Custom Laravel Nova map field using Vue2Leaflet. Supports Google Maps, marker clustering, height, zoom, latitude and longitude coordinates, GeoJSON, marker popup and custom marker icon.
Looking for a Laravel Nova map card? (
composer require imumz/leaflet-map
use Imumz\LeafletMap\LeafletMap
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
->height('400px') // default is 300px
By default the provider is OpenStreetMaps.
You must set your Google Maps API key (
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
->googleMapType('roadmap'), // roadmap, satellite or hybrid
The map will automatically center to the coordinates provided.
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
You have to manually set the GeoJson center.
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"popup": "I am a Popup"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
LeafletMap::make('Map View')
You can now pass additional parameters to set the icon size and anchor