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Working with icons

FilipLeitner edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 1 revision


  • Only add new icon when it is needed in the GUI
  • Do not use the same icon to represent different features

Font Awesome Icon Subsetting

HSLayers-NG uses Font Awesome icons and provides a custom subsetting mechanism to optimize the bundle size by including only the icons that are needed.

For HSLayers-NG Library Developers


The library uses a Python script ( to generate an optimized subset of Font Awesome icons. This script:

  • Reads a list of required icons from icons.txt
  • Extracts icon definitions from Font Awesome's CSS
  • Creates font subsets containing only the required glyphs
  • Embeds the fonts as base64 in the output CSS
  • Includes necessary CSS rules for icon display

Updating Library Icons

  1. Browse available icons at Font Awesome Free Icons

  2. Update the icon list in projects/hslayers/css/icons/icons.txt:

    # Add one icon name per line
  3. Run the script using either:

    # Option 1: Run directly
    cd projects/hslayers/css/icons
    # Option 2: Use npm script
    npm run subset-icons

    This will generate hslayers-ng-fa-icons.css with the optimized icon subset.

  4. Rebuild the library to include the updated icons.

Script Details

The script supports the following arguments:

  • --icons-file: Path to icon list file (default: icons.txt)
  • --output-file: Path for generated CSS (default: hslayers-ng-fa-icons.css)
  • --fa-path: Path to @fortawesome/fontawesome-free package (optional)

For HSLayers-NG Users

If you need additional Font Awesome icons in your application that aren't included in HSLayers-NG's default set, you can create your own optimized subset.

Creating Custom Icon Subset

There are several ways to generate your custom icon subset:

Option 1: Direct Command Line Usage

  1. Create your icon list file (e.g., custom-icons.txt):

    # One icon name per line

    Browse available icons at Font Awesome Free Icons

  2. Run the Python script directly:

    # If using the script from node_modules
    python ./node_modules/hslayers-ng/css/icons/ \
      --icons-file ./custom-icons.txt \
      --output-file ./custom-fa-icons.css
    # Or if you copied the script locally
    python \
      --icons-file ./custom-icons.txt \
      --output-file ./custom-fa-icons.css

    The script will:

    • Read icons from custom-icons.txt
    • Generate optimized CSS at custom-fa-icons.css
    • Automatically locate Font Awesome in node_modules
  3. Import the generated CSS in your styles:

    @use "./custom-fa-icons.css";

Option 2: Using Node Script

  1. Create your icon list file (e.g., custom-icons.txt) as shown in Option 1.

  2. Create a script to generate your custom subset (e.g., generate-icons.js):

    const { execSync } = require('child_process');
    const path = require('path');
    const ICONS_FILE = path.join(__dirname, './custom-icons.txt');
    const OUTPUT_FILE = path.join(__dirname, './custom-fa-icons.css');
    const SCRIPT_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 
    try {
      console.log('Generating custom Font Awesome icons subset...');
      const command = `python "${SCRIPT_PATH}" --icons-file "${ICONS_FILE}" --output-file "${OUTPUT_FILE}"`;
      execSync(command, { stdio: 'inherit' });
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error generating icons:', error.message);
  3. Add a script to your package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "generate-icons": "node generate-icons.js"
  4. Run the generator:

    npm run generate-icons
  5. Import the generated CSS in your styles:

    @use "./custom-fa-icons.css";


  • Python 3.x
  • fonttools Python package (pip install fonttools)
  • @fortawesome/fontawesome-free npm package


  • The generated CSS will only include the icons you specified
  • Base Font Awesome styles are already included in HSLayers-NG
  • Generated file includes optimized font subsets as base64
  • Custom icons work alongside HSLayers-NG's default icons

(DEPRECATED since v15): How to add new icon from the WHHG font

  1. Find the icon you need at
  2. Inspect the icon to find its code, e.g. .icon-addcomment::before {content: '\f74a';}
  3. Copy this CSS style into whhg.css file (projects > hslayers > css > whhg-font > css)
  4. Add correspondingg new line inside the file (projects > hslayers > css), e.g. # icon-addcomment U+f74a and the icon's code into the penultimate line, e.g. ...",U+f05c,U+f74a" --output-file="...
  5. Run the script
  6. Navigate to , encode the updated subset.ttf file and copy the base64-encoded content
  7. Paste the base64-encoded font inside the src property of @font-face rule inside the whhg.css file. E.g. @font-face { font-family: 'WebHostingHub-Glyphs'; /* Encoded using */ src: url(data:font/opentype;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAAQAQAABAAAR0RFRgASAE..... Don't touch the url(data:font/opentype;charset=utf-8;base64, prefix, neither the ) format('truetype'); suffix
  8. DONE
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