Worker 0 (0xbeef1bed3677fe070591074de013cd371b121027): 7.52 M gas
Worker 1 (0xec1f5acd361e439ad1db6d1d7708341460b9439d): 7.49 M gas
Worker 2 (0x516d5bb41339db0fc24c47dc5bcca8c38b21775d): 7.49 M gas
Worker 3 (0xeb00e4c95368d1f7f440d304a0084de5904f17e1): 7.49 M gas
Requester (optimistic case): 3.58 M gas for the whole protocol
Requester (worst case): average 3*(1.3+1.9)/2 M gas to reject per each submission
Worker 0 (0xbeef1bed3677fe070591074de013cd371b121027): 3.49 M gas
Worker 1 (0xec1f5acd361e439ad1db6d1d7708341460b9439d): 3.48 M gas
Worker 2 (0x516d5bb41339db0fc24c47dc5bcca8c38b21775d): 3.48 M gas
Worker 3 (0xeb00e4c95368d1f7f440d304a0084de5904f17e1): 3.48 M gas
Requester (optimistic case): 2.0 M gas for the whole protocol
Requester (worst case): average (0.141+0.184+0.199) = 0.524 M gas to reject per each submission
The errors of the earlier implementation include but not limit to:
The public key algorithms are implemented over the group of Zp*, where DDH assumption does not hold;
The answer of each worker is broken into 106 transactions;
There is no user authentication procedures to protect against Sybil attackers.
Here we highlight that this repository resovles all the above issues by doing significant efforts. Not only the security issues are fixed, but also the overall on-chain cost is reduced to only half of the earlier incorrect implementation.