A cross platform pyhton IDE implimenting selenium 4
If you want to support this project or me, please check out my NFTs and maybe buy some, i accept most bids. https://opensea.io/collection/cryptoverse-lone-wanderer or Donate below: https://paypal.me/CloudMaking?locale.x=en_GB
-----> https://youtu.be/510XSoaZ0LI <-----
- Window/Mac OS
- Python3 and pip
- Chrome browser v.96+
- Download and update Python and The Chrome browser (if you don’t have it already)
- Download and extract the project in your desired location (keep all files and folders that come with the repo in this folder)
- shift+Rigth click inside project folder and click "open powershell window here"
- Pip install requirements.txt by running the following comand (pip install -r requirements.txt) (google how to do this for MAC [in terminal enter] pip install -r {repo path}requirements.txt)
- Run the script (Auto_Chrome.py) by double clickiing it (for MAC right click and run in python launcher)
- Open a preset file inside the script (make sure to pick the right preset for you or make your own)
- fill in the varible for your project uplaod properties, examples are provided (you can save for next time)
- Press the "Open Browser" button (download and login into the metamask extension and go to your collection on opensea)
- Run the script
- go_to(adress)
- css_and_key(code, key)
- xpath_and_key(code, key)
- css_and_click(code)
- xpath_and_click(code)
- linktext_click(text)
- linktext_key(text, key) [havnt tested this yet]
- Do not move anything in or out of the main script folder.
- (here is a link to a handy script which does that for you: https://github.com/FireMarshmallow/Easy-file-renamer)
- as far as know this only works with windows and MAC os
- you might get a confirmation sign request form metamask on the first uplaod, you can manually click it and the script will carry on, if you click and press "start" again
If you have any questions or want to get in contact you can find me on instagram and twitter by searching @cloudmaking (feel free to DM).