IPFS experiment code file
It shows communication between 2 raspberri pi clients, 1 command_client, and 1 main server.
- Script Setting
- basic script file is command.txt
- A B C (A is node's order. B is option number where 0 is parallel and 1 is sequential. C is command line.
- 'head -c 1024 < /dev/urandom > test_file1' is generating 1024 Bytes file as test_file1.
- 'ipfs add test_file1' is uploading the test_file1 in IPFS environment.
- 'ipfs cat $1 > read_file1' is downloading the file from other nodes connecting in IPFS environment.
Environment setting
- We need total 4 terminals to implement testing
- We need to install some packages in raspberry pi environment
- pip3 install pandas
- sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
- pip3 install os
- pip3 install psutil
- python3 Main_server.py
- python3 rc_0.py info.csv
- python3 rc_1.py info.csv
- python3 Comm_client.py info.csv command.txt
- If you do 'Ctrl-C' Comm_client.py, terminal is terminated and generates the csv file including the command, timestamp, and results.
- reset.py is the file that removes the files in .ipfs/blocks in order to reduce the embedded device's capacity and adds the SHARDING file because IPFS needs the file in .ipfs/blocks.