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Importing Order Feed

Priya Sharma edited this page Apr 20, 2023 · 1 revision

A scheduled job will be responsible to fetch the brokered orders feed file from the SFTP server,

  • Moqui SFTP supports this through the poll#SystemMessageSftp service. We need to provide the receiveUrl, hostname, username, and password
  • Create a systemMessageType specifically for the fulfillment, with consumer service and incoming message receive service receive#IncomingSystemMessage
  • Create service job data
  • Implement the consumer service
    • this service reads the file content and invokes the service that creates order and related entities in the system.

Sample feed file

[ { "orderName": "SMUS#12369", "currencyUom": "USD", "salesChannelEnumId": "", "placedDate": "2023-03-07T05:57:20-05:00", "externalOrderId": "40531", "customer_details": { "customerPartyId": "45110", "firstName" : "Test", "lastName" : "Thomas" }, "shipping_details": { "address": { "toName": "Test Thomas", "address1": "465 North 100 West", "address2": "", "city": "Redmond", "stateProvinceGeoId": "UT", "countryGeoId": "USA", "postalCode": "84652" }, "phone": { "countryCode": "+91", "areaCode": "24234", "contactNumber": "23432" } }, "orderItems": [ { "productStoreId": "SM_STORE", "orderId": "40531", "orderName": "SMUS#12369", "orderDate": "2023-03-07T05:57:20-05:00", "orderStatusId": "ORDER_APPROVED", "entryDate": "2023-03-07T05:57:47-05:00", "currency": "USD", "grandTotal": 54.95, "orderItemSeqId": "00101", "itemStatusId": "ITEM_APPROVED", "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": 54.95, "orderItemExternalId": "12248387649607", "shipGroupSeqId": "00003", "shipmentMethodTypeId": "STANDARD", } ] } ]

OrderHeader Field
orderId FM123 (auto-generated)
orderName SM_123
placedDate 2022-06-01 18:29
currencyUomId USD
productStoreId  9000
externalId ABC123
grandTotal 23.6
firstName Test
lastName Thomas
address1 11 Walepole Steet
city Dover
state MA
countryGeoId USA
zipcode 02030
countryCode +1
areaCode 24234
contactNumber 24234
OrderItemShipGroup Field
orderId FM123
shipGroupSeqId 0001
shipmentMethodTypeId STANDARD
facilityId 9000
OrderItem Field
orderId FM123
orderItemSeqId 0001
shipGroupSeqId 0001
externalSeqId 00101
productId 10000
quantity  1
itemDescription 2750 FRANELAWOOLW OLIVE


  • Additional product details like weight, color, size, length, and height will be fetched from the search documents.
  • Since we are exploding the order items, we will always get 1 quantity per item
  • Create 1 ship group per line item
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