Releases: i-love-flamingo/dingo
Version v0.3.0 (2024-11-27)
Chores and tidying
- deps: update module to v1.10.0 (#69) (ef77a75)
- update to go 1.22 and adjust linter rules (#67) (5f499b2)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (#60) (8e15da8)
- deps: update actions/setup-go action to v5 (#61) (d87ff51)
- deps: update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v6 (#66) (bc363bf)
- deps: update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5 (#65) (99893da)
- deps: update module to v1.9.0 (#63) (a327329)
- update to go 1.21 minimum (#64) (e7b3183)
- deps: update module to v1.8.4 (#59) (8b5d6f5)
- add regex to detect go run/install commands (88d1162)
- deps: update module to v1.8.2 (#55) (34f5abd)
- deps: update actions/setup-go action to v4 (#56) (c617aa9)
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v4 by @renovate in #56
- chore(deps): update module to v1.8.2 by @renovate in #55
- chore: add regex to detect go run/install commands by @tessig in #58
- chore(deps): update module to v1.8.4 by @renovate in #59
- chore: update to go 1.21 minimum by @tessig in #64
- chore(deps): update module to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #63
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v5 by @renovate in #65
- chore(deps): update golangci/golangci-lint-action action to v6 by @renovate in #66
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v5 by @renovate in #61
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #60
- chore: update to go 1.22 and adjust linter rules by @tessig in #67
- chore(deps): update module to v1.10.0 by @renovate in #69
- feat(dingo): introduce injection tracing by @IvanMaidurov in #68
- Release v0.3.0 by @github-actions in #57
New Contributors
- @IvanMaidurov made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: v0.2.10...v0.3.0
Version v0.2.10 (2022-11-04)
- deps: update module to v1.7.1 (75d2132)
Ops and CI/CD
- adjust gloangci-lint config for github actions (72b6052)
- make "new-from-rev" work for golangci-lint (76e21ab)
- remove unnecessary static checks (now handled by golangci-lint) (2683828)
- introduce golangci-lint (213edd3)
- github: update CI pipeline (f8a4619)
- semanticore: change default branch (263538d)
- semanticore: add semanticore (10133af)
- switch to GitHub Actions, bump go versions and deps (#24) (6df0d34)
Chores and tidying
- deps: update irongut/codecoveragesummary action to v1.3.0 (#46) (7aae236)
- deps: update module to v1.8.1 (#49) (00c4e9e)
- bump to go1.18 (a3c98a7)
- bump to go1.18 (aae7696)
- deps: update module to v1.8.0 (#44) (b5fdfaa)
- renovate: use chore commit message (c4ee666)
- deps: update actions/setup-go action to v3 (47d41e9)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v3 (4a2de87)
- deps: add renovate.json (6a6974a)
- update readme (b6cd3f7)
- Add Testcase and handle pointer to interfaces in a guard clause (339d558)
- [#7]: failing on usage of struct receiver in 'Inject' method (bea6ce0)
- remove unnecessary continue in dingo.go (a85f833)
- require go 1.13 (76908a0)
What's Changed
- require go 1.13 by @bastianccm in #21
- ci: switch to GitHub Actions, bump go versions and deps by @carstendietrich in #24
- remove unnecessary continue in dingo.go by @eastfisher in #25
- ci(semanticore): add semanticore by @bastianccm in #35
- ci(semanticore): change default branch by @bastianccm in #36
- ci(github): update CI pipeline by @bastianccm in #39
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #38
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3 by @renovate in #41
- fix(deps): update module to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #40
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-go action to v3 by @renovate in #43
- chore(deps): update module to v1.8.0 by @renovate in #44
- chore: bump to go1.18 by @tessig in #47
- ci: introduce golangci-lint by @tessig in #48
- chore(deps): update module to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #49
- chore(deps): update irongut/codecoveragesummary action to v1.3.0 by @renovate in #46
- 7 invalid inject by @tristanessquare in #52
- Add Testcase and handle pointer to interfaces in a guard clause by @danielpoe in #50
- Release v0.2.10 by @github-actions in #37
New Contributors
- @carstendietrich made their first contribution in #24
- @eastfisher made their first contribution in #25
- @renovate made their first contribution in #38
- @tristanessquare made their first contribution in #52
- @danielpoe made their first contribution in #50
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: v0.2.9...v0.2.10
change license to MIT
Dingo does not parse command line flags anymore, instead one has to set EnableCircularTracing
Dingo now has errors in NewInjector, Child, GetInstance, GetAnnotatedInstance and RequestInjection.
Also the error handling has been revisited, to be more precise and clear in error situations.
panic() only happens in case of Bind(nil) and if providers don't accept errors.
Providers can now be of type somethingProvider() Something
or somethingProvider() (Something, error)
, second case doesn't panic, but returns an error if resolving/providing fails.
Fix circular tracing for Providers
v0.1.5 do not trace circular dependencies with Providers (#9)
Example and proper go.mod
v0.1.4 add go.mod and example
Use sync.Map for singleton instances
Instead of managing multiple maps, the singleton's instances should be stored in a sync.Map to avoid races when reading/writing different singleton types at the same time.
Bugfix: singleton data race
Fixes a data race for singleton scoped instances
Initial Release
Initial Release of Dingo