The recent R10.4 nanopore sequencing system offers improved base-calling accuracy and growing potential for genomic CpG methylation analysis. However, the official Dorado model demonstrates inconsistent performance across datasets. To address this, we developed DeepBam, a robust deep neural network-based CpG methylation calling model.
DeepBam achieves superior accuracy and stability, with an average AUC of 97.80%, balanced accuracy of 95.96%, and F1 score of 94.97% across diverse human and plant datasets. It outperforms Dorado with methylation frequency correlations exceeding 0.95 compared to BS-seq in most datasets and reveals haplotype-specific methylation patterns, even in partially repetitive regions.
Built on Bi-LSTM architecture, DeepBam integrates Python for training and C++ with libtorch for high-performance feature extraction and modification calling, offering unmatched precision and scalability for nanopore-based CpG methylation studies.
- Efficiently read input data (pod5 and bam) using lib-pod5 and htslib.
- Implement efficient feature extraction from large volumes of pod5 and BAM files with a thread pool.
- Continuously optimize CPU memory usage and runtime performance.
- Perform GPU inference with half-precision to significantly improve model efficiency with minimal impact on accuracy.
DeepBam was tested and optimized in NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, ensure you have a GPU and CUDA Toolkit 11.8 installed. Download libtorch 2.0.1 if it's not already included in your Python environment. This C++ program is compiled using g++-11.2 on Ubuntu 22.04. Compatibility issues may arise on other systems, so feel free to raise an issue if you encounter any problems.
If you are not familiar about how to install CUDA Toolkit 11.8, here is a example for set up CUDA Toolkit 11.8 in ubuntu 22.04 x86_64 system
sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-11-8-local_11.8.0-520.61.05-1_amd64.deb
sudo cp /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu2204-11-8-local/cuda-*-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install cuda
Install the following packages before building the program:
spdlog: a Fast C++ logging library
And the these projects are already included in 3rdparty/
argparse: Argument Parser for Modern C++
pod5: C++ abi for nanopore pod5-file-format
cnpy: library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
ThreadPool: A simple C++11 Thread Pool implementation (slightly modified from the original version in github)
git clone
cd Deep-Bam/cpp
mkdir build && cd build
conda activate DeepBam # Activate the previously created environment
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'` .. # Determine the cmake path # if you haven`t set up the python environment, you should directy include libtorch path here.
make -j
After successfully building the program, you can use our pre-trained model or train your own. The executable is located at Deep-Bam/cpp/build/DeepBam
This process extracts features for model training.
Usage: extract_hc_sites [--help] [--version] pod5_dir bam_path reference_path ref_type write_dir pos neg kmer_size num_workers sub_thread_per_worker motif_type loc_in_motif
extract features for model training with high confident bisulfite data
Positional arguments:
pod5_dir path to pod5 directory
bam_path path to bam file, sorted by file name is needed
reference_path path to reference genome
ref_type reference genome tyoe [default: "DNA"]
write_dir write directory, write file format ${pod5filename}.npz which contains extrated features and its site info
pos positive high accuracy methylation sites
neg negative high accuracy methylation sites
kmer_size kmer size for extract features [default: 51]
num_workers maximum Pod5 files that process parallelly [default: 10]
sub_thread_per_worker num of sub thread per worker, total sub thread equals (sizeof(pod5) + 100M) / 100M * sub_thread_per_worker [default: 4]
motif_type motif_type default CG [default: "CG"]
loc_in_motif Location in motifset
Optional arguments:
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-v, --version prints version information and exits
The extracted features are saved as npz
files containing site information and data. Site info is stored as a tab-delimited string in a uint8 array, and the data array is used for training.
The extract_hc_sites
mode allows training of customized models on your data. After extraction, run the script py/
to train your model. Refer to the
in the py directory for further instructions.
The process for calling modifications.
Usage: extract_and_call_mods [--help] [--version] pod5_dir bam_path reference_path ref_type write_file module_path kmer_size num_workers sub_thread_per_worker batch_size motif_type loc_in_motif
asynchronously extract features and pass data to model to get modification result
Positional arguments:
pod5_dir path to pod5 directory
bam_path path to bam file, sorted by file name is needed
reference_path path to reference genome
ref_type reference genome type [default: "DNA"]
write_file write detailed modification result file path
module_path module path to trained model
kmer_size kmer size for extract features [default: 51]
num_workers maximum Pod5 files that process parallelly [default: 10]
sub_thread_per_worker num of sub thread per worker, total sub thread equals (sizeof(pod5) + 100M) / 100M * sub_thread_per_worker [default: 4]
batch_size default batch size [default: 1024]
motif_type motif_type default CG [default: "CG"]
loc_in_motif Location in motifset
Optional arguments:
-h, --help shows help message and exits
-v, --version prints version information and exits
The call_mods
process outputs a tsv
file containing the following data:
- read_id
- reference_start: Start position of the read on the reference genome
- reference_end: End position of the read on the reference genome
- chromosome: Reference name of the read on the reference genome
- pos_in_strand: Position of the current CpG site on the reference genome
- strand: Aligned strand of the read on the reference (+/-)
- methylation_rate: Methylation rate of the current CpG sites as determined by the model.
You could find trained torch script modules in traced_script_module
file that contains different k-mer.
Our work has been published in Brifings in Bioinformatics. If you used this project in your research, please cite
Xin Bai, Hui-Cong Yao, Bo Wu, Luo-Ran Liu, Yu-Ying Ding, Chuan-Le Xiao, DeepBAM: a high-accuracy single-molecule CpG methylation detection tool for Oxford nanopore sequencing, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 5, September 2024, bbae413,