- npm install the following:
- express
- jsonwebtoken
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- dotenv
- mongoose
- joi
- cors
- react-scripts
- Other than the dependecies listed above, ensure you have all dependencies up to date with the ones in the package.json in frontend and backend
- Open a terminal and from the root directory cd into backend. Run npm run dev
- Open another terminal (without closing the one from 2) and cd into frontend. run npm start
- You should be on port 5555 for the backend and you will be given a message in the terminal if its successful. You will also be shown if you are connected to mongo
- You should be on the port 3000 for the frontend
create a branch based on your feature (ex. you are doing sign-up front end)
- create a branch called "your-name-sign-up-frontend"
Once you merge the branch in, you can delete the branch to keep our version control mess free