Powered by TIBCO Labs™
Command Line Interface for creating TIBCO Cloud™ Starter Projects
###TIBCO Cloud™ CLI) Usage:
tcli [new / <task>][--debug(-d)] [--createCP(-c)] [--help(-h)]
Note: When you just run "tcli" it will bring you in an interactive menu based on the context.
tcli new
And answer the questions, or provide the answers inline:
tcli new <name> [--template(-t)] <template-to-use>
debug: Display debug information.
createCP: Create a new tibco-cloud.properties file.
help: display help
These are the available TIBCO Cloud™ CLI Tasks:
TASK | Description |
show-cloud | Show Cloud Details |
show-apps | Show Applications of LiveApps WebApps |
show-application-links | Show Links to Applications of LiveApps WebApps |
change-region | Change the Region in the tibco-cloud properties file |
obfuscate | Obfuscate a password and put it in the tibco-cloud properties file |
start | Start your local cloud starter project |
build | Build your local cloud starter project |
deploy | Deploy your local cloud starter project |
build-deploy | Builds and Deploys your local project to the cloud |
inject-lib-sources | Enables your project for Cloud Library Debugging |
undo-lib-sources | Undo enabling your project for Cloud Library Debugging |
schematic-add | Add a component template (schematic) into your project |
exit | Quit the console |
help | Display's help message |
For more information see the TCSTK Documentation
Copyright © 2019. TIBCO Software Inc. This file is subject to the license terms contained in the license file that is distributed with this file.
Please see tpc.txt for details of license and dependent third party components referenced by this library, or it can be found here: