Git configuration files.
This has git aliases, branches, merges, syntax coloring, merges, credentials, and more.
# Shorthand
s = status
# Find text in any commit ever
grep-all = !"git rev-list --all | xargs git grep '$1'"
For the complete list, see the files in the gitconfig.d
Install for novices:
Get these files:
git clone
Create your own personal
file, or edit your existing file, such as:edit ~/.gitconfig
Add these lines:
[include] path = sixarm_git_gitconfig/gitconfig
Install for experts:
If you want full control, then you can copy any of these files and edit them as you like.
file has the bulk of the items - start with that file. -
If you want to include some files, but not others, then you can use this syntax:
[include] path = sixarm_git_gitconfig/gitconfig.d/alias.txt path = sixarm_git_gitconfig/gitconfig.d/color.txt
Install for specific operating systems:
If your system is OSX, and you want to enable the keychain credential manager, then add this:
[include] path = sixarm_git_gitconfig/gitconfig.d/specific-to-osx.txt
If your system is Windows, and you want to enable the system credential manager, then add this:
[include] path = sixarm_git_gitconfig/gitconfig.d/specific-to-windows.txt
One letter shortcuts are for fast typing:
a = add
b = branch
c = commit
d = diff
f = fetch
g = grep
l = log
m = merge
o = checkout
p = pull
r = remote
s = status
w = whatchanged
There are many two letter shortcuts for popular commands and options, such as these:
ap = add --patch
be = branch --edit-description
ci = commit --interactive
ds = diff --staged
lg = log --graph
ss = status --short
To see the complete list, please see the files in the gitconfig.d
Here are some of our alias favorites that we use often:
Get everything new:
get = !git pull --rebase && git submodule update --init --recursive
Rebase interactive on our unpushed commits:
rbi = !git rebase --interactive @{u}
Summarize changes for a daily standup meeting:
log-standup = !git log --since yesterday --pretty=short --author `git config`
Find text in any commit ever:
grep-all = !"git rev-list --all | xargs git grep '$1'"
Here are a couple our favorites for publishing. For the complete list, see gitconfig.d/alias.txt
Publish the current branch by pushing and tracking:
publish = "!git push -u origin $(git branch-name)"
Unpublish the current branch by deleting the remote branch:
unpublish = "!git push origin :$(git branch-name)"
Here are some of our favorites; for the complete list, see gitconfig.d
Prune stale items:
pruner = !git prune --expire=now; git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --rewrite --all
Repack the way Linus recommends:
repacker = !git repack -a -d -f --depth=300 --window=300 --window-memory=1g
Delete all branches that have been merged into master:
master-cleanse = !"git checkout master && git branch --merged | xargs git branch -d; git branch -r --merged origin/master | sed 's/ *origin\///' | grep -v '^master$' | xargs -I% git push origin :% 2>&1 | grep --colour=never 'deleted'"
Alias configuration for our feature flow. For details, see gitconfig.d/alias-for-feature-flow.txt
Create a new feature branch:
feature-start = '!branch=$1; git checkout master; git pull; git checkout -b "$branch" master'
Update the feature branch:
feature-update = '!branch=$(git branch-name); git checkout master; git pull; git checkout "$branch"; git rebase master'
Share the feature branch:
feature-share = '!branch=$(git branch-name); git push -u origin "$branch"'
If your team uses a different feature flow, you may want to skip including these aliases, or you may want to edit these aliases to match your team's feature flow.
If you use the user.txt
file, you will want to personalize it:
email = [email protected]
name = Alice Anderson
If you use GitHub and the github.txt
file, you will want to personalize it:
user = alice
token = alice-token
You can customize any of the file items by editing the file as you like.
You can also customize any of the file items by adding your own item later in your own gitconfig file.
For example you can include our aliases then customize "git l" with your own definition:
path = ~/.gitconfig.d/alias.txt
l = log --graph --oneline
To use better pretty formatting:
pretty = "%H %ci %ce %ae %d %s"
If you like terse status messages:
s = status -sb
If you like log summaries:
l = log --graph --oneline
We like using the meld
mergetool because it is powerful and can use three windows for comparisons.
This repo includes a script for running meld
with three windows.
To use meld with three windows, put the script on your path, for example:
cp bin/meld-with-three-windows /usr/local/bin
If you prefer using most
as a pager:
pager = most
To get most
, do brew install most
on OSX, or apt-get install most
on Ubuntu, etc.
We tell git-branch and git-checkout to setup new branches so that git-pull will appropriately merge from that remote branch.
git config --global branch.autosetupmerge true
If we didn't do this, we would have to add --track to our branch command or manually merge remote tracking branches with "fetch" and then "merge".
To install git tab completion, we go to the git source code directory then run:
echo "source ./contrib/completion/git-completion.bash" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
Our favorite open source free GUI for Ubuntu is
For more git config ideas, and for credit for many of the aliases here, please see these excelent resources: