#LiquiZ Project Specification
Dov Kruger
Mary Linu Susainathan
Shenghan Gao
Yijin Kang
Poornima Kuna
Stephen Oro
Yingzhu Wang
Yujie Liu
Zhiyuan Chen
[Add your name here]
LiquiZ is a quiz, testing, and homework platform that looks to solve the problems user experience, efficiency, and capability of modern platforms in the educational field. In user experience, LiquiZ is built to be intuitive and smooth, while providing greater freedom to the educators who use it. In terms of efficiency, the LiquiZ platform takes advantage of content caching to only dynamically load the content that is specific to each quiz or course. LiquiZ makes further improvements in its ability to randomize not only the order of questions and answers, but also can modify equation and basic code questions to create individualized tests, making tests more secure against cheating. LiquiZ optimizes interaction through the efficient design of the server, in which major improvements have been made in preloading information for access. User specific random quizzes are generated prior to the test day to ensure no time is wasted on this step when a user requests a quiz. Alongside this improvement, the server provides faster access by preloading information into RAM, which manifests itself in faster access over the traditional approach of making multiple requests to a single database. In capability, the LiquiZ platform excells by providing a wider array of question types than current systems, which allows educators to test with questions better suited to their subjects.
[diagram of entire system. I drew a quick and dirty (bad one). Draw a better one, preferably in a UML design tool.]
Describe (in English) the overall design of the system.
All questions can have display components that are: text, audio, video. All question containers can contain any combination of the question inputs below.
All questions involving typing can either start blank (user types all) or can be filled in (user must modify what is already there)
Multiple Choice (dropdown) [see Choices]
Multiple Choice (radio button) [see Choices]
Multiple Answer [see Choices]
Matching (dropdown)
Matching (drag and drop)
Image (click in areas)
Image (drag from x,y to x2,y2)
Formula (variables can be ranged [start:step:end] or list of values (1,5,18,24, etc)
Equation (the answer is an equation)
Fillin (user types in an answer)
Regex (fillin where answer specified as regex pattern. see Pattern)
Number (fillin where answer is a number in a range [a,b]
Combine Regex and Number: example: 12.5 Kg
- Scaffolded Number + dropdown (choices fixed on the units)
MatrixQuestion (a grid of answers)
Code (user types in code, can compile remotely, errors come back, can repeat) output displayed when successful.
File upload (file types can be specified). If a zip file, contents can be specified either what must be in, what can be in, what cannot be in.
Draw in HTML5.
Random Graph: randomize graph(this is really a display element, the question is one of the other types)
Graph question: The user clicks to form a graph which is the answer. For example, y=5x + 3, click two points to show this line. y=x2+2, click three points to uniquely determine this parabola.
Essay (ungraded, the human grader does this one)
Audio/video question: Given an audio or video clip, answer the question based on it
[English]Jumbled sentence. Re-sequence a paragraph.
Add other question types of your own if you think of them. Yijin, you had suggested Music as a topic. Please see http://www.thatquiz.org/ for some very interesting ideas in assessment. Look at angles (measurement) geography, triangles (with circles, diameter).
Different types of questions in LiquiZ2:
**_Multiple Choice (dropdown): _**A multiple choice dropdown type of question has a dropdown box adjacent or below the question .The instructor can provide multiple choices from which generally one choice may be selected by the student as a correct answer. To allow the student to pick multiple answers the instructor may select "multiple choices allowed". If only one answer is allowed, complete points will be awarded as specified by the instructor for that particular question. If multiple choices are allowed the instructor is allowed to allocate respective points for each correct answer.
Multiple Choice (radio button): This type of question has multiple choices with "radio button" selection which are provided by the instructor. It has only one correct answer. The instructor can decide the number of points to award for a correct answer.
**_Multiple answer: _**Multiple answer type of question has multiple choices provided by the instructor with "check box" selection. The student can select one or more than one choices. Number of points to award for each correct answer is specified by the instructor. We make sure that selecting all the choices does not account for answering correctly.
**_True / False: _**A true or false question is generally a multiple choice radio button type question with only two choices (true and false). Only one can be selected. But the instructor could also use multi choice dropdown with single answer selection mode.
**_Matching(dropdown): _**This type of question have a set of questions on one side and a set of correct answers are provided to be matched against these questions. Against each question there is a dropdown box with all the correct answers from which the student has to select the match for each question. Each match will contribute towards the points obtained on that particular question. The instructor can decide individual points for each question in the set.
**_Matching (drag and drop): _**This type of question has a set of questions and a set of correct answers. The answers are provided in a container and can be dragged and dropped into another container. So the student has to drag the correct answer from the initial container and drop it to the right container against the question. Each match will contribute to the total points scored for that particular question.
**_Image (click in areas): _**The question shows an image as part of the question. The student has to click on a area on the image to answer the question. An example would be map pointing where a student has to locate a particular area on the map.
**_Image(drag from one point on the image to another): _**The question contains an image and can connect two points on the image. An example would be a circuit connection question. The instructor can describe how the circuit should work and the student has to make circuit connections to work as desired.
Formula: A question contains a formula. Often instructors either provide the same formula with same numeric digits to all the students taking the quiz or have to write several formulae to provide different formulae for different students. But in LiquiZ2 the instructor can enter either a set of different numbers from which the formula can be modified or can specify a start and end point and in what intervals the variables can be changed. So the instructor only has to enter a formula only once specifying what should be fixed and what are variables. As a result each student gets a different formula (differed in variables) in their quiz.
**_Equation : _**The answer to this type of questions is an equation. So we provide an equation editor which can be used by the student to fill in the answer.
**_Fillin: _**Fillin is a classic fill in the blank question. The answer is written where there is a blank space or an empty box.
Regex: This is a type of "fillin" question where answer matches a specified regex pattern. For example if the instructor asks a question which has the correct answer that includes a number and unit, upon entering only a number or only a unit a warning pattern is displayed accordingly. This does not stop the student from submitting the answer but providing partial answer will result in no points for the question.
Number: This is a type of "fillin" question where the answer is a number within a certain range. For example an answer given in decimal error or a round off error can also be awarded points.
Regex and Number Combined: This type of question allows to accept an answer which is a combination of number and a match for a given regex pattern. This type of question is highly appropriate for a science question where numbers with digit or round-off errors can be accepted as a correct answer and a regex pattern can specify that there is a unit after the number to complete the answer. A warning pattern is given if the student forgets to answer the units portion of the answer.
Matrix: A matrix question is basically a fill in the blank question with many blanks. Number of rows and columns for the matrix is specified by the instructor which develops an appropriate layout for the student to fill in the multiple blanks.
**_Code: _**The answer a code question is programming code. The instructor decides in which language the student should write the code. For the student to check the output of his code, he can compile and execute it before he submits it.
File upload: This type of question accepts file upload as an answer. The instructor can specify the types of files to be accepted. Anything other than that formal file will not be accepted. For example if the instructor specifies that only .txt files are allowed nothing other than that format are accepted.
**_Draw: _**This type of question allows a student to draw on a canvas. These questions are graded manually by the instructor.
Graph question: This is another type of interface with the canvas. The canvas looks like a graph sheet and the student can plot a graph by clicking on the canvas. For every two points clicked they are connected by a solid line.
Essay: An essay question can be used for short answer type questions typically a paragraph or two. The answer is manually graded by the instructor.
Audio/Video: This question type is used if the question requires any audio or video material. It can be used to provide tips for certain type of questions.
Jumble sentence: A jumble sentence question contains words which upon re-arranging forms a correct sentence. The words are placed in separate containers and the placing of the containers can be changed. Each correction in the sentence contributes to the total points awarded to the question.
Choices: Standardized choices that appear as answers on many questions. For example, for a survey:
surveyagree strongly agree,agree,no opinion, disagree,strongly agree
Pattern: Regex patterns predefined so teachers who are not programmers can easily use patterns by name. Examples mass kg|kilogram|KG|g|gram
We need a notation for one pattern to reference another. For example:
massqty [:3digit:] [:mass:]
Choices: standard choice for questions like survey which have the same answers every time: strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree. Choices should be available in menus for quick access.
Matrix: used for computing a grid
Response: the response object encapsulates what the system does in response to a student’s answer. This is only on a self-checked assessment of course. Examples include "good job", playing a reward sound or animation.
[this section of the document describes how to traverse the system. Use this section to plan the user interface. Design for extreme ease of use and minimize work on the part of the teacher to create large numbers of problems]
List here each case, what the page should look like, how to transition to other pages.
How do we:
Create/edit a new quiz
Create/edit a new question
Bulk load many questions
Backup and restore to/from XML
Assign a quiz to all students
Take a quiz
Correct a quiz and force a regrade if there was a mistake
Define new patterns
Add a pattern to a library if it’s good for more than just a single question
Create standard responses and add to the library if it’s more than just you
Future: create a sharing center where teachers can give (or sell) each other question sets.
Create Quiz
Click the Create Quiz Button to create a new quiz.
Add New Question
(Need to create a button to add new Question)
Complete Question
Create a Title for your question, In the Points textbox enter the number of points for the question, set the Level based on the question.
**Question Type **
In the question type drop-down menu, you can create the following types of questions:
Fill In
Regex Question ( To Do: Check)
You can add image, audio, and video to the question
**Question **
Type the question in the **Question Text ** text box. (Size of the question text box can be changed for the Essay and Code type Question)
Image Upload
Click on the Choose File button to upload image from the PC, then click Load Select Image to Display the Image (Current code supports Google Chrome)
Audio File Upload
Click on the Choose File button to upload audio file from the PC, then click Load Select Image to Display the Audio. Different styles can be applied for audio controls (Current code supports Google Chrome)
Video File Upload
Click on the Choose File button to upload video file from the PC, then click Load Select Image to display and play the Video. Different styles can be applied for video controls (Current code supports Google Chrome)
[Note: For the image and video file the height and width is not applied in order to be compatible with the browsers default setting]
(To Do: All three file Upload has to be hidden for the Code type question)
Fill In Question
Click the drop-down menu and select Fill-In question type
Use the Question Text text box to create a fill-in question. Enter the possible answer for the fill-in question in the Answer text box. Apply Warning Pattern by clicking the **Warning Pattern **check box. Choose the type of question from the drop-down menu by default the Fill-In is selected. Set the Number Limits in the text box
Click the Number Question check box to display the input text boxes. Type the exact number and the approximate number in the available text boxes.
Essay Question
Click the drop-down menu and select Essay question type
Use the Question Text text box to create an essay question or use **Type your Essay **text box to create an essay as question that has to be modified/answered. As you type the word counter shows the number of words typed and the number of words remaining in text box in red color.
[To Do: make the counter work when the text is deleted.]
Code Type Question
Click the drop-down menu and select **Code **question type
Use the Question Text text box to create a code type question or Use **Type your Code **text box to type in code that has to be modified.
The Programming Language drop-down menu has two options to choose the language C++ or Java.
[To Do: Check whether the word count is needed for the Code type question or not and make the text box work with respect to the programming language chosen.]
MultiChoice-Dropdown Question
Click the drop-down menu and select **MultiChoice-Dropdown **question type
Use the Question Text text box to create a question. By default there four options available for the possible answers. Type your options in the text box **Option 1 - Option 4. ** To choose the right answer click the check box Correct Answer with respect to options.
The Add more Options text box can be used to add more options to the question. The student view for this question type will a multiple choice drop-down menu.
(Further development for the option type may be to add "delete option" attribute. )
MultiChoice-Radio Question
Click the drop-down menu and select **MultiChoice-Radio **question type
Use the Question Text text box to create a question. By default there four options available for the possible answers. Type your options in the text box **Option 1 - Option 4. ** To choose the right answer click the check box Correct Answer with respect to options.
The Add more Options text box can be used to add more options to the question. The student view for this question type will a multiple choice radio button menu.
MultiAnswer Question
Click the drop-down menu and select **MultiAnswer **question type
Use the Question Text text box to create a question. By default there four options available for the possible answers. Type your options in the text box **Option 1 - Option 4. ** To choose the right answer click the check box Correct Answer with respect to options.
The Add more Options text box can be used to add more options to the question. The student view for this question type will a multiple choice drop-down menu with an option to choose multiple answers.
Click the drop-down menu and select **Regex-Question **question type. Use the Question Text text box to create a regex question. Enter the possible answer for the regex question in the Answer text box. Use the **Input your Regex ** textbox to create your regex.
[To Do: The regex java code has to be checked. ]
Save Question
[To Do: Submit can be changed to Save or Update Question]
[describe the QTI-2.0 standard and what it supports. Does it cover all the features we have in our project? Can it be used to represent our quizzes? If not we will have to do our own]
[Describe LTI and how we can build a link to click from Canvas and Get into LiquiZ]
[this should describe how Tim’s current code loads/saves XML.]
[describe the current database design. show the table structure, describe how to get objects in RAM to the database. What cases do we need to support? Create a quiz, Edit an existing quiz, delete a quiz, Create a question, edit a question, add a question to a quiz, ….]
An assessment program deals with dynamic data. Users continually create new entities (quizzes, questions, etc), and other users, generally students, take quizzes, generating responses which must be recorded. The individual answers should be associated with a session (IP address) and each question should have an associated time. An interesting question is where this time comes from (see the section on time synchronization).
There are three major database architectures. First, everything can be dynamically pulled from the database. In this case, every time
Every event that is of security interest should be logged. This is primarily when questions are being answered. The time standard used should probably be based on the server clock because the client clock can be manipulated. Possibly we could also stored local client time to learn something about latency, but we can never be sure that client time is not being modified by a user.
The database uses a generalized structure in order to be able to fit different types of questions and answers in the same tables. Entity tables include Users, Courses, Quizzes, Questions, Answers, etc, each of which have a primary key marked in red. Some limitations of SQL databases force certain design features. For example, strings in most databases are limited to approximately 255 characters. [In MySQL?] Strings that are longer are stored as blobs and are not stored inline, dramatically reducing speed. So for any strings we have that may exceed the limit, we have a table design that spreads the string over multiple rows. For example, DisplayElements contains multiple DispElSeq that each contain a sequence number in addition to the string. Separate entities are connected by linking tables such as CoursesQuizzes, QuesAnsSeq, etc. These latter two use "foreign keys" (though not designated as such in the database) marked in blue.
The full diagram of the table structure is shown below.
Courses - Courses created by instructors that contain many quizzes
CourseID - Auto incremented primary key
Name - The name of the course
Privacy - A 4-character string representing a privacy setting
CoursesQuizzes - Connects courses and quizzes, which share a many to many relationship
Course - Connects to Courses.CourseID
Quiz - Connects to Quizzes.QuizID
Sequence - To allow customized ordering of quizzes within a course
Quizzes - Contains all information about a quiz
QuizID - Auto incremented primary key
Name - The name of the course
Desc - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID to provide a description of the quiz
Policy - Connects to Policies.PolID to designate a policy for the quiz
Privacy - A 4-character string representing a privacy setting
Policies - A group of settings for a quiz
PolID - Auto incremented primary key
Name - The name of the policy
Attempts - How many times a student can take the quiz
Timed - A boolean representing whether there is a time limit
TimeLimit - The number of minutes the student has to take the quiz (??) Is there are need for smaller denominations? Is there a need for hour-or-longer time limits? (keep in mind 3600 seconds/hour)
ShowAns - A boolean representing whether the answers should be shown after the student attempts the quiz
Scored - A boolean representing whether the grade on the quiz should count for the student’s grade
Grade - (??) I think this was level but now I don’t remember...
ShuffleQues - A boolean representing whether the order of the questions should change for every instance
ShuffleAns - A boolean representing whether the order of the answer choices should change for every instance
AccessCode - Allows for the instructor to set an access code that the student must provide in order to take the quiz
(??) are policies unique to users or courses?
QuizzesQuesCons - Connects quizzes and question containers, which share a many-to-many relationship
Quiz - Connects to Quizzes.QuizID
QuesCon - Connects to QuesCon.QuesConID
Sequence - To save the order of question containers within the quiz
QuesCon - A "QuesCon" is a container contains the problem like "What's your name. " and the box need to fill or choices could be chosen. Has only one column to keep track of question container ID’s and allow for auto increment.
- QuesConID - Auto incremented primary key
QuesConElements -
QuesCon - Connects to QuesCon.QuesConID
Sequence - The element’s sequence within the question container
Element - A row in this table can either use this field to put a display element in the question container or...
Ques - Use this field to put a question in the question container
Type - A 4-character string to designate the row as containing either a question or a display element (!!)should be a bit/boolean instead. DE types are stored elsewhere
Questions - Contains information about the question in a question container. A "question" is actually a radio box, a blank box need to fill text or one choice of a single choice or multiple choice selection.
QuesID - Auto incremented primary key
Points - How many points the question is worth (??) if question containers are to be reused, should their point value really be in the questions table?
Level - The level of difficulty of the question (??) same comment as above
Qtype - The type of question (e.g., multiple choice, fill-in)
QuesAnsSeq - Connects questions to individual answers, answer choices, or individual choices within a standard set. Questions and standard choices share a many to many relationship, and regular answers are treated similarly though they should be one to many
Ques - Connects to Questions.QuesID
Ans - Connects to Answers.AnsID. If and only if this field is not used, the following two should be used
StdSet - Connects to StdSet.StdSetID
StdChoice - Connects to StdChoices.Sequence
Correct - A boolean that designates whether the answer or standard choice selected is the correct answer to the question
Answers - Contains information about answer choices
AnsID - Auto incremented primary key
Response - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID to represent a response that a student will receive if s/he chooses this option
Element - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID to designate the visual representation of this answer choice
LowBound, HighBound - These fields are used to designate numeric answer choices within a range
(!!)add step and other numeric options
StdSet - A standard set of grouped standard choices
StdSetID - Auto incremented primary key
Name - The name of the set
(??) should these be global or specific to a user or course? support both?
StdChoices - The choices in a standard set
StdSetID - Connects to StdSet.StdSetID
Element - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID
Sequence - To allow the choices to be ordered in a specific way within the set
StudentResponses - Records students’ responses to specific questions
Student - Connects to Users.UserID
Ques - Connects to Questions.QuesID
Response - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID to store the response of the student
Correct - To store whether this answer was correct or not
Users - An entity table for all system users
UserID - Auto incremented primary key
FirstName, LastName - strings to represent the user’s name
Username, Password - Login information
Email - the email address of the user
StudentGrades - Records students’ grades in courses
Student - Connects to Users.UserID
Course - Connects to Courses.CourseID (not shown on diagram but is in code)
Grade - The numeric grade
UserPermissions - Gives users permissions over certain entities
User - connects to Users.UserID
Entity - connects to the primary key of whatever the user is being connected to
EType - a 4-character string that identifies what ‘Entity’ is being connected to
Permissions - an 8-bit integer representing the permissions that the user has over the entity. Each bit represents a different permission
StudentQuizScores - Records students’ scores on individual quizzes
Student - connects to Users.UserID
Quiz - Connects to Quizzes.QuizID
Score - the score received
DisplayElements - Entity table for display elements
DispElID - Auto incremented primary key
Type - A 4-character string representing the type of display element (e.g., text, audi, vide, imag)
DispElSeq - Contains what should be displayed for display elements. This must be a separate table because text must be broken up, creating a one to many relationship between the display elements and the string segments
DispEl - Connects to DisplayElements.DispElID
Element - A string that represents text to be shown or the name of the file to be loaded
Sequence - To keep the string segments in order
[Put brief description for each entity what it means (one sentence typically)
StudentQuizScores should include sequence number (student can take the same quiz multiple times
StudentGrades should have Course
StudentResponses should track individual response to each question
We need a diagramming tool so we stay in sync!
Green indicates a Display Element, which connects to DisplayElements.DispElID. There were simply too many Display Elements to draw lines from each one to the DisplayElements table. ] Notes:
StudentGrades also has a Course column after Student but it is missing from the diagram
UserPermissions exists… but is currently underdeveloped in both Java and the database.
The database may need additional tables in order to support more complex question types
Java connects to the MySQL database using JDBC. Methods are organized into classes Database, Check, Create, Load, Edit, and Delete.
Encapsulates access to the database. Contains methods that facilitate multiple connections, sharing those connections and not having to continually allocate new ones.
A reference that contains examples and explanations of how to use JDBC and the DatabaseMgr methods.
contains ArrayLists for each entity table in the database as well as setters and getters for each ArrayList. "Database" and “Database ArrayLists” (with a capital “D”) will refer to this class and “the database” (with a lowercase “d”) will refer to the MySQL database.
currently contains only one method to check whether a set of inputted user credentials is valid.
contains four different types of methods.
create* methods add rows to entity tables.
fill* methods are used with Display Elements, Standard Choice Sets, Question Containers…
link* methods update linking tables like CoursesQuizzes.
record* methods deal with student records.
At the end of the class is a list of methods to be completed.
has three different types of methods.
Methods for Users, Courses, Quizzes, Question Containers (and more) take no parameters and return nothing. They simply load all rows in the database to the ArrayLists in the Database class when called. (!!)loadStdChoice and loadPolicy must be changed in order to fit this category of methods.
Methods for Display Elements, Answers, and Questions take an ID as an integer parameter and put the requested object in the Database class ArrayList, then return the requested object. As Question Containers are being loaded, they will load the necessary Display Elements and Questions - which would load the necessary Answers - so it would be unnecessary and repetitive to access the database both when calling these methods and when calling the loadQuesCon method.
Alternatively, all methods can be made to fit the first category and reference the Database ArrayLists when they need to load something rather than going to the database. For example, Question Containers would need to load the Display Elements and Questions it is supposed to contain. Currently, loadQuesCon uses the loadDispEl and loadQues methods in order to retrieve the needed Display Elements and Questions but adjustments can be made so that when loadQuesCon runs, the Database.displayables and Database.questions would already be updated and able to be accessed through getDisp() and getQues(). This option would entail careful attention to the order that the load methods are run in order to ensure that no method is looking for an entity in an empty or out-of-date ArrayList!
Finally, the last type would deal with student records. As of yet, these methods simply return the requested entity as there is no Database class equivalent for student record tables in the database. The issue is that student records must associate Users with Questions, Quizzes, or Courses (for student responses, student grades on a quiz, and student overall grades in a course). Once this issue is resolved, these methods too should load everything when called.
should contain methods to update table rows when entities are edited. Currently, (!!)very little progress has been made in this class.
should contain methods to delete rows and all associated rows when entities are deleted. (Ex: When a question container is deleted, corresponding QuizzesQuesCons rows must also be deleted). (!!)This class has no progress thus far.
[three ways to make LiquiZ faster. The basic way is to load an entity (like a quiz) every time someone wants it and print a page. The second way is to preload everything into RAM, and do everyone out of RAM, but then we have to save everything that changes to database so that the next time, it is available in case the server crashes. The third optimization (independent of the other two) is to pre-generate quizzes as HTML and require only that the user ask with a password. Can we send out to a third party under a random name as Stephen suggested? I don’t know. For example, if we do, that might mean someone can take the quiz more times than permitted, or that they can pass the link to other people who can see without logging in.]
LiquiZ uses these methods in order to boost performance.
The first involves how entities are accessed. One option is to load them from the database when they are requested by a user. With this option, a user request to view a quiz would call a method to access the database and create a Quiz object along with the necessary Question and Displayable objects. Another option is to preload all entities in the database into RAM. The Database class in the database package contains ArrayLists that align with the database tables. When LiquiZ starts, the program loops through all entries in the tables and puts corresponding objects into the ArrayLists. This presents the issue that when a user creates, edits, or deletes an entity, or when a student takes a quiz, both the object in RAM and the database entries must be updated.
We went with the second option. The Load class contains methods that loop through all Users, Policies, Question Containers, Quizzes, and Courses and put them in the Database ArrayLists. These methods should run in this order so that, for example, a question container needed by a quiz can be accessed through the Database class rather than by querying the database again and creating another object. All other entities - Questions, Answers, Standard Choice Sets, and Display Elements are loaded as they are needed when loading Question Containers rather than all in order. Since all of these are elements of a Question Container and would not exist on their own, all of them should be loaded provided all Question Containers are successfully loaded.
LiquiZ can be further improved by having quizzes generate HTML as they are made so they are available when needed rather than having to go through writeHTML methods for all entities related to the quiz in order to finally display the requested quiz. With this method, the user need only verify login before viewing the pre-generated page.
[In the future, we should be able to import from any LMS. But with limited resources, we are going to focus on the one in which I already have quizzes -- Canvas.] Describe the process by which your program reads in the XML from Canvas, converts it to our XML, and loads it in.
Note that this should not be written until you do it. This depends on the QTI-2.0 task, and on writing a program to actually load from Canvas to ours.]