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Installation for CraftBukkit Server

Daniel Simmons edited this page Feb 22, 2016 · 1 revision

IMPORTANT: As IslandCraft heavily modifies the terrain generation, it can destroy your worlds if you're not careful with the configuration. BACK UP EVERYTHING BEFORE INSTALLING. You have been warned.


  • Download CraftBukkit from here
  • IslandCraft is currently compatible with all versions from 1.4.7 to 1.7.10
  • Follow these instructions to set up your server


  • Place the IslandCraft JAR file in your plugins folder
  • Place either Multiverse or Multiworld in your plugins folder (or you can replace world_islandcraft with world in config.yml when you get to that step below to make IslandCraft replace the default world).
  • Run the server once to allow IslandCraft to extract it's configuration files
  • While it's running, give yourself OP with op <yourname> in the console
  • Stop the server again


  • Follow the steps here to configure IslandCraft to your liking

Create the World

  • Start the server again and create your world using Multiverse or Multiworld
  • For Multiverse use: /mv create world_islandcraft NORMAL then /mv tp world_islandcraft
  • For Multiworld use: /mw create world_islandcraft then /mw load world_islandcraft then /mw goto world_islandcraft
  • Notice that you want to tell Multiverse to use the vanilla generator. IslandCraft will automatically hack itself in as the generator when the world is created. This is because IslandCraft only modifies the biome distribution but otherwise uses the vanilla generator.