A starter template for a project using ReasonML to build a web client, and Elixir (Phoenix) to serve the client + API. This doesn't yet have any (tested) scripts for deployment to production - TBD...
npm start
: startsbsb
in watch mode, along with parcel in watch mode to bundle the compiled JS to a single file. Note currently if you don't also start the server, the compiled JS isn't served from anywhere.npm run server
: starts the Phoenix servernpm run dev
: run both the client compiliation + bundling in watch mode, and the server for the full dev pipeline.
- have Node, NPM, Elixir, Erlang deps installed (I use asdf)
- install ReasonML / other project dependencies with
npm install
- install Phoenix dependencies with
mix deps.get
- create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- run everything with
npm run dev
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Phoenix readme notes: "Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides."