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Class OrderDocumentReader
Class representing the document reader for incoming XML-Documents with
XML data in BASIC-, COMFORT- and EXTENDED profile
Set the directory where the attached binary data from
additional referenced documents are temporary stored
public function setBinaryDataDirectory(string $binarydatadirectory): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
binarydatadirectory | string | ❌ |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Guess the profile type of a xml file
public static function readAndGuessFromFile(string $xmlfilename): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
xmlfilename | string | ❌ | The filename to read invoice data from |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Guess the profile type of the readden xml document
public static function readAndGuessFromContent(string $xmlcontent): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
xmlcontent | string | ❌ | The XML content as a string to read the invoice data from |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get main information about this document
public function getDocumentInformation(
?string $documentNo,
?string $documentTypeCode,
?DateTime $documentDate,
?string $documentCurrency,
?string $documentName,
?string $documentLanguageId,
?DateTime $documentEffectiveSpecifiedPeriod,
?string $documentPurposeCode,
?string $documentRequestedResponseTypeCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
documentNo | string | ✔️ |
An identifier of a referenced purchase order, issued by the Buyer. |
documentTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
A code specifying the functional type of the Order Commercial orders and credit notes are defined according the entries in UNTDID 1001 Other entries of UNTDID 1001 with specific orders may be used if applicable. - 220 for Order - 230 for Order Change - 231 for Order Response |
documentDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The date when the document was issued by the buyer |
documentCurrency | string | ✔️ |
The code for the order currency |
documentName | string | ✔️ |
The document type (free text) |
documentLanguageId | string | ✔️ |
A unique identifier for a language used in this exchanged document |
documentEffectiveSpecifiedPeriod | DateTime | ✔️ |
The specified period within which this exchanged document is effective |
documentPurposeCode | string | ✔️ |
The purpose, expressed as text, of this exchanged document - 7 : Duplicate - 9 : Original - 35 : Retransmission |
documentRequestedResponseTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
Response requested for this exchanged document. Value = AC to request an Order_Response Value = AC to request an Order_Response |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Read copy indicator
public function getIsDocumentCopy(?bool $copyindicator): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
copyindicator | bool | ✔️ |
Returns true if this document is a copy from the original document |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Read a test document indicator
public function getIsTestDocument(?bool $testdocumentindicator): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
testdocumentindicator | bool | ✔️ |
Returns true if this document is only for test purposes |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the intérnal note pointer to the first document note
It will return false if there is no note on the first position
public function firstDocumentNote(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Set the intérnal note pointer to the next document note.
It will return false if there isn't one more document note
public function nextDocumentNote(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Retrieve the document note. You have to check first if there is a note using
the firstDocumentNote/nextDocumentNote methods
public function getDocumentNote(?array $content, ?string $subjectCode, ?string $contentCode): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
content | array | ✔️ |
Note content |
subjectCode | string | ✔️ |
Subject code. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 4451 |
contentCode | string | ✔️ |
Content code. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID xxx |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the document money summation
public function getDocumentSummation(
?float $lineTotalAmount,
?float $grandTotalAmount,
?float $chargeTotalAmount,
?float $allowanceTotalAmount,
?float $taxBasisTotalAmount,
?float $taxTotalAmount,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Sum of the net amounts of all prder items Sum of all order line net amounts in the order. |
grandTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Total order amount including sales tax The total amount of the order with VAT. |
chargeTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Sum of the surcharges at document level Sum of all charges on document level in the order. |
allowanceTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Sum of the discounts at document level Sum of all allowances on document level in the order. |
taxBasisTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Total order amount excluding sales tax The total amount of the order without VAT. |
taxTotalAmount | float | ✔️ | Total amount of the order tax, Total tax amount in the booking currency The total VAT amount for the order. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the identifier defined by the Buyer (e.g. contact ID, department, office id, project code).
public function getDocumentBuyerReference(?string $buyerreference): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
buyerreference | string | ✔️ |
An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information about the seller (=service provider)
public function getDocumentSeller(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The full formal name by which the party is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. The identification scheme identifier of the Party identifier. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global identifiers of the seller.
public function getDocumentSellerGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on the seller's tax information.
public function getDocumentSellerTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the address of seller trade party
public function getDocumentSellerAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the sellers address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the seller's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the seller's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the seller's address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” If no tax representative is specified, this is the country where VAT is liable. The lists of valid countries are registered with the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions”. |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the legal organisation of seller trade party
public function getDocumentSellerLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the seller as a legal entity or legal person. If no identification scheme ($legalorgtype) is provided, it should be known to the buyer and seller |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the Seller legal registration identifier. If used, the identification scheme identifier shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency. |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ |
A name by which the seller is known, if different from the seller's name (also known as the company name). Note: This may be used if different from the seller's name. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first seller contact of the document.
Returns true if a first seller contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentSellerContact
public function firstDocumentSellerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available first seller contact of the document.
Returns true if another seller contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentSellerContact
public function nextDocumentSellerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the seller's contact person
public function getDocumentSellerContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the universal communication info for the seller
public function getDocumentSellerElectronicAddress(?string $uriType, ?string $uriId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get information about the Buyer.
public function getDocumentBuyer(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The full formal name by which the party is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. The identification scheme identifier of the Party identifier. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global identifier of the buyer.
public function getDocumentBuyerGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on the buyer's tax information.
public function getDocumentBuyerTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the address of buyer trade party
public function getDocumentBuyerAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the buyers address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the buyers address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the buyers address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the buyers address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the legal organisation of buyer trade party
public function getDocumentBuyerLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the buyer as a legal entity or legal person. If no identification scheme ($legalorgtype) is provided, it should be known to the buyer and buyer |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for the identification scheme of the legal registration of the buyer. If the identification scheme is used, it must be selected from ISO/IEC 6523 list |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ |
A name by which the buyer is known, if different from the buyers name (also known as the company name) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first buyer contact of the document.
Returns true if a first buyer contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentBuyerContact
public function firstDocumentBuyerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available first Buyer contact of the document.
Returns true if another Buyer contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentBuyerContact
public function nextDocumentBuyerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the buyer's contact person
public function getDocumentBuyerContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the universal communication info for the buyer
public function getDocumentBuyerElectronicAddress(?string $uriType, ?string $uriId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Detailed information about the party who raises the Order originally on behalf of the Buyer
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitioner(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The full formal name by which the party is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. The identification scheme identifier of the Party identifier. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global id's for the party who raises the Order originally on behalf of the buyer requisitioner
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on the buyer requisitioner's tax information.
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the address of buyer requisitioner's trade party
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the buyer requisitioners address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the buyer requisitioners address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the buyer requisitioners address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the buyer requisitioners address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the legal organisation of buyer requisitioner trade party
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the buyer requisitioner as a legal entity or legal person. |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for the identification scheme of the legal registration of the buyer requisitioner. If the identification scheme is used, it must be selected from ISO/IEC 6523 list |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ |
A name by which the buyer requisitioner is known, if different from the buyer requisitioners name (also known as the company name) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first buyer requisitioner's contact of the document.
Returns true if a first buyer contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentBuyerContact
public function firstDocumentBuyerRequisitionerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available first Buyer requisitioner's contact of the document.
Returns true if another Buyer contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentBuyerContact
public function nextDocumentBuyerRequisitionerContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the buyer requisitioner's contact person
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the universal communication info for the buyer requisitioner
public function getDocumentBuyerRequisitionerElectronicAddress(
?string $uriType,
?string $uriId,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get information on the delivery conditions
public function getDocumentDeliveryTerms(
?string $code,
?string $description,
?string $functionCode,
?string $relevantTradeLocationId,
?string $relevantTradeLocationName,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
code | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of delivery for these trade delivery terms. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 4053 + INCOTERMS List - 1 : Delivery arranged by the supplier (Indicates that the supplier will arrange delivery of the goods). - 2 : Delivery arranged by logistic service provider (Code indicating that the logistic service provider has arranged the delivery of goods). - CFR : Cost and Freight (insert named port of destination) - CIF : Cost, Insurance and Freight (insert named port of destination) - CIP : Carriage and Insurance Paid to (insert named place of destination) - CPT : Carriage Paid To (insert named place of destination) - DAP : Delivered At Place (insert named place of destination) - DAT : Delivered At Terminal (insert named terminal at port or place of destination) - DDP : Delivered Duty Paid (insert named place of destination) - EXW : Ex Works (insert named place of delivery) - FAS : Free Alongside Ship (insert named port of shipment) - FCA : Free Carrier (insert named place of delivery) - FOB : Free On Board (insert named port of shipment) |
description | string | ✔️ |
A textual description of these trade delivery terms |
functionCode | string | ✔️ |
A code specifying a function of these trade delivery terms (Pick up,or delivered) To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 4055 |
relevantTradeLocationId | string | ✔️ |
The unique identifier of a country location used or referenced in trade. |
relevantTradeLocationName | string | ✔️ |
The name, expressed as text, of this location used or referenced in trade. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the associated order confirmation
public function getDocumentSellerOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $sellerOrderRefId,
?DateTime $sellerOrderRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
sellerOrderRefId | string | ✔️ |
An identifier of a referenced Sales order, issued by the Seller |
sellerOrderRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Sales Order. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the related buyer order
public function getDocumentBuyerOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $buyerOrderRefId,
?DateTime $buyerOrderRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
buyerOrderRefId | string | ✔️ |
An identifier of a referenced purchase order, issued by the Buyer. |
buyerOrderRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Buyer Order. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the related quotation
public function getDocumentQuotationReferencedDocument(
?string $quotationRefId,
?DateTime $quotationRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
quotationRefId | string | ✔️ |
An Identifier of a Quotation, issued by the Seller. |
quotationRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
Date of order |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the associated contract. The contract identifier should be unique in the context
of the specific trading relationship and for a defined time period.
public function getDocumentContractReferencedDocument(
?string $contractRefId,
?DateTime $contractRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contractRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identification of a contract. |
contractRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Contract. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of a Requisition Document, issued by the Buyer or the Buyer Requisitioner
public function getDocumentRequisitionReferencedDocument(
?string $requisitionRefId,
?DateTime $requisitionRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
requisitionRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identification of a Requisition Document, issued by the Buyer or the Buyer Requisitioner. |
requisitionRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Requisition. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the intérnal additional ref. documents pointer to the first position. This method will return false if there is no
additional ref. document. This method should be used together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument
public function firstDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Set the intérnal additional ref. documents pointer to the next position. This method will return false if there is no more
additional ref. document. This method should be used together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument
public function nextDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Add an information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the order.
The additional supporting documents can be used for both referencing a document number which is expected to be
known by the receiver, an external document (referenced by a URL) or as an embedded document (such as a time
report in pdf). The option to link to an external document will be needed, for example in the case of large
attachments and/or when sensitive information, e.g. person-related services, has to be separated from the order itself.
This method should be used together witd OrderDocumentReader::firstDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument and
public function getDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument(
?string $additionalRefTypeCode,
?string $additionalRefId,
?string $additionalRefURIID,
?string $additionalRefName,
?string $additionalRefRefTypeCode,
?DateTime $additionalRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
additionalRefTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
Type of referenced document (See codelist UNTDID 1001) - Code 916 "reference paper" is used to reference the identification of the document on which the invoice is based - Code 50 "Price / sales catalog response" is used to reference the tender or the lot - Code 130 "invoice data sheet" is used to reference an identifier for an object specified by the seller. |
additionalRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identifier of the tender or lot to which the invoice relates, or an identifier specified by the seller for an object on which the invoice is based, or an identifier of the document on which the invoice is based. |
additionalRefURIID | string | ✔️ |
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) at which the external document is available. A means of finding the resource including the primary access method intended for it, e.g. http: // or ftp: //. The location of the external document must be used if the buyer needs additional information to support the amounts billed. External documents are not part of the invoice. Access to external documents can involve certain risks. |
additionalRefName | string | ✔️ |
A description of the document, e.g. Hourly billing, usage or consumption report, etc. |
additionalRefRefTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for the identification scheme of the identifier of the item invoiced. If it is not clear to the recipient which scheme is used for the identifier, an identifier of the scheme should be used, which must be selected from UNTDID 1153 in accordance with the code list entries. |
additionalRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Additional Document. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the binary data from the current additional document. You have to
specify $binarydatadirectory-Property using the setBinaryDataDirectory method.
This method should be used together witd OrderDocumentReader::firstDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocument and
public function getDocumentAdditionalReferencedDocumentBinaryData(?string $binarydatafilename): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
binarydatafilename | string | ✔️ |
The fuill-qualified filename where the data where stored. If no binary data are available, this value will be empty |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of a blanket order referenced document
public function getDocumentBlanketOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $blanketOrderRefId,
?DateTime $blanketOrderRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
blanketOrderRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identification of a Blanket Order, issued by the Buyer or the Buyer Requisitioner. |
blanketOrderRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Blanket Order. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of a the Previous Order Change Document, issued by the Buyer or the Buyer Requisitioner.
public function getDocumentPreviousOrderChangeReferencedDocument(
?string $prevOrderChangeRefId,
?DateTime $prevOrderChangeRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
prevOrderChangeRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identification of a the Previous Order Change Document, issued by the Buyer or the Buyer Requisitioner. |
prevOrderChangeRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Previous Order Change. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set details of a the Previous Order Response Document, issued by the Seller.
public function getDocumentPreviousOrderResponseReferencedDocument(
?string $prevOrderResponseRefId,
?DateTime $prevOrderResponseRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
prevOrderResponseRefId | string | ✔️ |
The identification of a the Previous Order Response Document, issued by the Seller. |
prevOrderResponseRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Previous Order Response. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the procuring project specified for this header trade agreement.
public function getDocumentProcuringProject(
?string $procuringProjectId,
?string $procuringProjectName,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
procuringProjectId | string | ✔️ |
The unique identifier of this procuring project. |
procuringProjectName | string | ✔️ |
The name of this procuring project. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first ultimate customer order referenced document (on document-level)
If an applicable document exists, this function will return true, otherwise false
public function firstDocumentUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next ultimate customer order referenced document (on document-level)
If another applicable document exists, this function will return true, otherwise false
public function nextDocumentUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Set the ultimate customer order referenced document (on document level)
public function getDocumentUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $ultimateCustomerOrderRefId,
?DateTime $ultimateCustomerOrderRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
ultimateCustomerOrderRefId | string | ✔️ |
Ultimate Customer Order Referenced Doc ID applied to this line |
ultimateCustomerOrderRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this Ultimate Customer Order Referenced Doc. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set information about the Ship-To-Party
The Ship-To-Party provides information about where and when the goods and services ordered are delivered.
public function getDocumentShipTo(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The name of the party to which the goods and services are delivered. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. If no scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. a previously exchanged Buyer or Seller assigned identifier. If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global identifiers for the Ship-to Trade Party
public function getDocumentShipToGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get Tax registration to Ship-To Trade party
public function getDocumentShipToTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the postal address of the Ship-To party
public function getDocumentShipToAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the party's address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the party's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the party's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the party's address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set legal organisation of the Ship-To party
public function getDocumentShipToLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the party as a legal entity or legal person. If no identification scheme ($legalorgtype) is provided, it should be known to the buyer or seller party |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ | The identifier for the identification scheme of the legal registration of the party. In particular, the following scheme codes are used: 0021 : SWIFT, 0088 : EAN, 0060 : DUNS, 0177 : ODETTE |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ | A name by which the party is known, if different from the party's name (also known as the company name) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first ship-to contact.
Returns true if a first ship-to contact is available, otherwise false
You should use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentShipToContact
public function firstDocumentShipToContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available ship-to contact.
Returns true if another ship-to contact is available, otherwise false
You should use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentShipToContact
public function nextDocumentShipToContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get contact of the Ship-To party
public function getDocumentShipToContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the universal communication info for the Ship-To Trade Party
public function getDocumentShipToElectronicAddress(?string $uriType, ?string $uriId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get information about the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFrom(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The full formal name by which the party is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. The identification scheme identifier of the Party identifier. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global identifier of the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get Tax registration of the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the postal address of the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the party's address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the party's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the party's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the party's address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set legal organisation of the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the party as a legal entity or legal person. If no identification scheme ($legalorgtype) is provided, it should be known to the buyer or seller party |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ | The identifier for the identification scheme of the legal registration of the party. In particular, the following scheme codes are used: 0021 : SWIFT, 0088 : EAN, 0060 : DUNS, 0177 : ODETTE |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ | A name by which the party is known, if different from the party's name (also known as the company name) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first ship-from contact of the document.
Returns true if a ship-to contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentShipFromContact
public function firstDocumentShipFromContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available first ship-to contact of the document.
Returns true if another ship-to contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentShipFromContact
public function nextDocumentShipFromContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get contact of the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the universal communication info for the party from which the goods and services are delivered or picked up
public function getDocumentShipFromElectronicAddress(?string $uriType, ?string $uriId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document requested delivery supply chain event of the document.
Returns true if a first event is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
public function firstDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document requested delivery supply chain event of the document.
Returns true if a event is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
public function nextDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the requested date or period on which delivery is requested
This method should be used together with OrderDocumentReader::firstDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
and OrderDocumentReader::nextDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
public function getDocumentRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(
?DateTime $occurrenceDateTime,
?DateTime $startDateTime,
?DateTime $endDateTime,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
occurrenceDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
A Requested Date on which Delivery is requested |
startDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The Start Date of he Requested Period on which Delivery is requested |
endDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The End Date of he Requested Period on which Delivery is requested |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document requested despatch supply chain event of the document.
Returns true if a first event is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
(This is the date or period on which delivery is requested)
public function firstDocumentRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document requested despatch supply chain event of the document.
Returns true if a event is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
(This is the date or period on which delivery is requested)
public function nextDocumentRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the requested date or period on which delivery is requested
This method should be used together with OrderDocumentReader::firstDocumentRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
and OrderDocumentReader::nextDocumentRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
public function getDocumentRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(
?DateTime $occurrenceDateTime,
?DateTime $startDateTime,
?DateTime $endDateTime,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
occurrenceDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
A Requested Date on which Pick up is requested |
startDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The Start Date of he Requested Period on which Pick up is requested |
endDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The End Date of he Requested Period on which Pick up is requested |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoicee(?string $name, ?array $id, ?string $description): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
The full formal name by which the party is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons. |
id | array | ✔️ |
An identification of the Party. The identification scheme identifier of the Party identifier. |
description | string | ✔️ |
Additional legal information relevant for the Paety. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get global identifier of the Party to which the invoice must be sent.
public function getDocumentInvoiceeGlobalId(?array $globalID): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get Tax registration to the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoiceeTaxRegistration(?array $taxreg): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
taxreg | array | ✔️ |
Array of sales tax identification numbers of the seller indexed by Scheme identifier (e.g.: FC for Tax number of the seller and VA for Sales tax identification number of the seller) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the address of the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoiceeAddress(
?string $lineone,
?string $linetwo,
?string $linethree,
?string $postcode,
?string $city,
?string $country,
?string $subdivision,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineone | string | ✔️ |
The main line in the invoicee's address. This is usually the street name and house number or the post office box |
linetwo | string | ✔️ |
Line 2 of the invoicee's address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
linethree | string | ✔️ |
Line 3 of the invoicee' address. This is an additional address line in an address that can be used to provide additional details in addition to the main line |
postcode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant postal service. |
city | string | ✔️ |
Usual name of the city or municipality in which the invoicee' address is located |
country | string | ✔️ |
Code used to identify the country. If no tax agent is specified, this is the country in which the sales tax is due. The lists of approved countries are maintained by the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions” |
subdivision | string | ✔️ |
The subdivision of a country. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the legal organisation of the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoiceeLegalOrganisation(
?string $legalorgid,
?string $legalorgtype,
?string $legalorgname,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
legalorgid | string | ✔️ |
An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the invoice as a legal entity or legal person. If no identification scheme ($legalorgtype) is provided, it should be known to the buyer and invoice |
legalorgtype | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for the identification scheme of the legal registration of the invoice. If the identification scheme is used, it must be selected from ISO/IEC 6523 list |
legalorgname | string | ✔️ |
A name by which the invoice is known, if different from the invoice's name (also known as the company name) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first contact of the Party to which the invoice must be sent.
Returns true if a first invoice contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentinvoiceeContact
public function firstDocumentInvoiceeContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next available contact of the Party to which the invoice must be sent.
Returns true if another invoicee contact is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentInvoiceeContact
public function nextDocumentInvoiceeContact(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoiceeContact(
?string $contactpersonname,
?string $contactdepartmentname,
?string $contactphoneno,
?string $contactfaxno,
?string $contactemailadd,
?string $contacttypecode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
contactpersonname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a personal name of the contact person |
contactdepartmentname | string | ✔️ |
Contact point for a legal entity, such as a name of the department or office |
contactphoneno | string | ✔️ |
A phone number for the contact point. |
contactfaxno | string | ✔️ |
A fax number for the contact point. |
contactemailadd | string | ✔️ |
An e-mail address for the contact point. |
contacttypecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade contact. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 3139 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set the universal communication info for the Party to which the invoice must be sent
public function getDocumentInvoiceeElectronicAddress(?string $uriType, ?string $uriId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
uriType | string | ✔️ |
Identifies the electronic address to which the application level response to the order may be delivered. |
uriId | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of the electronic address. The scheme identifier shall be chosen from a list to be maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first payment means of the document.
Returns true if a first payment mean is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPaymentMeans
public function firstDocumentPaymentMeans(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next payment means of the document
Returns true if another payment mean is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPaymentMeans
public function nextDocumentPaymentMeans(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the payment method
public function getDocumentPaymentMeans(
?string $paymentMeansCode,
?string $paymentMeansInformation,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
paymentMeansCode | string | ✔️ |
The means, expressed as code, for how a payment is expected to be or has been settled. Entries from the UNTDID 4461 code list shall be used. Distinction should be made between SEPA and non-SEPA payments, and between credit payments, direct debits, card payments and other instruments. |
paymentMeansInformation | string | ✔️ |
Such as cash, credit transfer, direct debit, credit card, etc. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first documents payment terms position
Returns true if the first position is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPaymentTerm
public function firstDocumentPaymentTerms(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next documents payment terms position
Returns true if a other position is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPaymentTerm
public function nextDocumentPaymentTerms(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get currently seeked payment term
This controlled by firstDocumentPaymentTerms and nextDocumentPaymentTerms methods
public function getDocumentPaymentTerm(?string $paymentTermsDescription): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
paymentTermsDescription | string | ✔️ |
A text description of the payment terms that apply to the payment amount due (including a description of possible penalties). Note: This element can contain multiple lines and multiple conditions. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document tax
Returns true if a first tax (at document level) is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentTax
public function firstDocumentTax(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document tax
Returns true if another tax (at document level) is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentTax
public function nextDocumentTax(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get current VAT breakdown (at document level)
public function getDocumentTax(
?string $categoryCode,
?string $typeCode,
?float $basisAmount,
?float $calculatedAmount,
?float $rateApplicablePercent,
?string $exemptionReason,
?string $exemptionReasonCode,
?float $lineTotalBasisAmount,
?float $allowanceChargeBasisAmount,
?string $dueDateTypeCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
categoryCode | string | ✔️ |
Coded description of a sales tax category The following entries from UNTDID 5305 are used (details in brackets): - Standard rate (sales tax is due according to the normal procedure) - Goods to be taxed according to the zero rate (sales tax is charged with a percentage of zero) - Tax exempt (USt./IGIC/IPSI) - Reversal of the tax liability (the rules for reversing the tax liability at USt./IGIC/IPSI apply) - VAT exempt for intra-community deliveries of goods (USt./IGIC/IPSI not levied due to rules on intra-community deliveries) - Free export item, tax not levied (VAT / IGIC/IPSI not levied due to export outside the EU) - Services outside the tax scope (sales are not subject to VAT / IGIC/IPSI) - Canary Islands general indirect tax (IGIC tax applies) - IPSI (tax for Ceuta / Melilla) applies. The codes for the VAT category are as follows: - S = sales tax is due at the normal rate - Z = goods to be taxed according to the zero rate - E = tax exempt - AE = reversal of tax liability - K = VAT is not shown for intra-community deliveries - G = tax not levied due to export outside the EU - O = Outside the tax scope - L = IGIC (Canary Islands) - M = IPSI (Ceuta / Melilla) |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
Coded description of a sales tax category. Note: Fixed value = "VAT" |
basisAmount | float | ✔️ |
Tax base amount, Each sales tax breakdown must show a category-specific tax base amount. |
calculatedAmount | float | ✔️ |
The total amount to be paid for the relevant VAT category. Note: Calculated by multiplying the amount to be taxed according to the sales tax category by the sales tax rate applicable for the sales tax category concerned |
rateApplicablePercent | float | ✔️ |
The sales tax rate, expressed as the percentage applicable to the sales tax category in question. Note: The code of the sales tax category and the category-specific sales tax rate must correspond to one another. The value to be given is the percentage. For example, the value 20 is given for 20% (and not 0.2) |
exemptionReason | string | ✔️ |
Reason for tax exemption (free text) |
exemptionReasonCode | string | ✔️ |
Reason given in code form for the exemption of the amount from VAT. Note: Code list issued and maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
lineTotalBasisAmount | float | ✔️ |
Tax rate goods amount |
allowanceChargeBasisAmount | float | ✔️ |
Total amount of surcharges and deductions of the tax rate at document level |
dueDateTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code for the date on which sales tax becomes relevant for the seller and the buyer. The code must distinguish between the following entries from UNTDID 2005: - date of issue of the invoice document - actual delivery date - Date of payment. The VAT Collection Date Code is used when the VAT Collection Date is not known for VAT purposes when the invoice is issued. The semantic values cited in the standard, which are represented by the values 3, 35, 432 in UNTDID2005, are mapped to the following values of UNTDID2475, which is the relevant code list supported by CII 16B: - 5: date of issue of the invoice - 29: Delivery date, current status - 72: Paid to date In Germany, the date of delivery and service is decisive. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first documents allowance charge. Returns true if the first allowance/charge is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentAllowanceCharge
public function firstDocumentAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next documents allowance charge. Returns true if another allowance/charge is available, otherwise false
You may use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentAllowanceCharge
public function nextDocumentAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get information about the currently seeked surcharges and charges applicable to the
bill as a whole, Deductions, such as for withheld taxes may also be specified in this group
public function getDocumentAllowanceCharge(
?float $actualAmount,
?bool $isCharge,
?string $taxCategoryCode,
?string $taxTypeCode,
?float $rateApplicablePercent,
?float $sequence,
?float $calculationPercent,
?float $basisAmount,
?float $basisQuantity,
?string $basisQuantityUnitCode,
?string $reasonCode,
?string $reason,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
actualAmount | float | ✔️ |
Amount of the surcharge or discount at document level |
isCharge | bool | ✔️ |
Switch that indicates whether the following data refer to an allowance or a discount, true means that this an charge |
taxCategoryCode | string | ✔️ |
A coded indication of which sales tax category applies to the surcharge or deduction at document level The following entries from UNTDID 5305 are used (details in brackets): - Standard rate (sales tax is due according to the normal procedure) - Goods to be taxed according to the zero rate (sales tax is charged with a percentage of zero) - Tax exempt (USt./IGIC/IPSI) - Reversal of the tax liability (the rules for reversing the tax liability at USt./IGIC/IPSI apply) - VAT exempt for intra-community deliveries of goods (USt./IGIC/IPSI not levied due to rules on intra-community deliveries) - Free export item, tax not levied (VAT / IGIC/IPSI not levied due to export outside the EU) - Services outside the tax scope (sales are not subject to VAT / IGIC/IPSI) - Canary Islands general indirect tax (IGIC tax applies) - IPSI (tax for Ceuta / Melilla) applies. The codes for the VAT category are as follows: - S = sales tax is due at the normal rate - Z = goods to be taxed according to the zero rate - E = tax exempt - AE = reversal of tax liability - K = VAT is not shown for intra-community deliveries - G = tax not levied due to export outside the EU - O = Outside the tax scope - L = IGIC (Canary Islands) - M = IPSI (Ceuta/Melilla) |
taxTypeCode | string | ✔️ |
Code for the VAT category of the surcharge or charge at document level. Note: Fixed value = "VAT" |
rateApplicablePercent | float | ✔️ |
VAT rate for the surcharge or discount on document level. Note: The code of the sales tax category and the category-specific sales tax rate must correspond to one another. The value to be given is the percentage. For example, the value 20 is given for 20% (and not 0.2) |
sequence | float | ✔️ |
Calculation order |
calculationPercent | float | ✔️ |
Percentage surcharge or discount at document level |
basisAmount | float | ✔️ |
The base amount that may be used in conjunction with the percentage of the surcharge or discount at document level to calculate the amount of the discount at document level |
basisQuantity | float | ✔️ |
Basismenge des Rabatts |
basisQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Einheit der Preisbasismenge - Codeliste: Rec. N°20 Vollständige Liste, In Recommendation N°20 Intro 2.a ist beschrieben, dass beide Listen kombiniert anzuwenden sind. - Codeliste: Rec. N°21 Vollständige Liste, In Recommendation N°20 Intro 2.a ist beschrieben, dass beide Listen kombiniert anzuwenden sind. |
reasonCode | string | ✔️ |
The reason given as a code for the surcharge or discount at document level. Note: Use entries from the UNTDID 5189 code list. The code of the reason for the surcharge or discount at document level and the reason for the surcharge or discount at document level must correspond to each other Code list: UNTDID 7161 Complete list, code list: UNTDID 5189 Restricted Include PEPPOL subset: - 41 - Bonus for works ahead of schedule - 42 - Other bonus - 60 - Manufacturer’s consumer discount - 62 - Due to military status - 63 - Due to work accident - 64 - Special agreement - 65 - Production error discount - 66 - New outlet discount - 67 - Sample discount - 68 - End-of-range discount - 70 - Incoterm discount - 71 - Point of sales threshold allowance - 88 - Material surcharge/deduction - 95 - Discount - 100 - Special rebate - 102 - Fixed long term - 103 - Temporary - 104 - Standard - 105 - Yearly turnover |
reason | string | ✔️ |
The reason given in text form for the surcharge or discount at document level |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get an AccountingAccount
public function getDocumentReceivableSpecifiedTradeAccountingAccount(
?string $id,
?string $typeCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
id | string | ✔️ |
A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data into the Buyer's financial accounts. |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade accounting account, such as general (main), secondary, cost accounting or budget account. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position
Returns true if the first position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionGenerals
public function firstDocumentPosition(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position
Returns true if another position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionGenerals
public function nextDocumentPosition(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get general information of the current position
public function getDocumentPositionGenerals(?string $lineid, ?string $lineStatusCode): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineid | string | ✔️ |
A unique identifier for the relevant item within the invoice (item number) |
lineStatusCode | string | ✔️ |
Indicates whether the invoice item contains prices that must be taken into account when calculating the invoice amount, or whether it only contains information. The following code should be used: TYPE_LINE |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position note
Returns true if the first note (at line level) is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionNote
public function firstDocumentPositionNote(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position note
Returns true if there is one more note (at line level) available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionNote
public function nextDocumentPositionNote(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on the free text on the position
public function getDocumentPositionNote(
?string $content,
?string $contentCode,
?string $subjectCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
content | string | ✔️ |
A free text that contains unstructured information that is relevant to the invoice item |
contentCode | string | ✔️ |
Text modules agreed bilaterally, which are transmitted here as code. |
subjectCode | string | ✔️ |
Free text for the position (code for the type) Codelist: UNTDID 4451 |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get product details to the last retrieved position (line) in the document
public function getDocumentPositionProductDetails(
?string $name,
?string $description,
?string $sellerAssignedID,
?string $buyerAssignedID,
?array $globalID,
?string $batchId,
?string $brandName,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
name | string | ✔️ |
A name of the item (item name) |
description | string | ✔️ |
A textual description of a use of this item. |
sellerAssignedID | string | ✔️ |
An identifier assigned to the item by the seller |
buyerAssignedID | string | ✔️ |
An identifier, assigned by the Buyer, for the item. |
globalID | array | ✔️ |
Array of the sellers global ids indexed by the identification scheme. The identification scheme results from the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 Maintenance Agency. |
batchId | string | ✔️ |
A batch identifier for this item. |
brandName | string | ✔️ |
The brand name, expressed as text, for this item. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position product characteristic
Returns true if the first product characteristic is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductCharacteristic
public function firstDocumentPositionProductCharacteristic(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position product characteristic
Returns true if the next position product characteristic is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductCharacteristic
public function nextDocumentPositionProductCharacteristic(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Set (single) extra characteristics to the formerly added product.
Contains information about the characteristics of the goods and services invoiced
public function getDocumentPositionProductCharacteristic(
?string $description,
?array $values,
?string $typecode,
?float $measureValue,
?string $measureUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
description | string | ✔️ |
The name of the attribute or property of the product such as "Colour" |
values | array | ✔️ |
The values of the attribute or property of the product such as "Red" |
typecode | string | ✔️ |
Type of product property (code). The codes must be taken from the UNTDID 6313 codelist. Available only in the Extended-Profile |
measureValue | float | ✔️ |
A measure of a value for this product characteristic. |
measureUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
A unit for the measure value for this product characteristic. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID xxx |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position product classification
Returns true if the first product classification is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductClassification
public function firstDocumentPositionProductClassification(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position product classification
Returns true if the next product classification is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductClassification
public function nextDocumentPositionProductClassification(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on product classification
public function getDocumentPositionProductClassification(
?string $classCode,
?string $className,
?string $listID,
?string $listVersionID,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
classCode | string | ✔️ |
A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. Classification codes are used to allow grouping of similar items for a various purposes e.g. public procurement (CPV), e-Commerce (UNSPSC) etc. The identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 7143 |
className | string | ✔️ |
A class name, expressed as text, for this product classification |
listID | string | ✔️ |
The identification scheme identifier of Item classification identifier Identification scheme must be chosen among the values available in UNTDID 7143 |
listVersionID | string | ✔️ |
Scheme version identifier |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position product instance
Returns true if the first product instance is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductInstance
public function firstDocumentPositionProductInstance(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position product Instance
Returns true if the next product Instance is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductInstance
public function nextDocumentPositionProductInstance(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the unique batch identifier for this trade product instance and
the unique supplier assigned serial identifier for this trade product instance.
public function getDocumentPositionProductInstance(?string $batchID, ?string $serialId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
batchID | string | ✔️ |
The unique batch identifier for this trade product instance |
serialId | string | ✔️ |
The unique supplier assigned serial identifier for this trade product instance. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the supply chain packaging information
public function getDocumentPositionSupplyChainPackaging(
?string $typeCode,
?float $width,
?string $widthUnitCode,
?float $length,
?string $lengthUnitCode,
?float $height,
?string $heightUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of supply chain packaging. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 7065 |
width | float | ✔️ |
The measure of the width component of this spatial dimension. |
widthUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code of the measure of the width component of this spatial dimension. |
length | float | ✔️ |
The measure of the length component of this spatial dimension. |
lengthUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code of the measure of the Length component of this spatial dimension. |
height | float | ✔️ |
The measure of the height component of this spatial dimension. |
heightUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code of the measure of the Height component of this spatial dimension. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get information on the product origin
public function getDocumentPositionProductOriginTradeCountry(?string $country): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
country | string | ✔️ |
The code identifying the country from which the item originates. The lists of valid countries are registered with the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions”. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position product referenced document
Returns true if the first product referenced document is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocument
public function firstDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position product referenced document
Returns true if the next product referenced document is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocument
public function nextDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get an additional product reference document at position level
public function getDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocument(
?string $issuerassignedid,
?string $typecode,
?string $uriid,
?string $lineid,
?string $name,
?string $reftypecode,
?DateTime $issueddate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
issuerassignedid | string | ✔️ |
The unique issuer assigned identifier for this referenced document. |
typecode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of referenced document. To be chosen from the entries in UNTDID 1001 |
uriid | string | ✔️ |
The unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this referenced document. |
lineid | string | ✔️ | |
name | string | ✔️ |
A name, expressed as text, for this referenced document. |
reftypecode | string | ✔️ | |
issueddate | DateTime | ✔️ |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the binary data of an additional product reference document at position level
public function getDocumentPositionProductReferencedDocumentBinaryData(
?string $binarydatafilename,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
binarydatafilename | string | ✔️ |
The fuill-qualified filename where the data where stored. If no binary data are available, this value will be empty |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first documents position additional referenced document
Returns true if the first position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocument
public function firstDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next documents position additional referenced document
Returns true if the first position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocument
public function nextDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get an additional Document reference on a position
public function getDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocument(
?string $issuerassignedid,
?string $typecode,
?string $uriid,
?string $lineid,
?string $name,
?string $reftypecode,
?DateTime $issueddate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
issuerassignedid | string | ✔️ |
The identifier of the tender or lot to which the invoice relates, or an identifier specified by the seller for an object on which the invoice is based, or an identifier of the document on which the invoice is based. |
typecode | string | ✔️ |
Type of referenced document (See codelist UNTDID 1001) - Code 916 "reference paper" is used to reference the identification of the document on which the invoice is based - Code 50 "Price / sales catalog response" is used to reference the tender or the lot - Code 130 "invoice data sheet" is used to reference an identifier for an object specified by the seller. |
uriid | string | ✔️ |
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) at which the external document is available. A means of finding the resource including the primary access method intended for it, e.g. http: // or ftp: //. The location of the external document must be used if the buyer needs additional information to support the amounts billed. External documents are not part of the invoice. Access to external documents can involve certain risks. |
lineid | string | ✔️ |
The referenced position identifier in the additional document |
name | string | ✔️ |
A description of the document, e.g. Hourly billing, usage or consumption report, etc. |
reftypecode | string | ✔️ |
The identifier for the identification scheme of the identifier of the item invoiced. If it is not clear to the recipient which scheme is used for the identifier, an identifier of the scheme should be used, which must be selected from UNTDID 1153 in accordance with the code list entries. |
issueddate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Additional Document. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the binary data of an additional Document reference on a position
public function getDocumentPositionAdditionalReferencedDocumentBinaryData(
?string $binarydatafilename,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
binarydatafilename | string | ✔️ |
The fuill-qualified filename where the data where stored. If no binary data are available, this value will be empty |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the related buyer order position
public function getDocumentPositionBuyerOrderReferencedDocument(?string $buyerOrderRefLineId): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
buyerOrderRefLineId | string | ✔️ |
An identifier for a position within an order placed by the buyer. Note: Reference is made to the order reference at the document level. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of the related quotation position
public function getDocumentPositionQuotationReferencedDocument(
?string $quotationRefId,
?string $quotationRefLineId,
?DateTime $quotationRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
quotationRefId | string | ✔️ |
The quotation document referenced in this line trade agreement |
quotationRefLineId | string | ✔️ |
The unique identifier of a line in this Quotation referenced document |
quotationRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Quotation. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the unit price excluding sales tax before deduction of the discount on the item price.
public function getDocumentPositionGrossPrice(
?float $chargeAmount,
?float $basisQuantity,
?string $basisQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
chargeAmount | float | ✔️ |
The unit price excluding sales tax before deduction of the discount on the item price. Note: If the price is shown according to the net calculation, the price must also be shown according to the gross calculation. |
basisQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The number of item units for which the price applies (price base quantity) |
basisQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
The unit code of the number of item units for which the price applies (price base quantity) |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first documents position gross price allowance/charge position
Returns true if the first gross price allowance/charge position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionGrossPriceAllowanceCharge
public function firstDocumentPositionGrossPriceAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next documents position gross price allowance/charge position
Returns true if a other gross price allowance/charge position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionGrossPriceAllowanceCharge
public function nextDocumentPositionGrossPriceAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get detailed information on surcharges and discounts
public function getDocumentPositionGrossPriceAllowanceCharge(
?float $actualAmount,
?bool $isCharge,
?float $calculationPercent,
?float $basisAmount,
?string $reason,
?string $taxTypeCode,
?string $taxCategoryCode,
?float $rateApplicablePercent,
?float $sequence,
?float $basisQuantity,
?string $basisQuantityUnitCode,
?string $reasonCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
actualAmount | float | ✔️ |
Discount on the item price. The total discount subtracted from the gross price to calculate the net price. Note: Only applies if the discount is given per unit and is not included in the gross price. |
isCharge | bool | ✔️ |
Switch for surcharge/discount, if true then its an charge |
calculationPercent | float | ✔️ |
Discount/surcharge in percent. Up to level EN16931, only the final result of the discount (ActualAmount) is transferred |
basisAmount | float | ✔️ |
Base amount of the discount/surcharge |
reason | string | ✔️ |
Reason for surcharge/discount (free text) |
taxTypeCode | string | ✔️ | |
taxCategoryCode | string | ✔️ | |
rateApplicablePercent | float | ✔️ | |
sequence | float | ✔️ | |
basisQuantity | float | ✔️ | |
basisQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ | |
reasonCode | string | ✔️ |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on the net price of the item
public function getDocumentPositionNetPrice(
?float $chargeAmount,
?float $basisQuantity,
?string $basisQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
chargeAmount | float | ✔️ |
The price of an item, exclusive of VAT, after subtracting item price discount. The Item net price has to be equal with the Item gross price less the Item price discount. |
basisQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The number of item units to which the price applies. |
basisQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
The unit of measure that applies to the Item price base quantity. The Item price base quantity unit of measure shall be the same as the requested quantity unit of measure. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Tax included for B2C on position level
public function getDocumentPositionNetPriceTax(
?string $categoryCode,
?string $typeCode,
?float $rateApplicablePercent,
?float $calculatedAmount,
?string $exemptionReason,
?string $exemptionReasonCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
categoryCode | string | ✔️ |
Coded description of a sales tax category The code specifying the category to which this trade related tax, levy or duty applies, such as codes for "Exempt from Tax", "Standard Rate", "Free Export Item - Tax Not Charged". Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5305. The following entries of UNTDID 5305 are used (further clarification between brackets): - Standard rate (Liable for TAX in a standard way) - Zero rated goods (Liable for TAX with a percentage rate of zero) - Exempt from tax - VAT Reverse Charge (Reverse charge VAT/IGIC/IPSI rules apply) - VAT exempt for intra community supply of goods (VAT/IGIC/IPSI not levied due to Intra-community supply rules) - Free export item, tax not charged - Services outside scope of tax (Sale is not subject to TAX) - Canary Islands General Indirect Tax (Liable for IGIC tax) - Liable for IPSI (Ceuta/Melilla tax) |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade related tax, levy or duty, such as a code for a Value Added Tax (VAT). Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5153 Value = VAT for VAT, ENV for Environmental, EXC for excise duty |
rateApplicablePercent | float | ✔️ |
The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the ordered item. |
calculatedAmount | float | ✔️ |
A monetary value resulting from the calculation of this trade related tax, levy or duty. |
exemptionReason | string | ✔️ |
Reason for tax exemption (free text) |
exemptionReasonCode | string | ✔️ |
Reason given in code form for the exemption of the amount from VAT. Note: Code list issued and maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the Referenced Catalog ID applied to this line
public function getDocumentPositionCatalogueReferencedDocument(
?string $catalogueRefId,
?string $catalogueRefLineId,
?DateTime $catalogueRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
catalogueRefId | string | ✔️ |
Referenced Catalog ID applied to this line |
catalogueRefLineId | string | ✔️ |
Referenced Catalog LineID applied to this line |
catalogueRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced Catalog. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get details of a blanket order referenced document on position-level
public function getDocumentPositionBlanketOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $blanketOrderRefLineId,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
blanketOrderRefLineId | string | ✔️ |
The unique identifier of a line in the Blanket Order referenced document |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first ultimate customer order referenced document (on line-level)
If an applicable document exists, this function will return true, otherwise false
You should use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument
public function firstDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next ultimate customer order referenced document (on line-level)
If another applicable document exists, this function will return true, otherwise false
You should use this together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument
public function nextDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the ultimate customer order referenced document (on line level)
Use this together with OrderDocumentReader::firstDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument
and OrderDocumentReader::nextDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument
public function getDocumentPositionUltimateCustomerOrderReferencedDocument(
?string $ultimateCustomerOrderRefId,
?string $ultimateCustomerOrderRefLineId,
?DateTime $ultimateCustomerOrderRefDate,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
ultimateCustomerOrderRefId | string | ✔️ |
Ultimate Customer Order Referenced Doc ID applied to this line |
ultimateCustomerOrderRefLineId | string | ✔️ |
Ultimate Customer Order Referenced Doc LineID applied to this line |
ultimateCustomerOrderRefDate | DateTime | ✔️ |
The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this Ultimate Customer Order Referenced Doc. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the indication, at line level, of whether or not this trade delivery can be partially delivered.
public function getDocumentPositionPartialDelivery(?bool $partialDelivery): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
partialDelivery | bool | ✔️ |
If TRUE partial delivery is allowed |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the quantity, at line level, requested for this trade delivery.
public function getDocumentPositionDeliverReqQuantity(
?float $requestedQuantity,
?string $requestedQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
requestedQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The quantity, at line level, requested for this trade delivery. |
requestedQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code for the requested quantity. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the number of packages, at line level, in this trade delivery.
public function getDocumentPositionDeliverPackageQuantity(
?float $packageQuantity,
?string $packageQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
packageQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The number of packages, at line level, in this trade delivery. |
packageQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code for the package quantity. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the number of packages, at line level, in this trade delivery.
public function getDocumentPositionDeliverPerPackageQuantity(
?float $perPackageQuantity,
?string $perPackageQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
perPackageQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The number of packages, at line level, in this trade delivery. |
perPackageQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code for the package quantity. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get the quantity, at line level, agreed for this trade delivery.
public function getDocumentPositionDeliverAgreedQuantity(
?float $agreedQuantity,
?string $agreedQuantityUnitCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
agreedQuantity | float | ✔️ |
The quantity, at line level, agreed for this trade delivery. |
agreedQuantityUnitCode | string | ✔️ |
Unit Code for the package quantity. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position requested delivery supply chain event
Returns true if the first requested delivery supply chain event is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
(The Requested Date or Period on which Delivery is requested)
public function firstDocumentPositionRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position requested delivery supply chain event
Returns true if another requested delivery supply chain event is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent
(The Requested Date or Period on which Delivery is requested)
public function nextDocumentPositionRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the requested date or period on which delivery is requested (on position level)
public function getDocumentPositionRequestedDeliverySupplyChainEvent(
?DateTime $occurrenceDateTime,
?DateTime $startDateTime,
?DateTime $endDateTime,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
occurrenceDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
A Requested Date on which Delivery is requested |
startDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The Start Date of he Requested Period on which Delivery is requested |
endDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The End Date of he Requested Period on which Delivery is requested |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position requested despatch supply chain event
Returns true if the first requested despatch supply chain event is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
This is the Requested date or period on which pick up is requested (on position level)
public function firstDocumentPositionRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position requested despatch supply chain event
Returns true if another requested despatch supply chain event is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with getDocumentPositionRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent
This is the Requested date or period on which pick up is requested (on position level)
public function nextDocumentPositionRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get the requested date or period on which delivery is requested (on position level)
public function getDocumentPositionRequestedDespatchSupplyChainEvent(
?DateTime $occurrenceDateTime,
?DateTime $startDateTime,
?DateTime $endDateTime,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
occurrenceDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
A Requested Date on which Pick up is requested |
startDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The Start Date of he Requested Period on which Pick up is requested |
endDateTime | DateTime | ✔️ |
The End Date of he Requested Period on which Pick up is requested |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first document position tax
Returns true if the first tax position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionTax
public function firstDocumentPositionTax(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next document position tax
Returns true if another tax position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionTax
public function nextDocumentPositionTax(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get information about the sales tax that applies to the goods and services invoiced
in the relevant invoice line
public function getDocumentPositionTax(
?string $categoryCode,
?string $typeCode,
?float $rateApplicablePercent,
?float $calculatedAmount,
?string $exemptionReason,
?string $exemptionReasonCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
categoryCode | string | ✔️ |
Coded description of a sales tax category The code specifying the category to which this trade related tax, levy or duty applies, such as codes for "Exempt from Tax", "Standard Rate", "Free Export Item - Tax Not Charged". Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5305. The following entries of UNTDID 5305 are used (further clarification between brackets): - Standard rate (Liable for TAX in a standard way) - Zero rated goods (Liable for TAX with a percentage rate of zero) - Exempt from tax - VAT Reverse Charge (Reverse charge VAT/IGIC/IPSI rules apply) - VAT exempt for intra community supply of goods (VAT/IGIC/IPSI not levied due to Intra-community supply rules) - Free export item, tax not charged - Services outside scope of tax (Sale is not subject to TAX) - Canary Islands General Indirect Tax (Liable for IGIC tax) - Liable for IPSI (Ceuta/Melilla tax) |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade related tax, levy or duty, such as a code for a Value Added Tax (VAT). Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5153 Value = VAT for VAT, ENV for Environmental, EXC for excise duty |
rateApplicablePercent | float | ✔️ |
The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the ordered item. |
calculatedAmount | float | ✔️ |
A monetary value resulting from the calculation of this trade related tax, levy or duty. |
exemptionReason | string | ✔️ |
Reason for tax exemption (free text) |
exemptionReasonCode | string | ✔️ |
Reason given in code form for the exemption of the amount from VAT. Note: Code list issued and maintained by the Connecting Europe Facility. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Seek to the first allowance charge (on position level)
Returns true if the first position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionAllowanceCharge
public function firstDocumentPositionAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Seek to the next allowance charge (on position level)
Returns true if another position is available, otherwise false
You may use it together with OrderDocumentReader::getDocumentPositionAllowanceCharge
public function nextDocumentPositionAllowanceCharge(): bool
Returns a value of type bool
Get surcharges and discounts on position level
public function getDocumentPositionAllowanceCharge(
?float $actualAmount,
?bool $isCharge,
?float $calculationPercent,
?float $basisAmount,
?string $reasonCode,
?string $reason,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
actualAmount | float | ✔️ |
The amount of an allowance, without VAT. |
isCharge | bool | ✔️ |
Indicator indicating whether the following data is for a charge or an allowance. |
calculationPercent | float | ✔️ |
The percentage that may be used, in conjunction with the order line allowance base amount, to calculate the order line allowance amount. |
basisAmount | float | ✔️ |
The base amount that may be used, in conjunction with the order line allowance percentage, to calculate the order line allowance amount. |
reasonCode | string | ✔️ |
The reason for the order line allowance, expressed as a code. Use entries of the UNTDID 5189 code list. The order line level allowance reason code and the order line level allowance reason shall indicate the same allowance reason. |
reason | string | ✔️ |
The reason for the order line allowance, expressed as text. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Get detailed information on item totals
public function getDocumentPositionLineSummation(
?float $lineTotalAmount,
?float $totalAllowanceChargeAmount,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
lineTotalAmount | float | ✔️ |
The total amount of the order line. The amount is “net” without VAT, i.e. inclusive of line level allowances and charges as well as other relevant taxes. |
totalAllowanceChargeAmount | float | ✔️ |
A monetary value of a total allowance and charge reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation. The amount is “net” without VAT, i.e. inclusive of line level allowances and charges as well as other relevant taxes. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader
Set an AccountingAccount on position level
public function getDocumentPositionReceivableTradeAccountingAccount(
?string $id,
?string $typeCode,
): \OrderDocumentReader
Name | Type | Allows Null | Description |
id | string | ✔️ |
The unique identifier for this trade accounting account. |
typeCode | string | ✔️ |
The code specifying the type of trade accounting account, such as general (main), secondary, cost accounting or budget account. |
Returns a value of type \OrderDocumentReader