Simple Forum add on for Umbraco ≥ 10.
Please use for the Umbraco 14 version
Update to support different MemberType. If you want to use a member type other than the created "forumMember", add the following setting in appsettings.json
"MediaWizOptions": {
"MemberTypeAlias": "myMemberType",
Updated to support Umbraco 13 and .net8.0
- Fixed issue with password reset
- Fixed issue with index and searching
- Updated static strings in viewcomponents to use dictionary strings
- Added viewcomponent for active topic filter
- FIxed issue with indexing of updated field
Some code refactoring and a change to the way the migration works, A problem was discovered where the install would fail if your website already contained any document types using the same aliases as the forum package.
doctypes created that may cause conflicts "login", "members", "profile", "register", "reset", "verify"
If you encounter this issue it is possible to add a setting to the "MediaWizOptions"
"MediaWizOptions": {
"ForumDoctypes": "prefix",
Adding this value will force the install to load a different package.xml in the migration and create the document types using the prefix "forum" instead, this should avoid any conflicts.
- Removed partial view files and replaced with Viewcomponents
- Removed dependency on platform specific System.Drawing for Captcha control
- Template views maintened in RCL rather than in
Tested in v10 and v11 of Umbraco
Added 'mark as answered' to posts Update to Custom ForumIndex fields + Rebuild on publish post Changed DisplayPost Razor function into ViewComponent Fixed issue with tinyMCE initialisation in modal popups
Fixed issue with tinyMCE image uploads Fixed issue with sorting, stickiness values
Added 'My Files' section to members profile page Added Config section to appsettings.json
"MediaWizOptions": {
"MaxFileSize": 8, - Maximum file size in MB
"AllowedFiles": [ ".gif", ".jpg", ".png", ".svg", ".webp" ], - Allowed image file extensions
"UniqueFilenames": true - if true uses random guid for filename, if false uses name of uploaded file