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Daniel Simmons edited this page Aug 7, 2014 · 17 revisions

IMPORTANT: After changing "ocean" or "island-distribution" you must reset your IslandCraft world. So make sure you get these right before spending much time playing on the world. To reset the IslandCraft world, you need to delete the file "server/plugins/IslandCraft/IslandCraft.db" and the folder "server/world_islandcraft". And then recreate the world using Multiverse or Multiworld.

You can safely add/remove/modify the "island-generators" without needing to reset your world. Islands which have already been generated or partially generated will continue to use whatever settings you had when they were created. Islands in newly explored chunks will adopt the new settings.


The latest version of config.yml can be found here.

Specifies which version of the config format is being used. Do not change this value.
If `false` only errors and warnings will be logged.
You can add extra sections to this if you want to enable IslandCraft on multiple worlds.
Name of the world to enable IslandCraft on. You can change this to `world` if you want IslandCraft to replace the default world.

Configuring the Ocean

Specifies how the ocean should be generated.
Ocean Biome Distribution Description
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.ConstantBiomeDistribution <biome> Just a single biome everywhere
The biome to use. Doesn't actually have to be an ocean biome, you could use `DESERT` for example. If you're using an earlier version of Minecraft than 1.7 you will want to change this to `OCEAN` as `DEEP_OCEAN` does not exist.

Available biome names can be seen here

If you're a plugin developer, you can make your own ocean biome distributions.

Configuring the Island Distribution

Specifies how islands are distributed in the world.
Island Distribution Description
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.HexagonalIslandDistribution <island-size> <ocean-size> Islands arranged in a pattern such that each has 6 neighbors
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.SquareIslandDistribution <island-size> <ocean-size> Islands arranged in square rows and columns
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.EmptyIslandDistribution No islands at all, you could use this to create a world with only one biome specified by ocean above
The width and length of each island's region in blocks. **Must be a positive multiple of 32**. Note that each island contains some ocean within its region so the actual islands will be slightly smaller, this is just an upper bound.
The width of the section of ocean between islands. **Must be a positive multiple of 32**. Note that each island contains some ocean within its region so the actual ocean will be slightly larger, this is just a lower bound.

If you're a plugin developer, you can make your own island distributions.

Configuring the Island Generators

List of generators to use for generating the new islands. When a new island is created one of the generators in this section is randomly chosen based on the island's location and the world's random seed.
Island Generator Description
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.EmptyIslandGenerator Just ocean where an island should be
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.ConstantIslandGenerator <biome> Big rectangle of single biome
com.github.hoqhuuep.islandcraft.core.IslandGeneratorAlpha <normal> <mountains> <hills> <hills-mountains> <forest> <forest-mountains> <outer-coast> <inner-coast> <river> As seen in screenshots, rivers not yet implemented

For now the parameters specify which biomes should be used to generate the island. Available biome names can be seen here. If you don't know what to put for any value just use ~, this will tell the generator to use a default value, for example if you use ~ for hills it will just use the normal value instead. The default config.yml specifies only islands with related biomes, but you can mix them up any way you like. If you are using an earlier version of Minecraft than 1.7 you may want to remove biomes which did not exist then.

If you're a plugin developer, you can make your own island generators.