This project contains a database of film annotations from various films for the purpose of film analysis and applications to virtual cinematography.
We will continue to expand the database, and we will gradually, where fair use applies, the originally clips or screenshots of each annotated shot, and otherwise, accurate time stamps of the original movie from which each clip was chosen.
NOTICE: This project is strictly for academic research purposes. We do not own these films, nor the original video clips. The names and trademarks belong to the original filmmakers.
This or a future project could also expand to contain the film annotation tools we used to collect or analyse this data.
These annotations are released under CeCILL-Libre license. If you use this dataset, please cite our paper:
@article{10.1145/3241057, author = {Wu, Hui-Yin and Pal`{u}, Francesca and Ranon, Roberto and Christie, Marc}, title = {Thinking Like a Director: Film Editing Patterns for Virtual Cinematographic Storytelling}, year = {2018}, issue_date = {November 2018}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, volume = {14}, number = {4}, issn = {1551-6857}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3241057}, journal = {ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl.}, month = oct, articleno = {81}, numpages = {22}, keywords = {assisted creativity, virtual cinematography, Film storytelling, 3D animation, editing} }
@inproceedings {wiced.20171068, booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing}, editor = {William Bares and Vineet Gandhi and Quentin Galvane and Remi Ronfard}, title = {{Analyzing Elements of Style in Annotated Film Clips}}, author = {Wu, Hui-Yin and Galvane, Quentin and Lino, Christophe and Christie, Marc}, year = {2017}, publisher = {The Eurographics Association}, ISSN = {2411-9733}, ISBN = {978-3-03868-031-4}, DOI = {10.2312/wiced.20171068} }