'Sign in with Google' for Pyramid.
To use pyramid-googleauth with your Pyramid app:
Register a Google OAuth client:
Create a new Google Cloud Platform project.
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate and create a new project, or use an existing Google Cloud Platform project.
Configure the project's OAuth consent screen settings:
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent and make sure the correct project is selected from the projects dropdown menu in the top left.
Under User Type select Internal and then click CREATE.
Note that Internal means that only users within the Google organization that contains the project will be able to log in. If you want anyone to be able to log in to your app with their Google account you have to select External.
Fill out the app name, user support email and other fields and click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
On the Scopes screen click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES, select the
scopes, and click UPDATE and SAVE AND CONTINUE.
Configure the project's Credentials settings:
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials and make sure the correct project is selected from the projects dropdown menu in the top left.
Under Application type select Web application.
Enter a Name.
Under Authorized redirect URIs click ADD URI and enter
. -
Note the Client ID and Client Secret that are created for you. You'll need to use these for the
settings in your app.
Add pyramid-googleauth to your app's Python requirements.
Add pyramid-googleauth to your app's code:
Your app needs to set a session factory, a security policy, and a handful of pyramid-googleauth settings, before doing
. See the example app for a working example to copy from.
First you'll need to install:
- Git.
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install git
, on macOS:brew install git
. - GNU Make.
This is probably already installed, run
make --version
to check. - pyenv. Follow the instructions in pyenv's README to install it. The Homebrew method works best on macOS. The Basic GitHub Checkout method works best on Ubuntu. You don't need to set up pyenv's shell integration ("shims"), you can use pyenv without shims.
Then to set up your development environment:
git clone https://github.com/hypothesis/pyramid-googleauth.git
cd pyramid-googleauth
make devdata
make help
First, to get PyPI publishing working you need to go to: https://github.com/organizations/hypothesis/settings/secrets/actions/PYPI_TOKEN and add pyramid-googleauth to the
secret's selected repositories. -
Now that the pyramid-googleauth project has access to the
secret you can release a new version by just creating a new GitHub release. Publishing a new GitHub release will automatically trigger a GitHub Actions workflow that will build the new version of your Python package and upload it to https://pypi.org/project/pyramid-googleauth.
To change what versions of Python the project uses:
Change the Python versions in the cookiecutter.json file. For example:
"python_versions": "3.10.4, 3.9.12",
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request
To change the production dependencies in the setup.cfg
Change the dependencies in the
file. If this file doesn't exist yet create it and add some dependencies to it. For example:pyramid sqlalchemy celery
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request
To change the project's formatting, linting and test dependencies:
Change the dependencies in the
file. If this file doesn't exist yet create it and add some dependencies to it. Use tox's factor-conditional settings to limit which environment(s) each dependency is used in. For example:lint: flake8, format: autopep8, lint,tests: pytest-faker,
Re-run the cookiecutter template:
make template
Commit everything to git and send a pull request