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Multirun Project

This project provides function to multi-run list of shell commands, as well simple synchronization.

The whole project includes two standalone programs: multirun and multictrl (not implemented yet).
整个工程包含两个可执行程序: multirunmultictrl (尚未完成)。

Currently, the thread library is the pthread library, but will be the new standard C++11 thread.
目前线程库采用的是 pthread 线程库,但下一步会转向新标准 C++11 的线程库。


The multirun is a standalone problem to multi-run given shell commands.
程序 multirun 是一个多线程运行命令脚本的程序。

The general model of the multirun is the classic producer-consumer problem.

One main producer thread reads commands from a input file and submit it to task list.

Multiple consumer threads get tasks from task list and run them concurrently.

Due to the multi-threading nature, the actual executing order of commands are unknown in advance.

The input command file and thread number must be given when multirun starts.
multirun 启动时,必须指定输入文件和启动的线程数。

You may use -l LOG to see what happened inside the multirun program.
你可以用 -l LOG 查看程序 multirun 的日志。

The input file could be a regular file or a FIFO, but in either case it must ends with #exit line, otherwise multirun will read the input file over and over again. This is a known bug.
输入文件可以是普通文件或者FIFO,但无论那种情况输入文件必须以 #exit 结束,否则 multirun 会一遍又一遍地执行文件里的命令,这是一个已知的Bug。

The exiting status of multirun is 0 if all input commands executed successfully, 1 if at least one input command failed. 如果所有输入命令都执行成功,程序 multirun 的退出状态为0,否则退出状态为1。

Command file format

The input of multirun is a command file, one command per line.
程序 multirun 的输入是一个文本文件, 一行是一个命令。

If you want to execute multi-line shell commands, please first wrap them in a single shell script file.

Lines starting with # and the contents of which are not special commands will be ignored.
# 顶格开始且内容不是特殊命令的行会被忽略

The space characters at the beginning and the end of lines will be ignored.

The commands in the input file should not wait for keyboard input. You may redirect standard input from file instead.

The commands in the input file had better output nothing, otherwise the outputs may be mingled together. You may redirect standard output and standard error to files instead.

Special commands

  • The special barrier synchronization command: #sync.
    特殊的路障同步命令: #sync
    All threads will be suspended when #sync is executed, and waked up until the last thread executes the command.
    所有线程执行到命令 #sync 时会等待,直到最后一个线程执行到此才被唤醒。
    Current version of multirun only support simple barrier synchronization, and other complicated synchronizations are not supported yet.
    目前版本的 multirun 只提供了简单的同步路障功能,暂不支持更为复杂的指定命令依赖关系的操作。
  • The special exiting command: #exit.
    特殊的退出命令: #exit
    All commands after the exiting command will be ignored.

Example 1: simple task

  • Goal: Using gzip to compress all text files (with extension .txt) in the foo directory.
    目标: 用 gzip 压缩 foo 目录下面的纯文本文件(以.txt为扩展名)。

  • Step 1: Generate input command file input.cmd, using following codes.
    步骤 1: 生成输入命令文件 input.cmd, 可以用下面的命令生成。

      cd foo/ 
      ls *.txt | awk '{print "gzip " $0}' > ../input.cmd
      echo "#exit" >> ../input.cmd
      cd ../
  • Show the input command file.

      gzip a.txt
      gzip b.txt
      gzip bar.txt
  • Step 2: Run multirun with 5 threads.
    步骤 2: 运行 multirun 启动5个线程。

      /path/to/multirun input.cmd 5 -l log.txt

Example 2: task with synchronization

  • Goal: Downloading all webpages given URL list, then calculating TF-IDF.
    目标: 下载一个URL列表中的所有网页,全部下载完了之后统计 TF-IDF。

  • Existing programs. 已有程序: download on page and store in directory download.
    count_tf_idf: calculate TF-IDF of all files in given directory.

  • Step 1: Generate input command file input.cmd, using following codes.
    . 步骤 1: 生成输入命令文件 input.cmd, 可以用下面的命令生成。

      awk '{print /path/to/ $0}' < url.txt > input.cmd
      echo "#sync" >> input.cmd
      echo "/path/to/count_tf_idf download/" >> input.cmd
      echo "#exit" >> input.cmd
  • Show the input command file.

      /path/to/count_tf_idf download/
  • Step 2: Run multirun with 10 threads.
    步骤 2: 运行 multirun 启动10个线程。

      /path/to/multirun input.cmd 10 -l log.txt


Not implemented yet.

What's next?

The next main version of multirun should support following operations:

  • 配置文件一定是可以直接用bash执行的,也就是说所有的附加控制信息都写在注释里

  • 每个任务有一个唯一的可配置的字符串id, 在配置文件和动态调整的时候都用这个可读性比较好的id来代表任务

  • 支持静态添加任务和设置任务拓扑结构

  • 支持动态添加新任务并设置新任务和现有任务的拓扑关系

  • 支持任务状态和拓扑结构查询功能(已完成, 执行中, 队列中, 未入队)

  • 支持删除队列中和未入队任务

  • 支持调整队列中任务执行顺序

  • 可以动态修改线程的数目。

  • 支持调整队列中和未入队任务的拓扑结构. 注意如果修改了队列中的任务的拓扑结构, 有可能会让任务从队列中移到未入队, 或相反

  • 强制停止当前任务, 并自动删除依赖该任务的后续任务树

  • 断点续行?

  • 不能修改任何已完成任务的状态

  • 支持动态调整线程数目

  • 核心结构是graph, 根据graph的拓扑排序来控制命令的顺序

  • 每次并行执行入度为0的任务,当完成某个任务时,主线程判断修改入度,再把入度为0的添加到队列中。


Multi-thread running shell command






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