AptaFlow for HT-SELEX NGS Data
This is the bioinformatic pipeline used for the Analysis of Enterococcus faecalis, performed in 2020 at TU Wien, Austria.
Workflow Diagram
Compact workflow: Workflow Diagram
Detailed workflow: Workflow Diagram
Getting Started
To replicate the results for the HT-SELEX against E. faecalis (EF05) the config-file ef05.config in the config folder can be used.
Please note that in the config file the path to the raw NGS files has to be changed first.
Prerequisites & Installation
The workflow has been developed and run in an Anaconda environment.
The conda environment is used for management of dependencies.
First of all, be sure to have at least Python 3.6 installed and install conda:
# Installing conda
pip install conda
# Updating conda base environment from default channel
conda update -n base -c defaults conda
# Adding of necessary channels
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels r
Next a conda environment, in which the dependencies will be installed, is created.
# Creating conda environment
conda create --name aptaflow
Activate the environment and install the dependencies.
conda activate aptaflow
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge nextflow=19.10.0 cutadapt=2.4 fastp=0.20.0 multiqc=1.9 pandas=1.1.0
conda install -c r r-base=3.6.1 r-dplyr= r-tidyr=0.8.3 r-ggplot2=3.1.1 r-xlsx=0.6.1 r-argparse=2.0.1 r-showtext=0.9
Packages used:
- nextflow
- cutadapt 2.4
- fastp 0.20.0
- multiqc 1.9
- pandas 1.1.0
- dplyr
- r-base 3.6.1
- r-tidyr 0.8.3
- r-ggplot2 3.1.1
- r-xlsx 0.6.1
- r-argparse 2.0.1
- r-showtext 0.9
We had problems using the workflow on a fresh install of Linux (OpenSUSE) due to the xlsx-package using rJava.
For it to properly work the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH has to be set.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/lib/server';
Be sure that $JAVA_HOME is pointing at your java install directory.
You can check by echoing the $JAVA_HOME global variable:
Running the workflow
Make sure that the scripts in bin/ are executable.
These scripts are called from within the aptaflow.nf script.
If they are not executable, use this command to make them executable.
chmod +x bin/*
Execute the pipeline like this:
nextflow run aptaflow.nf -c configs/YOUR_CONFIG.config
Or like this:
./aptaflow.nf run -c configs/YOUR_CONFIG.config
Config Files
Make sure to stick to the config file below and change only necessary variables,
such as the round names, data location, random region length and so on.
There are also the config files used in our research for reproducibility.
// Parameters for nextflow script aptaflow.nf
params {
// Provide a selex name for the output directory
selex_name = "EF05"
// provide rounds in sorted order
rounds=["R00", "R02", "R03", "R04", "R05", "R06", "R07", "R08", "R09", "R10", "R11"]
// random region length
// I/O
input {
raw_reads = 'data/*{R1,R2}_001.fastq'
round_delimiter = "_" // Will be cleaved e.g. R0_XYZ.fastq -> R0
output {
out_dir = null
// System Specs
specs {
cpus = 24
// Primers
primers {
// Trimming
cutadapt {
action = "trim"
max_error = 0.2
check_primer_contamination = false
primer_contamination {
max_error = 0.1
min_overlap = 12
N = 40
primer_length = 23
max_deviation = 3
// Filtering and Merging
fastp {
filter_min_phred = 30
// ViennaRNA (Currently not activated)
vienna_rna {
for_top=10 // percent [0.00 - 100.00] of every round
Affiliated research paper
Research paper associated with this GitHub Page.
No licensing agreement here yet.