Module for the Silverstripe CMS that adds content manageable messages to a site (that can be closed by via a user) via a template variable.
This module was created by i-lateral.
Preferable you should installl this via composer using:
# composer require "i-lateral/silverstripe-systemmessages:0.*"
Alternativley install this module by downloading and adding to:
Then run:
# sake dev/build flush=1
Once installed, you must add the template variable:
to any templates you require messages to appear on.
You can manage messages in the admin area using the "Messages" tab.
By default, system messages uses lightbox_me for modal messages. This can be disabled in the config for using your own jquery, disabling this will give the message the default bootstrap modal classes.
use_default_js: false
SystemMessages::config()->use_default_js = false;
All HTML uses bootstrap class names as well as custom system message ones but the modal box will not auto open on load.
To enable modal auto opening on load, change the use_bootstrap config variable:
use_bootstrap: true
SystemMessages::config()->use_bootstrap = true;