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Entity Relationship Diagram for Post Processing Database

Joshua Behler edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 5 revisions

gaze table: Table used to contain all gazes captured

  • event_time: unique id for each gaze recorded by the tracker (Windows OS file time resolution)
  • session_id: id referencing the session during which the gaze was captured (generated by iTrace)
  • calibration_id: id referencing the calibration used when gaze was captured (generated by iTrace)
  • participant_id: id referencing the participant who provided the gaze data (user defined)
  • tracker_time: time of gaze as given by the tracker
  • system_time: time of gaze as given by the OS system clock
  • x: horizontal screen coordinate of the gaze (calculated by iTrace)
  • y: vertical screen coordinate of the gaze (calculated by iTrace)
  • left_x: horizontal offset value of the left eye provided by the tracker
  • left_y: vertical offset value of the left eye provided by the tracker
  • left_pupil_diameter: diameter of left eye provided by tracker
  • left_validation: validation value for left eye data provided by tracker
  • right_x: horizontal offset value of the right eye provided by the tracker
  • right_y: vertical offset value of the right eye provided by the tracker
  • right_pupil_diameter: diameter of right eye provided by tracker
  • right_validation: validation value for right eye data provided by tracker
  • user_left_x: real world horizontal position of user's left eye with respect to the tracker's position
  • user_left_y: real world vertical position of user's left eye with respect to the tracker's position
  • user_left_z: real world distance of user's left eye from the tracker
  • user_right_x: real world horizontal position of user's right eye with respect to the tracker's position
  • user_right_y: real world vertical position of user's right eye with respect to the tracker's position
  • user_right_z: real world distance of user's right eye from the tracker

session table: Table used to contain details about a recording session. Starting tracking with the Core always creates a new session.

  • session_id: unique id value of a tracking session (generated by iTrace)
  • participant_id: id referencing the participant in the tracking session (User defined)
  • screen_width: width of the display used by the participant (display set as Primary in Windows)
  • screen_height: height of the display used by the participant (display set as Primary in Windows)
  • tracker_type: model type of the eye tracker used
  • tracker_serial_number: serial number of the tracker used
  • session_date: Unix timestamp representing the start of the tracking session
  • session_time: Unix timestamp representing the start of the tracking session
  • screen_recording_start: Unix timestamp representing the system start time for recorded video
  • task_name: user defined name of the task/study a participant is performing

fixation table: Table used to contain calculated fixations

  • fixation_id: unique id for the calculated fixation (generated by iTrace)
  • fixation_run_id: id referencing a particular run of the fixation filters (generated by iTrace)
  • fixation_start_event_time: event_time of the first gaze that belongs to this fixation
  • fixation_order_number: order of the fixation with respect to all fixations from a session of collected data
  • x: calculated horizontal screen position of the fixation
  • y: calculated vertical screen position of the fixation
  • fixation_target: file where the fixation lies
  • source_file_line: source file line that represents the fixation
  • source_file_col: source file column that represents the fixation
  • token: token representing the fixation
  • syntactic_category: syntactic context of the token (represented as a hierarchy)
  • xpath: XPath navigating to the token in the srcML version of the source code
  • left_pupil_diameter: diameter of left pupil during fixation
  • right_pupil_diameter: diameter of right pupil during fixation
  • duration: duration of the fixation

fixation_run table: Table used to data for a particular run of a fixation algorithm

  • fixation_run_id: unique id representing a run of a fixation filter (generated by iTrace)
  • session_id: id referencing the session data this fixation run processed
  • date_time: Unix timestamp when the data was generated
  • filter: fixation filter and settings used (comma separated)

fixation_gaze table: Table for a many to many relationship mapping gazes with their fixations

  • fixation_id: id referencing a fixation
  • event_time: id referencing a particular raw gaze data point

calibration table: Table used to contain a full calibration and information

  • calibration_id: unique id to represent a calibration activity as a Unix timestamp (generated by iTrace)

calibration_point table: Table used to contain all calibration point data provided by the tracker

  • calibration_point_id: unique id representing a specific point used for calibration (generated by iTrace)
  • calibration_id: id referencing a given instance of a calibration event
  • calibration_x: horizontal position being used for the calibration by the tracker
  • calibration_y: vertical position being used for the calibration by the tracker

calibration_sample table: Table used to contain samples used to determine calibration for a calibration point

  • calibration_point_id: id referencing a given calibration point
  • left_x: horizontal position of left eye observed by the tracker
  • left_y: vertical position of left eye observed by the tracker
  • left_validation: validation of left eye data
  • right_x: horizontal position of right eye observed by the tracker
  • right_y: vertical position of right eye observed by the tracker
  • right_validation: validation of right eye data

ide_context table: Table used to contain information pertaining to an IDE used during a session

  • event_time: id referencing a recorded gaze event
  • session_id: id referencing the session during which the context was captured (generated by iTrace)
  • time_stamp: Unix timestamp when the data was processed by the IDE plugin
  • ide_type: name of the IDE plugin providing the data
  • gaze_target: name of the file being observed
  • gaze_target_type: file type (extension) being observed
  • source_file_path: path of the source file being observed
  • source_file_line: line of the source file being observed
  • source_file_col: column of the source file being observed
  • editor_line_height: height of a line set in the editor
  • editor_font_height: height of the font used by the editor
  • editor_line_base_x: base x position of the line in the editor
  • editor_line_base_y: base y position of the line in the editor
  • source_token_type: (WORK IN PROGRESS)
  • source_token_xpath: XPath navigating to the token in the srcML version of the source code
  • source_token_syntactic_context: syntactic context of the token (represented as a hierarchy)

web_context table: Table used to contain information pertaining to a web browser used during a session (WORK IN PROGRESS)

  • event_time: id referencing a recorded gaze event
  • browser_type: browser use to capture plugin data
  • url: URL of the site being observed
  • tag: HTML web element tag

files table: Table containing information on the files who's data has been added to the database already, or has been used during analysis

  • file_hash: hash value for imported iTrace XML data file
  • session_id: id referencing the session during which the file is used in. Can be NULL for non-session related files (generated by iTrace)
  • file_full_path: path of the iTrace XML data imported
  • file_type: type of file (core, mcvs_plugin, chrome_plugin, etc)

participant table Table containing participant ids

  • participant_id: anonymous id for the participant
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