This native extension brings you Apple Push Notification Service for iOS and Google Cloud Messaging for Android. The iOS part is based on Easy APNs. The Android part is based on the GCM Demo Application.
For the APNs server you can use Easy APNs.
There is an include.nmml file and ndll are compiled for:
- ios armv6
- ios armv7
- android armv6
You can't use notification in the iOS simulator
class TestHypNotif {
var hn = new HypNotif( "http", "", "/notification", "/register", "/unregister" );
hn.connect( <user id> );
You pass your server URL to the constructor with:
- the protocol
- the host name
- the path on your server
- the register end point
- the unregister end point (for android only)
When the device is registered it sends to the server the following values:
- the name of the OS ("and" or "ios")
- the prefered language of the system
- the package name of the application
- the version of the application
- the device name
- the device model
- the device version
- a device unique id (the register ID for android)
- the device token (only for ios)
- for iOS, if user allow badges, alerts and/or sounds
- a custom user id
On Android when the stopNotif method is called it sends the following values:
- the package name of the application
- the version of the application
- a device unique id (the register ID for android)
- a custom user id
Made at Hyperfiction
Developed by :
This work is under BSD simplified License.