This is a boilerplate and starter for Chrome browser extension, built with Wxt、 React、 Tailwind css 、Shadcn ui and Typescript. Support dark mode and localization
Before you get started, please make sure you have the following installed:
- An editor of your choice. For example, webstorm,Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- Node.js
- Git
Open your editor
Open the Terminal
- Typically, you can do this from a 'Terminal' tab or by using a shortcut
Ctrl + ~
for Windows orControl + ~
for Mac in VS Code).
- Typically, you can do this from a 'Terminal' tab or by using a shortcut
Clone the Repository and Navigate into the Directory
Once your terminal is open, you can clone the repository and move into the directory by running the commands below.
For Mac/Linux users 🍎 🐧
git clone [email protected]:imtiger/wxt-react-shadcn-tailwindcss-chrome-extension.git cd wxt-react-shadcn-tailwindcss-chrome-extension npm install npm run dev
- For Windows users :windows:
git clone [email protected]:imtiger/wxt-react-shadcn-tailwindcss-chrome-extension.git cd wxt-react-shadcn-tailwindcss-chrome-extension npm install npm run dev
The browser will be auto opened
- you will see the content-script panel and side panel
- ✅ Wxt: Wxt
- ✅ React: React
- ✅ Tailwind css: Tailwind css
- ✅ Shadcn UI: Shadcn UI
The locales file in the locales folder ,and you can edit it.
- locales
- i18nConfig.ts
- i18n.ts
- you can call initTranslation method in the i18n.ts with different namespaces ,and only load the namespace json file.
initTranslations(i18nConfig.defaultLocale, ["common", "content"])
- Chrome extension tailwind css rem not working shadow dom.
Because Tailwind CSS uses rem by default, and rem is computed based on the font-size of the html element on the page, even if a content-script uses shadow dom, the internal elements' rem are also calculated based on the root html element's font-size of the host page. Therefore, to prevent style differences in the plugin due to varying font-sizes set by different websites, we can modify the default configuration of Tailwind CSS, allowing it to calculate directly in pixels.
npm install @thedutchcoder/postcss-rem-to-px
export default {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
'@thedutchcoder/postcss-rem-to-px': {}, // you can add option like the base font size
autoprefixer: {},
- Add new component
npx shadcn-ui@latest add
Not trigger the click event listener.
When a popup or side panel is defined, and set
browser.sidePanel.setPanelBehavior({openPanelOnActionClick: true}).catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
clicking on the browser extension icon won't trigger the listening event,and just open the side panel.
//monitor the event from extension icon click
browser.action.onClicked.addListener((tab) => {
// 发送消息给content-script.js
console.log("click icon")
browser.tabs.sendMessage(!, {messageType: MessageType.clickExtIcon});
Full-Stack Engineer
Once worked at Tencent and Alibaba
If this project is helpful to you, star the repo and buy be a coffee, thank you guys.