FANFAR Hydrological Modelling Application - 10 day forecast
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Submitting the workflow
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- License
- Funding
To run this application you will need a Developer Cloud Sandbox that can be requested at support (at)
A Developer Cloud Sandbox provides Earth Sciences data access services, and helper tools for a user to implement, test and validate a scalable data processing application. It offers a dedicated virtual machine and a Cloud Computing environment. The virtual machine runs in two different lifecycle modes: Sandbox mode and Cluster mode. Used in Sandbox mode (single virtual machine), it supports cluster simulation and user assistance functions in building the distributed application. Used in Cluster mode (a set of master and slave nodes), it supports the deployment and execution of the application with the power of distributed computing for data processing over large datasets (leveraging the Hadoop Streaming MapReduce technology).
Requirements of the application in terms of software packages:
- miniconda
- gfortran compiler
- R and the rciop package, and the following R packages (conda and terradue compilations)
r-rciop r-data.table r-sp r-rgdal r-rgeos r-ncdf4 r-raster r-maptools r-foreign r-lmomco geos=3.5.0 gcc=4.8.5
geos version due to gdal.
gcc version due to HYPE 5.8.0, to build executable in sandbox and newer version of during run-time.
To install these packages, run the simple steps below on the Developer Cloud Sandbox shell:
To install anaconda:
sudo yum install -y miniconda proj libgfortran hdf5 netcdf
#Downgrade proj from version 4.8 to 4.7
sudo yum downgrade proj
Add anaconda binaries to PATH:
export PATH=/opt/anaconda/bin/:$PATH
To install R and rciop:
sudo conda install -c r r-essentials
sudo conda install -c r -c terradue r-rciop
To install an R package from default channel or from Terradue channel:
sudo conda install -c r <package>
sudo conda install -c r -c terradue <package>
- Separate R installation with Cairo package to enable plotting (Cairo provides a graphic device, which is otherwise missing on the sandbox... no X11 there. Unfortunately, Cairo and rgdal have conflicting dependancies to jpeglib version 8 and 9, so the current workaround is to run the plotting in a separate R environment with only Cairo (and sp and data.table) installed).
To run the application a HYPE model application is needed. The Niger-HYPE model was used in the development of the application. However, the Niger-HYPE model is not open access, and the use of Niger-HYPE must be discussed with SMHI.
The model input files should be stored in a model subfolder, with a folder name identical to the R variable
The R variable is set in the util/hypeapps-enviroment.R script, under "Model settings".
Appart from the standard HYPE input files located in the model folder defined above, the following input files are required:
INFO.TXT TEMPLATES: there should be two templates for info.txt, one for hindcast and one for forecast:
hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/model/my-hype/info-hindcast.txt hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/model/my-hype/info-forecast.txt
SHAPEFILE: A shapefile with the model sub-basin polygons should also be included in the model folder:
For map plots, it is furthermore necessary to prepare a Rdata file with the shapefile imported as a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
(there is a small utility r script that can be used, hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/util/R/hypeapps-make-model.shp.rdata.R)
HYPE2CSV: A text file with information needed to transform HYPE model outputs to the TEP time-series csv format should be located in a sub-folder called hype2csv:
The textfile []2csv.txt should have the following structure with one entry for each sub-basin in the model:
SUBID CENTERX CENTERY POURX POURY LON LAT ELEV 12388 -0.16042 17.525 -0.125 17.5125 -0.145408 17.526332 307 ..
- RETURN PERIOD LEVELS: For generation of river discharge forecast warning levels, a default file with corresponding return period levels should be provided as follows:
The textfile should have 4 columns, one for the subbasin identifier (SUBID), and three for selected flow levels, from which the warning levels 1-3 should be identified:
SUBID RP2 RP5 RP30 12388 0.02 0.13 0.86 ..
The number in column name (RP2, RP5, etc) will be interpreted as the return period in years associated with the return level (aka warning level).
Data sources for meteorological data is selected by the R variable in util/hypeapps-enviroment.R.
Currently, two data sources are available: = "local" will use the local file hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/gfd/[]/hindcast/
and = "hydro-smhi" will request from the TEP data catalogue.
However, currently there is only data for the Niger-HYPE model at the TEP data catalogue.
The HYPE model source code is included in the package, but the executable must be built.
After installing the package (see further below), build the HYPE executables with the following commands:
cd hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/util/fortran
Two executable files should now have been built and copied to the following location:
hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/util/bin/hype-4.12.0 hypeapps-forecast/src/main/app-resources/util/bin/hype_assimilation
Please also note that after installation, the file permission must be manually set on these files:
cd hypeapps-forecast
mvn clean
mvn install
chmod +x /application/util/bin/*
Log on the Developer Cloud Sandbox.
Install the package by running this command in a shell:
sudo yum -y install hypeapps-forecast
At this stage there are no releases yet
Install the pre-requisites as instructed above.
Log on the Developer Cloud Sandbox and run these commands in a shell:
git clone
sudo conda install -y --file fanfar-forecast/src/main/app-resources/dependencies/R/packages.list
cd fanfar-forecast
mvn clean install
Please note the information above regarding the HYPE model applicaton and how to build and install the HYPE model executable files.
To submit the application with its default parameters, run the command below in the Developer Cloud Sandbox shell:
Or invoke the Web Processing Service via the Sandbox dashboard.
To learn more and find information go to
- David Gustafsson ( david [dot] gustafsson [at] smhi [dot] se )
- Jafet Andersson ( jafet [dot] andersson [at] smhi [dot] se )
- Frida Gyllensv�rd ( frida [dot] gyllensvard [at] smhi [dot] se )
Please file any bugs or questions as issues or send in a pull request if you corrected any.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0:
Put here any information about the funding.