Checkout the new version of Textmani, cleaner implementation with Reactjs, and new features added (Language detector, Text diffing tool)
Count words, fix capitalization, replace words, scramble text, generate dummy text and more. Live example
Convert Case: Easily change capitalization case to lowercase, uppercase, or capitalize case.
Count Matches for: Will return the number of characters and words that matches the provided text, in the status box.
Replace X with Y: Will search and replace the text with the given strings, and display the number of executions in the status box.
Remove Something: Removes a string from the entire text, as many times as it occurs.
Scrambling text:
Letters: Will shuffle the order of every letter in each word
Words: Will shuffle the order of every word in the text
Sentences: Will separate the text by any comma or dot, then shuffle the order
Fast Lorem Ipsum text generator. Lorem Ipsum text is just a dummy text, also called placeholder (or filler) text. It's a convenient tool for mock-ups. It helps to outline the visual elements of a document or presentation, eg typography, font, or layout.
The Lorem Ipsum text generated in this website is a greatley distorted version of the Latin text by the classical author and philosopher Cicero.