Dynamic Menu System Inspired by How to Make a Menu System (with Submenus) in GameMaker Studio 2! which was created by Peyton Burnham.
Peyton has no affiliation with this project. However, I prefer to give credit where credit is due, and he did inspire me. Would you mind watching Peyton's tutorial as this work builds upon his? He probably does a better job explaining this than my measly comments will.
If you need assistance with this project, please open an issue, and I'll get to it when I can. I do have a full-time job, so that might take a bit of time. Hopefully, this project will help someone.
- How to Make a Menu System (with Submenus) in GameMaker Studio 2!
- Public Domain Haeres Letter Font
- customFont - the font referenced above.
- Do not tick copy to project or compilation fails. If anyone knows why, I'd love to to know how to fix it.
- This allows us to not have to create a font sprite, which was nice in my use case.
- objMenu
- All of the logic, setup, and display happens here.
- rmTitleScreen
- A room to hold our menu object.
- sprMenuBackground
- A simple sprite made using PIXILART and 9 slicing.
- datafiles/Menu System.exe
- In case you want to see it in action without compiling.