locale machine
>>> import arkouda as ak
    _         _                   _       
   / \   _ __| | _____  _   _  __| | __ _ 
  / _ \ | '__| |/ / _ \| | | |/ _` |/ _` |
 / ___ \| |  |   < (_) | |_| | (_| | (_| |
/_/   \_\_|  |_|\_\___/ \__,_|\__,_|\__,_|

Client Version: v2021.08.20+151.g9a55747.dirty
>>> ak.connect()
connected to arkouda server tcp://*:5555
>>> ak.get_config()
{'arkoudaVersion': 'v2021.08.20+151.g9a55747.dirty', 'ZMQVersion': '4.3.2', 'HDF5Version': '1.10.5', 
'serverHostname': 'ec0ee910eb63', 'ServerPort': 5555, 'MetricsServerPort': 5556, 'numLocales': 1, 'numPUs': 4, 
'maxTaskPar': 4, 'physicalMemory': 33306058752, 'distributionType': 'BlockDom(1,int(64),false,unmanaged DefaultDist)', 
'LocaleConfigs': [{'id': 0, 'name': 'ec0ee910eb63', 'numPUs': 4, 'maxTaskPar': 4, 'physicalMemory': 33306058752}], 
'authenticate': False, 'logLevel': 'INFO', 'byteorder': 'little', 'connectHostname': 'ec0ee910eb63', 
'connectHostIp': ''}