$ npm install --save-dev sass-inline-svg
You can use this function in node-sass or any project that depends on node-sass. The only thing you need to do to make this work is add the inlinerfunction to the functions option.
You should initialize the inliner with a basepath where it will look for the svg files.
var sass = require('node-sass');
var inliner = require('sass-inline-svg')
data: '.logo-icon{ background: svg("logo.svg")}',
functions: {
svg: inliner('./', [options])
node-sass --functions=node_modules/sass-inline-svg/default [other node-sass arguments]
This is equivalent to specifying the following:
functions: {
'svg': inliner('./', {}),
'inline-svg': inliner('./', {})
var compass = require('sass-inline-svg')
options: {
functions: {
svg: inliner('./', [options])
{optimize: true}
uses svgo internally to optmize the svg.
will encode the SVG with base64, while uri
will do a minimal URI-encoding of the svg – uri
is always smaller, and has good browser support as well.
The inliner accepts a second argument, a sass-map, that describes a css like transformation. The first keys of this map are css-selectors. Their values are also sass-maps that holds a key-value store of the svg-attribute transformation you want to apply to the corresponding selector.
background: svg("logo.svg", (path: (fill: green), rect: (stroke: white)));
In this example path
and rect
are selectors and fill: green
and stroke: white
are the associated applied attributes.