Kotlin optimizations and best practices book
- Disposable is resources (object) that have close() or dispose() method
return try{
}catch(e: Exception){
Kotlin has extension function for this: File().inputStream().bufferedREader().use { it.readLine() }
- State of an object cannot be changed after it is initialized
- We can use those objects safely for key in a map
data class Immutable(val name: String) - decompiles to final class with private final String name, initialized in constructor, overriden hashCode and equals. Data classes also create copy() method.
- copy method of immutable object allows us tor create new instance with same state or pass parameter.
Creating string with: val str = "A" instead of val str = String("A") puts the string in string pool. Special section of the memory for unique strings.
intern method You can push a string to string pool using .intern() method: val a = String("a") a.intern()
Comparing by references take less time than comparing by equals()
StringBuilder (not thread safe) val cat = "Cat" cat.plus("Dog") - creates new String
Don't use concatination "a" + "b" use string templates "$a $b" - under the hood it uses StringBuilder In multithreaded environment use String Buffer.
- Write in declarative style (concentrate on business logic). Code describes what it does.
pure functions Result of the function depend on parameters, no shared state. Examples kotlin.math
first-class functions Function outside of object. Not a class member. All pure functions should be declared that way.
higher-order functions Functions that take functions as parameters or return type. Strategy pattern. -> interface CompressionStrategy: ZipImplementation. Archiver class that holds it - set strategy, get strategy, archive(). This pattern in Kotlin can be implemented on one line.
inline fun File.archive(strategy: () -> File): File = strategy()
Inline functions - Use Inline with high order functions otherwise function is wrapped inside object.
function composition Avoid code as students.filter(name > "i").filter(age < 19). Use instead:
fun predicate(student) = ageLessThan19() && firstNameStartsWith(J) students.filter(::predicate)
- typeclasses
- Lambdas
Capturing lambdas val lambda = { lambda body } lambda()
This creates a lot of code in java. so preferrably - don't use it.
- Closures
- Immutability
- Prefer read-only view collections over mutable ones
- with ArrayList use while loop
- Use sequences (o..1_000_00).asSequence().filter().map
- Field vs Property - field is class variable that holds value, property has getter and setter
- Access field without getter in Kotlin using backing properties.
private var _text //backing property var text: String //property get(){ return _text set(value){ _text = value
And inside the class use _text (no getter will be called)
- @JvmField annotation
Declares a field without getter and setter Point(3, 4) p.x = 10
To declare this class wothout getter and setter use class Point(@JvmField var x, @JvmField var y)
Top-level members Strive to declare those inide one file
Compile time constants Use const modifier
lateinit modifier Better don't use it
Extremely powerful feature of Kotlin
- Singleton delegate object
- Create delegate:
object CalculatorBrain : Calculator{ override calculate() } - Use delegate
class UseDelegate() : Calculator by CalculatorBrain
this will pass Calculator Brain in the constructor
We can use this with property:
object SingletonDelegate : ReadOnlyProperty<> get value ..
val property by SingletonDelegate
- Delegate object with generic class GenericDelegate : RreadOnlyProperty, T?>
Use it:
val property by GenericDelegate()
! It is better to do not use Generics, use separate classes insted - IntDelegate, FloatDelegate..
- Don't use nullable types with ranges
- use range.asSequence() - it is very fast
Process asynchronious events on different threads Single.fromCallabe{ bake() }.subscribeOn(Scheduler.computation)
Observable.range(0, amount).flatMapSingle{}
Synchronize the work of several threads
val lock = Lock() Observable.range().doAfterTerminate { lock.unlock() } lock.lock()
Use coroutines to synchronize asynchronous code runBlocking{ (0 until amount).map { async {baker.bake() }.map {it.await()} }
You can use existing RX code with coroutines with use of library - kotlinx-coroutines-rx2
Use actor pattern to avoid shared, mutable state between threads