Lex Iterata is a project to collect and transform the content of the Belgian Official Journal web site. It presents that content in an enhanced format for human comprehension, while also providing structured data tailored for machine consumption. This Git repository stores the original content, as downloaded from the Belgian Official Journal web site, and converted to UTF-8.
Normally, for any given file, something like the following commands should return no differences:
$ curl -s https://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/eli/ordonnance/2019/04/25/2019012116/justel | iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf-8 > a
$ git diff --no-index texts/2019/01/2019012116.html a
Note: In practice, differences can occur: we don't recreate the whole collection of files when we update this repository (we add missing files from time to time), but the documents on the Belgian Official Journal can change.
This repository contains 206176 legislative texts.
Last updated: 2025-01-16.