The jupyterlab-on-k8s project is a simple means of deploying jupyterlab on Kubernetes. In contrast to jupyterhub, jupyterlab is designed to support one user. Consequently, jupyterlab-on-k8s provides a highly straightforward means of testing Python client libraries against a variety of apps deployed within and outside Kubernetes--all within a familiar Jupyter notebook environment.
As of 20211208, the Python versiuon for jupyterlab-on-k8s is 3.9.2. Consequently, all Python notebooks are v3.9.2 while all pip installs must be executed with the pip3 application.
export VERSION=0.0.1
export JUPYTER_VERSION=3.0.0
docker build --build-arg JUPYTER_VERSION=$JUPYTER_VERSION -f src/docker/jupyterlab-docker -t hokiegeek2/jupyterlab-k8s:$VERSION .
######################## Pod Settings ########################
releaseVersion: 0.0.1
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
#################### Jupyterlab Settings #####################
namespace: default
numServers: 1
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
cpu: 250m
memory: 256Mi
name: jupyterlab
port: 8888
targetPort: 8888
type: LoadBalancer
helm install jupyterlab deployment/charts/jupyterlab-on-k8s/