2.13.0 (2019-07-31)
source: The projection option to instance a TMS and WMTS source is mandatory.
Code Refactoring
core: tile matrix set and projection/crs handling. (f5d8cac )
source: The projection option to instance a TMS and WMTS source is mandatory. (1f35627 )
layer: add full support to scaling for elevation layers (e736d1f ), closes #511
url: add sub-domains handling in url construction (5638615 ), closes #942
Bug Fixes
core: check if Mesh.material is an array in OBBHelper (69536f4 )
core: handle the case where the Mesh.material is an array (ddc820e )
process: wrong offset scale for elevation texture. (f191a74 )
test: core breaking changes after refactor TMS/Extent (b9f3b77 )
utils: preserve callback quaternion when we use CameraUtils. (d47da2a )
update THREE to r106.2 (e51ea8f )
md: add some testing tips for development (775c771 )
update npm packages. (044171f )
extent: add a test to get center for extrem cases (d305a6b )
unit: add GlobeView, feature process, point clould, 3dtiles test unit. (d7989d2 )
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