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BUS 401 	Business and Entrepreneurship
BUS 402 	Business and Entrepreneurship Lab
CHEM 111 	Chemistry
CHEM 112 	Chemistry Lab
CSE 101 	Introduction to Computer Science & Programming Methodology	
CSE 102 	Introduction to Computer Science & Programming Methodology Lab
CSE 103 	Structured Programming
CSE 104 	Structured Programming Lab
CSE 105 	Discrete Mathematics
CSE 203 	Object Oriented Programming I: Java
CSE 204 	Object Oriented Programming I: Java Lab
CSE 205 	Data Structures
CSE 206 	Data Structures Lab
CSE 207	        Algorithms
CSE 208 	Algorithms Lab
CSE 209 	Digital Logic & System Design
CSE 210 	Digital Logic & System Design Lab
CSE 211 	Database Systems
CSE 212 	Database Systems Lab
CSE 303 	Data Communications
CSE 304 	Data Communications Lab
CSE 305 	System Analysis and Design
CSE 306 	System Analysis & Design Lab
CSE 307 	Theory of Computation
CSE 309 	Object Oriented Programming II: Visual and Web Programming
CSE 310 	Object Oriented Programming II Lab: Visual and Web Programming Lab
CSE 311 	Microprocessors & Assembly Language
CSE 312 	Microprocessors & Assembly Lab
CSE 313 	Numerical Methods
CSE 314 	Numerical Methods Lab
CSE 315 	Peripheral & Interfacing	
CSE 316 	Peripheral & Interfacing Lab
CSE 317	        Computer Architecture
CSE 319 	Computer Networks
CSE 320 	Computer Networks Lab
CSE 321 	Software Engineering
CSE 322 	Software Engineering Lab
CSE 330 	Industrial Training
CSE 400	        Project / Thesis
CSE 401 	Mathematics for computer Science
CSE 403 	Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
CSE 404 	Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Lab
CSE 405 	Operating Systems
CSE 406 	Operating Systems Lab
CSE 407 	ICT Law, Policy and Ethics
CSE 410 	Software Development
CSE 425 	Computer Graphics
CSE 426 	Computer Graphics Lab
CSE 427 	Topics of Current Interest
CSE 429 	Compiler Design
CSE 430 	Compiler Design Lab
CSE 457 	Design and Testing of VLSI
CSE 458 	Design and Testing of VLSI Lab
ECN 201 	Economics
EEE 121 	Electrical & Electronic Engineering I
EEE 122 	Electrical & Electronic Engineering I Lab
EEE 221 	Electrical & Electronic Engineering II
EEE 222 	Electrical & Electronic Engineering II Lab
HSS 101 	English I: Written and Spoken English
HSS 111 (A)	Bangladesh Studies: Society and Culture
HSS 111 (B)	Bangladesh Studies: Bangladesh History
HSS 301	        English II: English for Communications
MTH 101 	Math I: Basic Calculus, Co-ordinate Geometry
MTH 103 	Math II: Linear Algebra
MTH 201 	Math III: Multivariable Calculus
MTH 203 	Probability & Statistics
MTH 205 	Math IV: Differential Equations and Fourier and Laplace Transformations
PHY 101 	Physics
PHY 102	        Physics Lab

CSE 411		Mobile Communications
CSE 413		Cloud Computing
CSE 415		Parallel and Distributed Systems
CSE 417		Management Information Systems
CSE 419		Sensor Networks
CSE 421		Graph Theory
CSE 423		Bioinformatics
CSE 425		Environment and Green Technology
CSE 431		Simulation and Modeling
CSE 432		Simulation and Modeling Lab
CSE 433		Fault Tolerant Systems
CSE 434		Fault Tolerant System Lab
CSE 435		Pattern Recognition
CSE 436		Pattern Recognition Lab
CSE 437		Multimedia Technology
CSE 438		Multimedia Technology Lab
CSE 439		Wireless Networking
CSE 440		Wireless Networking Lab
CSE 441		Introduction to Computer Vision
CSE 442		Introduction to Computer Vision Lab
CSE 443		UNIX and Systems Programming
CSE 444		UNIX and Systems Programming Lab
CSE 445		Human Computer Interaction
CSE 446		Human Computer Interaction Lab
CSE 447		Distributed Operating System
CSE 448		Distributed Operating System Lab
CSE 449		Digital Signal Processing
CSE 450		Digital Signal Processing Lab
CSE 451		Object Oriented Database
CSE 452		Object Oriented Database Lab
CSE 453		Software Design Pattern
CSE 454		Software Design Pattern Lab
CSE 455		E-commerce and Web Engineering
CSE 456		E-commerce and Web Engineering Lab
CSE 459		Natural Language processing
CSE 460		Natural Language Processing Lab
CSE 461		Robotics
CSE 462		Robotics Lab
CSE 463		Embedded Systems
CSE 464		Embedded Systems Lab
CSE 465		Computer and Network Security
CSE 466		Computer and Network Security Lab
CSE 467		Data Mining & Machine Learning
CSE 468		Data Mining & Machine Learning Lab
CSE 469		Topics of Current Interest
CSE 470		Topics of Current Interest Lab