My dotfiles
- Clone this repo into your home directory
- Run
- Old dotfiles will be in dotfiles_old, you can delete this if you are sure you won't need them anymore. Symlinks will be created from dotfiles to your home repo.
- If a ~/bin directory exists it will be renamed to bin_local (added to the path in bashrc)
Includes vim, tmux, and git configurations; bashrc, bash_aliases, and bash_functions; common utils in bin (included in PATH in bashrc)
- Defaults to 4-character wide tabs unless editing javascript or html.
- Leader key is the default \
- \l toggles showing tabs and eol characters
- S-motion will replace text with contents of a register see :h ReplaceWithRegister
- ^p searches the file tree by name
- Uses a custom colorscheme (iammer) based on vividchalk
- Maps jk to ^[ / esc
- Defaults / searchs to very magic
- Y yanks from cursor to end of line
- , and . indent/dedent in visual mode
- \ew edits a file in a new window
- \es edits a file in a new horizonal split
- \ev edits a file in a new vertical split
- \et edits a file in a new tab
- \em edits the current vimrc in a vertical split
- \sm refreshes config from the current vimrc
- \h turns off search highlighting
- \n toggles NERDTree
- \w toggles word wrapping
- \p toggles paste mode
- \m toggles numbering mode (absolute/relative)
- \o Adds a line below (does not start insert mode)
- \O Adds a line above (does not start insert mode)
- \f Easy-motion find by letter forward
- \F Eash-motion find by letter backward
- \[ Easy-motion by word forward
- \] Easy-motion by word backward (see :h easy-motion)
- ack.vim
- bufexplorer
- camelcasemotion
- ctrlp.vim
- ember.vim
- emmet-vim
- gist-vim
- nerdtree
- portkey
- ReplaceWithRegister
- rust.vim
- spin.vim
- vim-airline
- vim-coffee
- vim-colorschems
- vim-dispatch
- vim-easymotion
- vim-emblem
- vim-fugitive
- vim-jade
- vim-javascript
- vim-mustache-handlebars
- vim-pathogen
- vim-repeat
- vim-signify
- vim-surround
- webapi-vim
- vi mode buffers
- right part of status line created from output of ~/bin/tmux-status. Shows time and system load
- Select current pane with hjkl instead of arrow keys
- Vertical split with | and \
- ! goes to command prompt
- Panes can be resized with shift-hjkl for one step and ctrl-hjkl for five steps
- ctrl-u is a shortcut to ctrl-b ctrl-u
- R reloads config from tmux.conf
- Q splits the current pane into 4 "Quad"
- T splits the current pane into 3 "Tri"
- y/Y Toggle pane synchronization on (y) or off (Y)
- tmux will include ~/.tmux.local.conf if it exists
- Running tmSwapA from the command line will mark a pane for swapping
- Running tmSwapB <char> will bind the given char to swap the pane marked with tmSwapA with the current pane
- Running tmAvailKeys with list the unbound tmux keys
- up <num> will go to the numth parent of the current directory
- grailsTestOrder will list the last tests run in the current grails project in order
- [Desk] (
- [Z] (
Creates the needed symlinks. Run once after cloning the repo
Run to update dotfiles with most recent versions and to create any new symlinks