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horkerps edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 1 revision

All series creation cmdlets offer the -Group and -GroupName parameters. These parameters are used to categorize the source data.

When the parameter -Group or -GroupName is given, the data is categorized based on the category data specified by -Group, or the column with the name specified by -GroupName. For each subset of the source data, a series object is created.

In the following example, a series object is created for each value in the Species column. Thus, several sets of scatter points will appear in the single chart. When point colors are not specified (automatic), each set of scatter points will be plotted in differenct colors.

$data = Import-Csv datasets\iris.csv
$data | oxyscat -XName Sepal.Width -YName Sepal.Length -GroupName Species | Show-OxyPlot


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