- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-analytics#358
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-analytics#378
- [Backport v14-branch] Add paragraph about clearing build cache humanmade/altis-cloud#729
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-cms#654
- Merge pull request #658 from humanmade/query-monitor-style humanmade/altis-cms#658
- Update to WordPress 6.0.3 humanmade/altis-cms#667
- Removed Reference to johnbillion/extended-cpts humanmade/altis-cms#679
- Removed authorship moudle and references to it humanmade/altis-cms#686
- Update to WordPress 6.1.1 humanmade/altis-cms#685
- Update 10up/simple-local-avatars to ~2.7.0 humanmade/altis-cms#694
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-cms#702
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-core#591
- Don't show the upgrade notice for beta versions. humanmade/altis-core#604
- Pin aws/aws-sdk-php to allow patch increments only humanmade/altis-core#632
- Delete auto-merge.yml humanmade/altis-core#641
- Remove reference to altis/workflow and humanmade/workflows packages. humanmade/altis-core#657
- Issue 1261 remove gaussian lazy loading humanmade/altis-core#666
- Allow composer/installers version 1.x humanmade/altis-core#691
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-core#700
- [Backport v14-branch] Remove altis/local-chassis module from admin tests humanmade/altis-core#703
Dev Tools
- Load Query Monitor on an earlier hook humanmade/altis-dev-tools#407
- Add QA Test for Altis Dev Tools. humanmade/altis-dev-tools#422
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-dev-tools#424
- Add documentation for the docs linting commands humanmade/altis-dev-tools#442
- Automate documentation linting humanmade/altis-dev-tools#443
- Removed authorship moudle and references to it humanmade/altis-dev-tools#455
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-dev-tools#477
- [Backport v14-branch] Add WP CLI helper for codeception humanmade/altis-dev-tools#495
- backport to v13-branch humanmade/altis-documentation#431
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-documentation#432
- Fixed image alignment problems humanmade/altis-documentation#439
- Issue 1260 remove extended cpts humanmade/altis-documentation#443
- Removed references to workflows. humanmade/altis-documentation#445
- Updated upgrade documentation. Merged in workflows partial humanmade/altis-documentation#447
- Document that the multilingual module is removed. humanmade/altis-documentation#452
- Removed authorship moudle and references to it humanmade/altis-documentation#451
- Remove WordPress as an SSO option humanmade/altis-documentation#450
- Remove references to gaussholder. humanmade/altis-documentation#455
- Update upgrade doc for v14 humanmade/altis-documentation#459
- Further updates to v14 upgrade doc humanmade/altis-documentation#462
- [Backport v14-branch] Add link to v14 upgrade guide. humanmade/altis-documentation#465
- [Backport v14-branch] Clarify the process of updating PHP version humanmade/altis-documentation#466
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-documentation#467
Enhanced Search
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-enhanced-search#436
- Only index users once humanmade/altis-enhanced-search#438
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-enhanced-search#451
- [Backport v14-branch] Disable WP_Query results cache in tests humanmade/altis-enhanced-search#454
Local Server
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-local-server#532
- update command to include php-zip humanmade/altis-local-server#550
- Set redis container image version to v7.0 humanmade/altis-local-server#561
- Avoid warnings for mkcert humanmade/altis-local-server#574
- Force order of precedence in ?? and && humanmade/altis-local-server#576
- Remove usage of deprecated curly brace syntax humanmade/altis-local-server#562
- Display site URL after restarting humanmade/altis-local-server#531
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-local-server#582
- [Backport v14-branch] Clarify non-Altis support humanmade/altis-local-server#584
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-media#265
- Merge pull request #273 from humanmade/add-xbs-event-listener humanmade/altis-media#273
- Remove Safe SVG one_pixel_fix hook humanmade/altis-media#278
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-media#292
- Remove references to gaussholder humanmade/altis-media#294
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-privacy#107
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-privacy#109
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-security#217
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-security#238
- [Backport v14-branch] Fix HSTS support humanmade/altis-security#246
- [Backport v14-branch] Update code example in Basic Auth documentation humanmade/altis-security#247
- [Backport v14-branch] Bump altis/browser-security to 2.0.1 humanmade/altis-security#249
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-seo#269
- Merge pull request #278 from humanmade/show-yoast-social-tab humanmade/altis-seo#278
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-seo#320
- Update dependabot.yml for v13 humanmade/altis-sso#112
- Remove WordPress as an SSO option humanmade/altis-sso#114
- [Backport v14-branch] Update dependabot for v14 release humanmade/altis-sso#117
- [Backport v14-branch] Embetter SAML docs humanmade/altis-sso#118