HydraTool v0.3.2.1
- Take into account latest HydraFW v0.8 option parity enabled or disabled
- Add SendFile button to send file content
- HydraTool License modified from GPLv3 to BSD 3-Clause (https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause)
- Extended check (was limited to 255bytes) on corrupted frame to 4096 as some valid frame can be up to 4KB
- Fix warnings
The archives hydratool_v0_3_2_1_bin_win.7z contains x64 build (compatible with windows 7 64bits or more) and hydratool_v0_3_2_1_bin_linux.7z contains GCC 64bits builds (compatible with GNU/LINUX tested on Ubuntu 18.x LTS or more)
- The archive is provided with an examples directory which contains binary files of NFC Reader/Tag sniffed with HydraBus+HydraNFC (Mifare UltraLight Read/Polling, MifareClassic Read, MIFARE DESFire EV1)
- Those files can be read directly with main window HydraNFC real-time sniffer window using *Load button
- The window exe is built with Qt 5.12.8 LTS Static Build, so it does not have any Qt dependencies (just standard minimal System DLL/Libraries dependencies)